This Cool Website Lets You See Your Year on Instagram

POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim
POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim

It's that time of year again, when everyone is taking a look back at everything they did in 2016. Curious about your most popular photos on Instagram? Just use this website that figures out your most "liked" photos and creates a cute collage out of them!

The website, called 2016 Best Nine, works the same as last year's did. Plug in your handle (make sure your account is public first) and you'll see a collage with your nine most "liked" photos and how many "likes" you received on all your posts. You can choose to download a photo with the stats of your "likes" and how many times you posted to Instagram or just download a "photo only version." Refresh the website and plug in your friend's handle or a celebrity's to see their most "liked" photos of the year.

Unlike last year, this year's website does not (yet) appear to have a screen that encourages people to sign up for an app called Nine. But if you do see a screen pop up, be wary of adding your email!

We suggest plugging in your username now and seeing your collage before everyone finds out and causes the site to slow down. Enjoy looking back on your year!