A lyrical celebration of the fail. Kessels finds a pleasant mix between showcasing artists of the imperfect with his personable advice on how to be creative (and how to live). Makes for an entertaining hour or so.

Book information

Other authors: Erik Kessels

Paperback, 165 pages

First published: 2016

Language: English

ISBN-13: 9780714871196
ISBN-10: 0714871192

Goodreads, Amazon, Bol.com, Libris

Status: Read

26-08-2016Finished reading
26-08-2016Started reading
Book cover


Failed it! celebrates the power of mistakes and shows how they can enrich the creative process. This is part photobook and part guide to loosening up and making mistakes to take the fear out of failure and encourage experimentation.

It showcases the best and most hilarious examples of imperfection and failure across a broad range of creative forms, including art, design, photography, architecture and product design, to inspire and encourage creatives to embrace and celebrate their mistakes.

We live in an era when everyone is striving for perfection and we have become afraid of failure, which limits our potential. Mistakes help us find new ways of thinking and innovative solutions, and failures can change our perceptions and open up new ways of looking things. This book transforms mistakes from something to be embarrassed about into a cause for celebration.

It includes over 150 visual examples drawn from Kessels personal collection of artworks and found photographs, along with tips, quotes, anecdotes and wisdom for celebrating with failure. To quote Kessels: 'the ubiquity of Apple + Z, means that we can literally undo any mistake before it has had time to breathe, be considered and - perhaps - evolve into something else: a fascinating, strange, provocative or even original piece of work. This book asks readers to embrace their fuck-ups, learn from them and celebrate their tawdry glory'.