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Water candles look impressive and are surprisingly easy to make. The combination of water with a few decorations creates a pretty, shimmering light. The trick behind these candles is creating a floating wick out of thin plastic, and adding one secret ingredient to the water.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Decorating the Jar

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  1. It can be as simple as a mason jar or a tall, cylindrical candle holder (hurricane). For something more unique, you could try a small fishbowl or even a wine glass! For better results, use a tall, narrow vase. This will allow you to fill it with more decorations and have a thicker oil layer, which will increase the burning time.[1]
  2. They are often labeled as "vase filler" and come in round or half-dome shapes. You can find these in the floral section of an arts and crafts store. How much vase filler you add is up to you, but don't fill the bottom of your jar more than a third of the way. If you overfill the jar, you won't have room to add the water and the oil.
  3. Cut the blooms off of real flowers, or pull them off of fake ones. Fill your jar about two-thirds of the way with these flowers, or until you have about 2 inches (5.1 cm) of space at the top. For a more elegant candle, fill the jar a quarter of the way with clear, glass marbles first, then add the flowers.[2]
    • Fresh flowers should last up to 1 week in the jar.
  4. Step 4 Use thinly-sliced citrus fruit for a colorful jar.
    Watermark wikiHow to Make Water Candles
    Cut an orange, lemon, and grapefruit into thin slices, then fill the jar two-thirds of the way with them. Make sure that the flat parts of the slices are pressed up against the walls of the jar so that they are visible.[3]
    • You don't have to use all 3 types of citrus fruit. You can use just 1 or 2 types of citrus fruit.
    • For more color and fragrance, add some herbs, such as rosemary sprigs, star anise, cloves, or cinnamon sticks.
    • Fresh herbs and fruit slices will last up to 1 week in the water.[4]
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Make Water Candles
    Food coloring is potent, so you'll have to be extra careful in your measurements. Fill a large jar with water, then stir in 1 drop of food coloring. Adjust the amount of water and food coloring until you get the shade you want. Save the colored water for later.
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Make Water Candles
    Fill the bottom quarter of your jar with light-colored sand. Add 1 to 2 plastic fish. Make the scene more aquarium-like with a pretty shell and an aquarium plant. When the time comes to fill your jar with water, use blue-tinted water.[5]
    • For an elegant scene, use sand, 1 to 2 shells, and a small aquarium plant or sprig of rosemary.
  7. Make sure that the items are water-safe and heavy enough so that they don't float. If you are using a combination of different items, make sure that they look nice together. If you are going to be using the jars for an event, make sure that they match the decorations that you will be using. Don't fill the jar more than two-thirds of the way.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Creating the Wick

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Make Water Candles
    You can use a brand-new birthday candle or a spent one. If you decide to use a brand-new birthday candle, cut the wick in half after you crumble the wax off to make it shorter. The length of the wick won't affect how long the candle will burn; the amount of oil you use will. If the wick is too long, it will just burn and fall into the water.
    • For some reason, waxed wicks and cotton wicks don’t seem to work very well for this type of candle. Stick with birthday candle wicks.[6]
    • If you are able to find floating wicks online or in a store, you can use those instead and skip this section. They are floating metal disks with wicks inside of them.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make Water Candles
    Fill a small dish with cooking oil or lamp oil, then place the wick into the oil. Leave the wick there for 2 minutes before pulling it out and wiping the excess oil off with a paper towel. This will saturate the wick and help it burn more effectively.[7]
    • Great types of cooking oil to use include: canola, olive, and sunflower.
    • You should use the same type of oil later on when you go to assemble your candle.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make Water Candles
    You can get this plastic from anywhere, such as a plastic bottle, cup, packaging, etc. The plastic needs to be thin and clear, otherwise it will become visible once you add it to the oil. The circle doesn’t need to be perfect, but it needs to be small enough to fit inside your jar.[8]
    • If you are using a plastic bottle, cut the circle from the domed part. This will create a shallow cup and help it float better.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Make Water Candles
    Place the circle on top of a piece of craft foam, cardboard, or a piece of wood. Use a skewer, awl, or pair of manicure scissors to poke a hole in the middle of the circle. Next, use a craft blade or manicure scissors to make a small slit coming off of the hole.[9] You can also make a small X over the hole instead.[10]
    • The hole must be centered, otherwise the wick may not stand upright.[11]
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Make Water Candles
    The bottom 14 inch (0.64 cm) of the wick should be sticking out of the bottom of the plastic circle.[12] If you cut an X into the plastic, it may already be stable enough. If it isn't, slide the wick into one of the slits making up the X.
    • If you cut the circle from a plastic bottle, the shorter end should be sticking out of the domed part of the circle; the longer end should be sticking out of the cupped part.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Assembling the Candle

