Johnstown, PA (PRWEB) November 02, 2017 -- Shelly fell and fractured some vertebrae in her neck. Totally paralyzed, she heard the doctors saying “What a pretty girl. What a shame she’ll never get out of bed again.” Unfortunately, this is the experience of most newly-injured people, many of whom, though helpless, are suicidal after hearing that prognosis.
Shelly was different. Going from depressed to determined, she told herself that paralysis was not going to keep her bedridden. She immediately gave thanks that she was still alive, and that she could hear and see. She made a habit of giving thanks for each little improvement. It was not easy – failure and discouragement were common. But by concentrating on controlling her thoughts, and staying thankful and positive, her recovery accelerated. After 10 years, she is still improving, driving a specially-equipped van, and now even walking with braces on her legs.
“I have four objectives for the book,” says Kerchner, “One, of course, is to teach those with spinal cord injuries or other disabilities the advantages of controlling their thinking and staying positive. Secondly, I hope the medical profession will start giving SCI patients at least some hope. Thirdly, if you are caring for an SCI patient, encourage them to try constantly. Doing things for them is not always doing them a favor. And fourth, my book constantly reminds me that I’m on the right track, and to keep working.”
Shelly is active on Facebook, and keeps a blog at She can be contacted through either of those sites for interviews or speaking engagements. Her story is an inspiration to everyone, regardless of the challenges they face.
Shelly Kerchner’s book is available in both eBook and print versions through Amazon, and can also be ordered through bookstores. Her book is published by Readerplace, Inc., a boutique publisher specializing in informational, inspirational, and educational books for all ages.
Shelly Kerchner lives in Johnstown, PA, and is now a sought-after speaker to groups interested in her inspirational message. She loves inspiring others even as she continues to improve her own physical abilities. Shelly’s blog is shown above, and her Facebook page is
Alex Korb, PhD, UCLA, published The Upward Spiral, describing research projects that proved that thankfulness (gratitude) has physical, in addition to emotional, effects on people. His Facebook page is
Readerplace, Inc. has been publishing eBooks and print books both for the owner John Choisser, and also for others who don’t have access to the conventional publishing world. Readerplace can be contacted through their website
John Choisser, Readerplace, Inc.,, +1 858-414-1007,
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