1 in 3 women will be sexually harassed, 1 in 4 women will be sexually assaulted, and sexual violence statistics within the LGBTQIA community are staggering. Society is failing to provide comprehensive education around sexual violence.
Vantage Point is the only comprehensive, scalable software solution leveraging immersive education (VR, 360 video) dedicated to combating sexual violence.
Our training experiences:
✅ Change stigma and bias around sexual harassment and assault
✅ Train users on passive and active bystander intervention
✅ Train users on how to respond to a victim with empathy
✅ Train users in real-time on what to do if they are sexually harassed
✅ Train users on how to identify sexual harassment and assault
Through interactive immersive education, we keep users fully engaged in the training programs causing a higher level of retention (Dales Cone of Experience). Our virtual reality (VR) and 360 video experiences are scalable and can be accessed on a PC, tablet, mobile device, or via a virtual reality headset. By incorporating training around emerging best practices, we help reduce instances of sexual harassment and assault.
"Look at the flood of #metoo stories pouring out from Hollywood to Silicon Valley to the Midwest. Education to prevent sexual harassment is clearly needed, and decades of research prove immersive training's superiority over other methods. Vantage Point just might be one of the first "killer apps" for VR."
- Malia Probst, Partner at VRScout & the WXR Venture Fund, Podcast Host for the VRScout Report & the Real Virtual Show
“What is Immersive Education, Virtual Reality, and 360 Video?” Immersive education allows users to learn through fully-immersive experiences such as virtual reality and 360 video. Virtual Reality (VR) enables you to put on a headset and be transported into a simulated world (a computer-generated environment) that your mind cognitively perceives as real-life. Virtual reality requires a specific headset. 360 video enables you to put on a headset and look around video experiences with a 360 degree field of view. 360 video allows users to explore the experience in a fully-immersive way, similar to virtual reality but does not require an expensive headset and works with most phones, tablets, and PCs.
"Why Immersive Education?" VR and 360 video are fully immersive. Because of this, they are more engaging and have higher rates of retention. Users are able to engage with the experience the same way they would in a real-life scenario, allowing them to create a strong emotional connection to the narrative and thus leave the experience with more empathy for survivors. Further, immersive education allows users to learn under similar conditions that they will have to make decisions in, which increases response time and empowers users to respond more effectively in real life.
“Why now?” Let’s get one thing clear: this software isn’t "timely" - it’s always been ‘time’ to prevent sexual assault and sexual harassment. But recent advances in virtual reality technology are allowing us to provide this comprehensive, highly effective form of training that will revolutionize the way we educate about sexual violence.
"Long before #MeToo, sexual assault and harassment was an epidemic that impeded a woman's ability to live, work, and advance her role in society. Women are now empowered to speak up, speak out, and are working to build a world where sexual assault and harassment will not be tolerated. Vantage Point is a ground-breaking and innovative part of this effort -- and one that will not only change the dialogue and the response, but will hopefully help to put an end to the culture of acceptance around sexual assault. "
- Sara Elizabeth Dill, Director of Criminal Justice Standards at the American Bar Association
State-dependent memory is the psychological phenomenon that causes an individual to have more accurate memory retrieval and cognitive recall when they are placed in the same conditions they were in when their memory was initially formed.
The Truth: Existing educational programs fail to take into account the psychological influences (including fight-or-flight) and external and internal stimuli that cloud a person’s decision-making judgment. With VR, we are able to train users under the same conditions they will be placed in when asked to make a decision, should the situation arise, and will be better equipping users to transcend their situations with more effective educational tools.
Sexual assault and sexual harassment are pervasive issues that affect the majority of our society, but yet when we educate about these topics we treat them like textbook issues. We explain why it’s wrong, why it’s illegal, and how to report it. When we educate on topics such as drunk driving, however, we show people videos of the parents of children who were killed due to drunk driving, or people who have been permanently disabled in drunk driving accidents. We show the real-life consequences of drunk driving, and thus create an impactful emotional connection to the narrative. When we fail to create that emotional connection to the narrative of sexual harassment and assault, we can’t reach audiences who are at risk to become perpetrators.
The Truth: By bringing survivors into the Vantage Point experience and allowing them to narrate their personal stories, we can allow users to create a personal connection to the narrative of the survivor, as well as realize how their actions impact individuals around them. This allows us to create a basis of empathy around the topic which is imperative to changing the sexual assault landscape - from responding to friends who have been sexually assaulted and harassed, to viewing the individual as having a larger role to play and duty outside of anything that directly affects him or herself.
Existing educational tools and training tools fail to show how an individual's actions affect the overall sexual violence landscape. Rather than emphasizing the role of the bystander, most educational programs focus on the role of the individual. If we all became engaged bystanders (both actively and passively), the culture would change very quickly. It's all about holding each other accountable - both for actions and for words.
The Truth: We believe that by not doing anything to stop sexual harassment and sexual assault, you become part of the problem. However, we also believe in making sure that doesn’t come at the sacrifice of personal safety. That’s why we have modules focused specifically on bystander intervention - both active (physical intervention) and passive (verbal response) and on how to conduct bystander intervention safely. We also gauge how closely a user’s actions in an experience align with their self-determined beliefs of how they think they would respond, and then we show users how the trends in their actions affect the statistics and the narratives of survivors of sexual harassment and assault.
“Sexual harassment and sexual assault are old problems that demand new solutions. Likely, a significant culture shift needs to happen for real change to occur. While no one approach alone can accomplish that, VR and other interactive technologies stand to provide innovative solutions that I believe will have significant impact on positive behavior change in this area. Pro-social applications of VR such as this one deserves our support if we really are committed to moving society in a better direction.”
- Skip Rizzo, USC Institute for Creative Technologies
How do we do combat sexual harassment?
