7 Things That Happen on Every Episode of Grey's Anatomy
After 13 seasons of Grey's Anatomy, we've come to accept a few things as hard facts. It'll always understand you better than most people. It'll always churn out a gut-wrenching finale. But it gets even more specific than that. In fact, there are certain things that are so common to Grey's, they're happening on an episode-to-episode basis. Allow us to explain.
A Wise, Ominous Voice-Over to Open
We usually open on grand, sweeping views of Seattle. A voice takes over, usually Meredith's, and it picks a very particular topic of discussion. Sometimes it's a big life theme, like "gratitude." Sometimes, she picks an idiom, like "the early bird gets the worm," as a jumping off point. Sometimes she uses doctor speak as an allegory, like a meditation on "scars" or "wounds."
It's not always Meredith. We've had Cristina, and Derek, and more. But it's pretty much always a voice-over.
A Thematically Significant Patient
The patients come in with injuries, medical anomalies, surgeries, illnesses, or whatever other kinds of miscellaneous trauma they can throw the doctors' way. The medical problem, though, is always pretty innocuous. More often than not, it's the backstory or emotional arc of a patient that will always closely mirror one of the doctors.
It's happened all the way up to season 13. Here's an example: in the second episode of the season, Jo has been assigned to a patient with a brain tumor. At this point in time, Jo is in the midst of a tragic breakup with Alex. The patient tells the story of her horrible 30-year marriage to a preacher who cheated on her. She explains why she stayed in the marriage for so long. She talks about how she made herself small. Her tumor changed everything, she says. "I had to start looking out for myself. I walked right out that door with a tumor the size of cantaloupe in my head. Stronger because I had to be." Jo suggests the tumor made her brave, but she says, "No, she made me pissed. Being pissed made me brave."
The exchange is just the "a-ha" moment Jo needs to realize she can walk away from Alex. She can be pissed, and she can be brave, and she can be strong. These sorts of epiphanies, handed down from patients, are basically a cornerstone of the show. It's how the doctors gain clarity, time and time again.
Witty Doctor Banter, and Often a Long Monologue
There are so many snippy, snappy exchanges between the doctors while walking through the halls, talking about drama, explaining situations, and navigating minefields. Usually they're bemoaning whatever romantic, professional, emotional, or personal issue they've gotten themselves into. More often than not, one doctor will detonate and unfurl some poetic, poignant monologue about a situation. It's filled with beauty, and the show's had dozens and dozens, but there somehow always seems to be another pretty thing to say.
A Painfully Long Elevator Scene
Elevator sequences are definitely a staple of the hospital, but these scenes always go on for an unbelievably long amount of time. A perfect example happened quite recently in season 13. Meredith talks to DeLuca about her experience as the victim of a beating, and the scene is easily up to two minutes long. Shouldn't hospital elevators be lightning fast? Isn't time of the essence when you're a doctor? Doesn't every second count?!
Sexy Doctor Chemistry
There's always some kind of sexy situation happening within the walls of the hospital. That's what makes it fun.
A Montage Featuring a Sad Indie Song
The fact that we've been able to pinpoint more than two dozen sad Grey's Anatomy songs is a good indicator that they know how to pick important music for crucial moments. But the seasons are filled with sad songs, and more often than not, we see a handful of characters staring wistfully into the middle distance while someone croons a ballad quietly in the background. It's the part of the episode where everyone's feeling feelings.
A Sage Closing Voice-Over That Ties Everything Into a Neat Little Bow
And then, the same voice from the beginning almost certainly comes back to offer some parting words. Almost always, the episode has given so much expert context to the subject matter. Now, we can bid farewell to the episode, in awe and in tears, and start the cycle all over again.