The Bachelor: 5 Things to Know About Corinne Olympios

If you've followed The Bachelor for more than one season, then you know there's one thing producers love even more than a fairy-tale ending: a villain. Season 21 is no different, and though we've only seen the premiere, there's already a "bad girl" emerging. Based on the preview of this season, Corinne Olympios is getting the famed "villain edit," despite not actually doing anything super evil yet. Sure, she stole Nick and made out with him at the first cocktail party, but so what? That happens every year! Before we get too far into the season, let's review some of the facts.

1. The Basics

Twenty-four-year-old Corinne hails from Miami, and is a part owner in her family's business. "I own an online business," she said in her profile on ABC's Bachelor site. "It's very important to me, but the cool thing is it's online, so I can run it from anywhere."

2. Fun Facts

Also according to ABC's profile, Corinne has tattoos that she's currently lasering off — I would love to know what they were. She loves Frasier and Chicago, and if she were an animal, she would be a cheetah, because they're "strong and fierce." She wants to find her Prince Charming, but isn't into guys who are all about themselves.

3. She's a Model

Aside from being heir to the family business, Corinne has modeling profiles up on ExploreTalent and Model Mayhem.

4. She's Active on Social Media

Corinne is on Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, where her username is Colympios. While she only just joined Twitter in November, she's posted a lot on Instagram. Her account is full of selfies, shots with the other Bachelor contestants, and professional modeling pictures.

5. She's Spoken Out About Her Portrayal

The day after the premiere, Corinne Instagrammed a screenshot about the editing process, and captioned it, "To all the haters. 👆🏼 from 'something to note' please read. And remember you don't know me. Thanks for those who support, thanks for the love!" The picture has since been deleted.