A very quick read that has inspired me to start experimenting again with my by now very ingrained personal GTD habits and to change some of my Toodledo settings. The idea to split tasks into three different zones of urgency will likely help me be on top of my stuff even more than I am now.

Book information

Ebook, 115 pages

First published: 2011

Language: English

ISBN-13: 9780983364719
ISBN-10: 0983364710

Goodreads, Amazon, Bol.com, Libris

Status: Read

21-12-2016Finished reading
21-12-2016Started reading
Book cover


Readers overwhelmed by their work and life will find relief in this new title. We've all created to-do lists before, and we've all found them lacking-things just sit on them for weeks, months, even years. This book presents a simple and foolproof way to solve that problem and to create the perfect to-do list. You'll be focused on the right things, and you'll get them done.