1. Get a clean start.
Make sure your kitchen is in shape before guests arrive. Take out the trash, putting fresh liners in your cans with newspaper at the bottom to soak up grease and liquids. Wash any pots and pans you used preparing appetizers, and run the dishwasher and empty it. Not only will your kitchen look good for guests, but you'll have tackled half the cleanup before things even start.

2. Serve less-mess foods.
Multi-course meals will keep you stuck in the kitchen, plus create piles of dishes. "Stick to bite-sized, grab-as-you-go foods," says Seri Kertzner of Little Miss Party Planner. "People will pop them into their mouths and continue to mingle, giving little opportunity to make a mess." Serve items you can make in advance. Avoid create-your-own stations, like taco bars, or offering lots of sauces or dips that can leave a big mess.

3. Avoid fussy dinnerware.
"Parties are meant to be fun and festive, so no one expects you to break out your china," says Michelle Meadows of Firefly Events Nashville. Opt for dishwasher-friendly dishes and glassware. Choose stemless glasses that are less likely to tip and easier to clean. If you're hosting 20 or more guests, consider using biodegradable, disposable plates and fun plastic glassware that you can recycle.

4. Set yourself up for success.
Make it easy for people to leave their dirty dishes all in one spot by discretely placing an empty tray on a small table. If you're using disposables, place a small pail near the bar. Put away any decor that is hard to clean, like light-colored throw rugs or pillows that show grease stains. Place coasters on tables for guests' drinks and make space for their plates.

5. Stock a smarter bar.
Limit options but not the fun. Skip serving lots of sticky mixers and dark-colored wines or liquors, which can create tough-to-clean stains. Serve white wine, a sparkling option like Prosecco, beer, and a fun signature drink that you can premix. If you're set on a festive punch, place the bowl in a non-carpeted space away from high-traffic areas.

6. Keep guests wrangled.
Don't let the party spread, otherwise you'll spend all night hunting down half-empty wine glasses and dirty dishes. Keep doors locked or spaces decoratively blocked off to encourage company from wandering. Set up the party where you know guests will feel most comfortable.

7. Have helpful cleaning tools nearby.
Keep a spritz bottle with cool water and a clean cloth in the kitchen to catch spills before they set, and have portable stain removers, like Shout Wipes or Tide to Go, handy, recommends Carolyn Forte, Director of Home Appliances and Cleaning Products at the Good Housekeeping Research Institute. Keep a hand vacuum or small dustpan and broom nearby to pick up dropped food before it gets crushed into the carpet.

8. But don't clean too much during the party.
"Cleaning up while guests are there makes them uncomfortable," says Jill Donenfeld, co-author of Party Like a Culinista. "Plus, you should be having fun, too." Enlist others help to keep things neat while the party happens — your spouse or an older child can help round up glasses and dishes.

9. When it's over, focus on the essentials.
Avoid disappearing into the kitchen until all of your guests have left. "Once they do, get to it," says Josie Gordon, co-author of Party Like a Culinista. "You'll only feel less inspired to clean after watching television for an hour with that hot toddy." First, pick up food and drinks, so kids or pets don't get into them. Pre-treat stains on linens and toss them into the washing machine to soak overnight, recommends Forte. Use plastic baggies to store leftovers instead of searching for containers and matching lids. Rinse off plates and stack them if the dishwasher is full. Gather up as much as possible in one spot to make final cleanup easier in the morning.