RxJS wrapper with extra goodies for the Firebase JavaScript SDK.
Via npm
npm install rxjs firebase rxfirebase --save
Via yarn
yarn add rxjs firebase rxfirebase
import { RxFirebase } from 'rxfirebase';
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "...",
authDomain: "...",
databaseURL: "...",
messagingSenderId: "...",
storageBucket: "...",
const items$ = RxFirebase.database.ref('/items').onChildAdded();
items$.subscribe(snapshot => {
console.log(`Child added with key ${snapshot.key} and value ${snapshot.val()}`);
const secretItems$ = RxFirebase.database.ref('/super/secret/items')
secretItems$.subscribe(item => {
// Using getValue() emits the value itself instead of the snapshot.
// It's equivalent to calling snapshot.val()
console.log(`Child removed with value ${item}`);
const userPostsOnSignIn$ = RxFirebase.auth.onSignIn$.switchMap(auth =>
userPostsOnSignIn$.subscribe(posts => {
console.log(`This user has ${posts.length} posts.`);
if (posts.length > 0) {
// Using asList() emits the data as an Array with the key for each item stored as item.$key
// If the value is an Object then "item" is the value itself, otherwise
// it is stored in item.$value (for strings, numbers, and booleans)
const post = posts[0];
console.log(`The title for the first post, with key ${post.$key}, is "${post.title}"`);
RxFirebase.auth.isSignedIn$.subscribe(isSignedIn => {
console.log(`The user is ${isSignedIn ? '' : 'NOT '}signed in.`);
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('Signing in...');
}, 2000);
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('Signing out...');
}, 10000);
Coming soon
- Add tests
- Auth support
- Database support
- Storage support
- Messaging support
- Fix building of UMD module (CommonJS, AMD)