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Make Water Candles
    This will give you enough room for the oil. If you add too much water, the oil layer will be too thin, which will decrease the candle's burning time as well as increase the chances of spills. You will also run the risk of the wick touching the water and extinguishing.[13]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make Water Candles
    Canola oil, olive oil, and sunflower oil are all great choices. You can even use lamp oil from the craft store. How much oil you use will depend on the size of your jar. The wider your jar is, the more oil you will need to use. Don’t worry if the oil mixes into the water at first; it will float to the top.[14]
    • Most jars will require 2 to 3 tablespoons (30 to 45 milliliters) of oil.[15] About 1 tablespoon (15 milliliters) of oil will burn for up to 2 hours.[16]
    • Lamp oil is more expensive, but it comes in many different colors, which can be helpful, especially if you tinted the water.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make Water Candles
    Make sure that the longer part of the wick is sticking out of the oil, and the shorter part is in the oil. If the bottom of the wick is touching the water, add a little bit more oil. This way, you won’t risk the wick accidentally soaking up water and extinguishing the flame.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Using the Candle

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  1. A metal tray, candle charger, or anything with a rim would be ideal. This way, if the candle accidentally gets knocked over, the burning oil will be contained. If you don't have any of these on hand, set the candle down someplace where it won't get bumped.
    • Make sure that there are no open windows or vents near the candle.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make Water Candles
    You can do this with a lighter, match, or stick lighter. Make sure that you only light the wick, otherwise the oil layer may also ignite. How long the candle lasts depends on how much oil you use. Typically, these types of candles can burn for up to 3 hours.[17]
    • Reduce smoke by trimming the wick to 18 to 14 inch (0.32 to 0.64 cm)
  3. Avoid moving the candle around once you light it, or you risk spilling the hot oil. Never leave a burning candle unattended. All it takes is a few seconds to blow it out.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Make Water Candles
    You should blow the candle out whenever you leave the room. If the oil level starts to get too thin and the wick is touching the water, extinguish the candle, add more oil, then relight it.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Make Water Candles
    The water will evaporate over time, even if you are not using the candle. Each time you use the candle, check the water and oil levels first. Make sure that the oil layer is at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) away from the decorations. If the oil is too close to them, add more water. If the oil level is too thin, then add more oil.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    What if I want to scent it?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Buy candle scents from your local craft store or purchase essential oils and add a few drops to your candle.
  • Question
    How does a water candle burn?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The oil 'feeds' the wick as it's a flammable liquid; that's also why you should be careful with these!
  • Question
    For how long will this candle burn?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    How long the candle burns depends on how much oil you used and how thick the oil layer is. In general, 1 tablespoon (15 milliliters) of oil will burn for about 2 hours.
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  • Add some herbs or essential oils to your water to make it smell nice.[18]
  • Decorate the outside of the jar instead of the inside. Draw designs on it with puffy paint or dimensional fabric paint.
  • The water will eventually start to look murky. How long this takes depends on how much sunlight it receives. When this happens, discard the water and clean the jar.
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Things You'll Need

  • Glass jar or candle holder
  • Decorations
  • Thin, clear plastic
  • Birthday candle
  • Skewer, awl, or manicure scissors
  • Craft blade or manicure scissors
  • Water
  • Cooking oil or lamp oil

About This Article

Filip Kabashi
Co-authored by:
Candlemaking Expert
This article was co-authored by Filip Kabashi. Filip Kabashi is a Candlemaking Expert based in Ontario, Canada. Filip and his brother Anton founded Berryline Candles in 2021, offering pet-safe candles handmade with coconut wax. Berryline’s candles are also paraffin-free, paraben-free, sulfate-free, phthalate-free, and cruelty-free. Committed to sustainability, Berryline Candles incorporates eco-friendly practices in production and packaging to minimize environmental impact. Berryline Candles has been featured in Biz X Magazine, The Penthouse Magazine, and the “Hello, Hello World” podcast. Berryline Candles is also a 2023 Community Votes Award winner for Best Candles in Windsor, a 2024 Canadian Choice Award Winner for Best Online Candle Shop and a 2024 Global Recognition Award recipient. This article has been viewed 227,966 times.
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Co-authors: 29
Updated: February 24, 2025
Views: 227,966
Article SummaryX

To make a water candle, start by filling a glass container with a few decorations, like flowers, marbles, or some seashells. Then, crumble the wax off a birthday candle and soak the long wick inside in oil for 2 minutes. While that's soaking, cut a circle out of a clear piece of plastic that will fit in the glass container and poke a hole in the middle. Next, stick the end of the wick in the hole and set it aside. Finally, pour water and then oil into the container until it's nearly full, and place the wick on the top. To learn how to use a water candle, scroll down!

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