And there it is.


  1. ass-sassafras reblogged this from iamatinyowl
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  3. mizumanta said: And before racists in the notes get mad and assume i’m white, i’m a whole ass objective black man.
  4. mizumanta said: Literally all of starbucks was called racist over what one employee did. Dont underestimate stupid people’s ability to generalize an employer and all of their business off of the actions (good or bad) of one employee. No one says that you cannot peacefully protest. They just say dont do it while representing someone else.
  5. mizumanta said: Bad argument. If you work somewhere, you cannot protest *while representing them*. Literally you cannot protest puppy killings while in a mcdonalds uniform. Do it outside of your uniform. After work. It’s that simple.
  6. 713-4th-ward-g reblogged this from 713-4th-ward-g
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  13. mysharona1987 posted this