Return to the Mood Diary

Last Updated: 16 Oct 2020

No matter how long we’ve had a bipolar diagnosis, we can’t just toss out the most fundamental of tools––self tracking our moods.

When I was first diagnosed with bipolar disorder nine years ago, I learned one way to track mood changes, and therefore better cope with them, was to keep a mood diary. Each day (or hour if need be), I marked down how I felt, on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being “the worst” and 10 being “the best”. I also noted events in my life running concurrently with my moods. After a bit of time, looking at the recorded notes in the diary, it was easy to see how things in my life and my moods fed each other, and this instructed me how I could better control things in the future.

Over time, I became skilled in observing my moods each day (or again, each hour), and more aware of how events affected me. I stopped maintaining a written mood chart, and kept it all in my head. “Oh, today’s a 6”, I’d think, “That’s just fine.” Or, “Today kind of sucks. We’ll give it a 3.” “Wow! Got. To. GO! Today and yesterday and next week will be an 11! Weeee!!! Maybe I need to slow down??” This technique worked for quite some time.

But then, for some unknown reason, I quit noting my mood rating at all. Maybe I got a little arrogant? Perhaps I thought I didn’t need to do it anymore because I was fairly stable, and keeping a diary or chart seemed like such a basic, newly-diagnosed-person’s undertaking. I was experienced now, right?

Wrong! Recent events and super-charged mood swings and triggers have shown me that a return to the ever-powerful mood ranking system is necessary. I have gone lately from 2s to 8s and back to 3s and 7s and have settled into 5s and 6s (which is just fine for right now). Using this tool, I can again look at tangible events and see what actually occurred, compare them to what I felt and process things accordingly. I feel more in control, and can cope better than when I was ignoring mood ranking, and throwing caution to the wind.

I learned that no matter how long I’ve had the bipolar diagnosis, I can’t just toss out the most fundamental of tools! Today is a solid 6.

Do you use a mood chart? Do you find it a valuable tool in your wellness quest?

About the author
Beth Brownsberger Mader was diagnosed in 2004, at age 38, with bipolar II disorder and C-PTSD, after living with symptoms and misdiagnoses for over 30 years. In 2007, she suffered a traumatic brain injury, compounding bipolar recovery challenges that she continues to work on today. Since these diagnoses, Beth has written extensively about bipolar, its connection to PTSD, physical illness, disability, and ways to develop coping skills and maintain hope. She also writes about bipolar/brain disorders and family, marriage, relationships, loss, and grief. Beth finds the outdoors to be her connection to her deepest healing skills, where the metaphors for life, love, compassion, and empathy are revealed, and how her bipolar and other challenges are faced head-on with perseverance and determination. Beth served as a contributing editor/featured columnist for bp Magazine from 2007 until 2016, and as a bphope blogger from 2011 until 2016. She returned to blogging for bphope in 2019. Beth continues to work on her unpublished memoir, Savender. She holds a BA from Colorado College and an MFA from the University of Denver. Beth lives in Colorado with her husband, Blake, and her service dog, Butter. Check out Beth’s blog at bessiebandaidrinkiewater.

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