I am using FluentScheduler, and have a Registry class,

public class UnreadAlertRegistry : Registry
  public UnreadAlertRegistry(int minute, string user, bool? type)

        var alertAction = new Action(() =>
            // show message box 

and in app, i Initialize it.

alert = new UnreadAlertRegistry(5, _dashboardUser, false);

it is run every 5 minute.

I want to stop this. How do i stop this Scheduler?

1 Answer 1


I set a Name for schedule.


and for stop it , use RemoveTask

  • 2
    for remove, it seems we need to use JobManager.RemoveJob(''NAME'')
    – Samih A
    May 30, 2018 at 10:26
  • 2
    I confirm that it is now JobManager.RemoveJob("UnreadAlertRegistry");
    – 10101
    Oct 28, 2020 at 9:54

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