Great question!
The Vantage Point team ranges from subject matter experts and policymakers (in the fields of sexual violence, sexual assault, and sexual harassment) to industry experts (in the fields of VR and narrative journalism). Collectively, we’ve built out a framework that we believe will tackle all of these issues - and more. This framework is applied to Vantage Point's three-layered method at tackling sexual assault and harassment identification, bystander intervention and individual response training, and sexual assault stigma correction.
Vantage Point's Features:
Vantage Point's modules can be completed in any order, we approach all of our content from a survivor-centric stance, and we provide a global hotspot to return users to the main-menu if the experience at any point becomes uncomfortable. We allow users to see how they rank in line with their university, company, or organization as well as in line with global trends. We identify core focal areas for improvement, and then we work to reinforce concepts around those areas.
Vantage Point's Framework:
Menu & Pre Assessment - assessment of attitudes, beliefs, grasp of core learning concepts
Experience Simulation - simulated scenario based on real-life situation, presented with the ability to choose reaction / action in a setting
Survivor Narrative & Global Impact Graph - real sexual assault and harassment survivors narrate his / her related experience and show how the experience impacts the survivor on a long-term scale, shows the user the global impact of (in)action taken
Individual Impact Graph - shows patterns in behavior, how (in)actions impact statistics and sexual assault landscape on global long-term scale
Response Training Simulation - trains user on how to respond, react to situations, allows users to learn in a safe simulated environment
Post-Assessment - post-assessment of attitudes, beliefs, grasp of core learning concepts.
"Being a career woman has not always been easy, but having the fortitude to persevere and helping those in need has been my goal throughout life...both personal and professional. With the recent sexual harassment revelations coming out of Hollywood and beyond, Morgan's virtual reality is a much needed program which will educate and change the culture. It has the impact and positive tone that once unleashed will transform the world."
- Louisa Spring, SVVR Panelist & Founder, SAM-i
Hi, I'm Morgan and my team and I are going to eradicate sexual assault and sexual harassment, with the help of immersive education.
“This [is] a fantastic project... much needed, and a brilliant idea.”
- Catherine Allen, BBC VR Producer
It all started when I, the founder of Vantage Point, realized one key thing about sexual assault and sexual harassment: it doesn’t start or stop at any point in a person’s life, it just evolves to take on new faces and forms. As a repeat victim of both sexual violence and sexual assault, I’m dedicated to pinpointing and reshaping every nuanced issue leading to the current sexual assault and sexual harassment landscape so that my team and I can help create a better future - the kind of society we, as women and men, wish we lived in now. This issue is very important to everyone on our team, and we're dedicating our lives to solving it. That's why we're creating Vantage Point - a software solution that allows us to identify and change mental bias surrounding sexual assault and sexual harassment. We can train communities on how to respond with empathy, and provide training on safe bystander (both passive and active) activism. In doing so, we plan to vastly reduce the instances of sexual harassment and sexual assault on university campuses, in the workplace, and beyond.
Vantage Point's Survivor Support Fund:
Vantage Point's Software Donation:
Let’s get down to the details: We're raising the minimum amount we can - $12,500 - to cover the cost of creating a prototype. Once we raise the money, we're going to hire a cast of five actors, rent equipment, and secure a filming location for two full days of shooting.
After filming, we'll stitch the videos, add interactivity and basic UI elements and then we'll launch our beta prototype for all of you to experience what we're working on and creating!
Every single dollar will go entirely to making the best, most effective software possible (and yes, some of that money does go to creating and shipping out the amazing prizes you purchased). The most important thing to us is making the best possible product we can. The more we raise, the more we’ll be able to spend on production.
Better Perks:
Aside from the items we’re giving away, we really want the community to join in and help us create this. That’s why we’re offering:
Premier Contributor Perks...
We want you, your friends, and your colleagues to see what we’re making first. We'll invite you to be a beta tester, or join a focus group! We really want to support others who are fighting the same fight. We'll give your nonprofit of choice priority in having access to Vantage Point's software.
We want you to play a hands-on role in the experience and share the spotlight around an important issue! We’ll let you come on set, and work alongside us to produce Vantage Point's content (as an actor or actress). We’re letting you join us for the entire filming period.
You get to meet the stakeholders at our launch party that made this experience possible. Come mingle and talk changing the world with the movers-and-shakers that are actually changing the world. You could even own Vantage Point's program. We’ll give you our program (well, we’ll give you full access to it). Keep in mind that you will be the only individual - or one of them - who has full access to all of our program.
*Airfare and flight are not included.
What if VR fails? What if people don’t adopt VR?
What if you can’t get this into universities?
Why does your team think they’re capable?
"I believe that Vantage Point has the potential revolutionize how our society addresses sexual assault and its survivors. By creating a virtual environment, you are immersed in interactive training that will help overcome both conscious and unconscious bias that is impossible to replicate without virtual reality. Vantage Point has the power to make the world a better place through this educational training in VR."
- Elizabeth Scott, Social Media Manager at Yi Technology and Vantage Point supporter
"This is awesome, you make a compelling case for how VR is well-suited to supporting sexual assault training in particular. Putting people into an interactive narrative raises the emotional stakes and builds skills like environmental awareness while also keeping things safe and scalable. I'm a huge fan of this approach, donated. :)"
- Dee Coetzee, Software Engineer at Facebook and Vantage Point backer
"This is a really, really cool idea and method for training and education. Sexual harassment and assault can be discomforting for people. I am not modest and I still shy away from it more often than not. VR will have a profound impact on the program and probably create a stronger resonance with individuals. Nice work! "
- Andrea Watson, Vantage Point backer
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Have a question? Email us at contact@tryvantagepoint.com. Please kindly allow us up to 48 hours to reply. We will post FAQs HERE.