This Hashtag Is Inspiring People to Reflect on Everything from 2016 — the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

POPSUGAR Photography | Rima Brindamour
POPSUGAR Photography | Rima Brindamour

As 2016 comes to a close, many of us can agree that we'd just like the year to be over already. To make light of the tumultuous year, however, people are taking to Twitter to unleash their feelings, realizations, and major takeaways using the hashtag #2016WasTheYearThatIFinally. While the responses range from light and uplifting to brutally honest, they're all just pretty damn funny. Look ahead for some of our favorites.

Well, It Was a Pretty Great Year For Memes.

We Definitely Thought About Some "Stuff."

What stuff, you might ask? We have no idea.

People Tried to Start the Year Off Right and Practical.

We Realized That Tequila Is Always the Cure . . .

. . . And hope to make this same realization for years to come.

Mostly Everyone Finally Accepted Beyoncé as a Goddess.

Hey, what took you so long?

For Many, 2016 Was All About the Entertainment . . .

Some Lessons Were Learned the Hard Way.

And Some Lessons We Hope to Overcome.

We're skeptical about this one.

And of Course, No Matter Else Happens These Next Few Weeks, There's Always Next Year!

Here's to Starting Over in 2017!