An incredibly well-crafted book about an interesting new way of running organizations. Reading it you can feel that Robertson has done a lot of thinking about how to run (smallish) organizations and clearly has a lot of experience introducing organizations to the Holacracy concepts. There are many things in the book that would make any reflective practicioner think many times. The main appeals for me are the way it seems to manage to distribute authority, the clear distinction between governance and operations and the way it makes the organizational work impersonal (allowing for a different way of having personal relations) at work. All in all the book has inspired me to explore further. These ideas of course don't come out of nowhere (although many came from experimentation). It would have been nice if the book had sketched out the context of these philosophies a bit more (e.g. the relationship with agile development).

Book information

Paperback, 212 pages

First published: 2015

Language: English

ISBN-13: 9781627794282
ISBN-10: 162779428X

Goodreads, Amazon,, Libris

Status: Read

17-01-2016Finished reading
16-01-2016Started reading
31-07-2015Added to wishlist
Book cover


In Holacracy, Brian J Robertson outlines a ground-breaking approach to organisation: no managers, only roles. Holacracy is the opposite of the cliche way to run a start-up. It creates clarity: who is in charge of what, and who makes each kind of decision. (Evan Williams, cofounder of Blogger, Twitter and Medium). In traditional companies, managers make decisions, and workers execute the plan. But Holacracy is a revolutionary and tried-and-tested new system which turns everyone into a leader. The organisation looks like a nest of circles, not a pyramid - but it's not anarchy. It's finally clear who should make each decision - the person on the frontline has that authority - and the organisation succeeds by adapting swiftly to pursue its purpose. In Holacracy, pioneer Brian Robertson explains how to adopt this system across your organisation - and what you can do just within your department or for yourself - and how to overcome any obstacles along the way.