This article was co-authored by Shira Tsvi. Shira Tsvi is a Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor with over 7 years of personal training experience and over 2 years leading a group training department. Shira is certified by the National College of Exercise Professionals and the Orde Wingate Institute for Physical Education and Sports in Israel. Her practice is based in the San Francisco Bay Area.
There are 21 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.
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Lots of us don't have the time or money to get to the gym regularly, but if you're looking to work your back muscles, you can totally do so from home! With these basic moves, you can target all of the muscles in your back using your own body weight or some simple and inexpensive equipment like dumbbells or elastic bands. You can even work some of these exercises into your daily life, incorporating them into regular chores around the house.
Using Your Body Weight
Make reverse snow angels. This exercise involves reaching your arms out wide, just like when you were a kid in the snow. The arms can move through the full range of the "angel wings," from overhead to beside the hips for a full trapezius, latissimus dorsi, rhomboid and spinal erector exercise. Hold a soup can to increase resistance once you have mastered keeping the torso and arms slightly lifted off the floor, shoulders pulled back.[1]
- Lie facedown on the ground, or a mat. Put your hands to your side with palms facing down.
- Slowly bring your arms forward at the shoulder until you reach past your head and your thumbs touch.
- Slowly bring your arms back to the starting position. Make sure your arms are straight and elbows are locked for the entire movement.
- Do three sets of five reps. Make sure to rest for about 30 – 60 seconds between sets.
- If you are a beginner, and not comfortable bringing your arms all the way around, you can work to get them even with your shoulders. Eventually you should be able to build up the strength to reach over the head.
Do hip hinges. Also called “Good Mornings,” these are simple exercises that involve bending forward at the hips. You'll be able to work your spinal erectors (as well as your glutes, hamstrings, and hips) as you perform a very simple maneuver, one that doesn't require any equipment.[2]
- Stand up straight with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Put your hands on your hips.
- Pull your shoulders back slightly to tighten your back muscles.
- Slowly bend forward at the waist. Make sure your shoulders keep in line with your hips as you go forward.
- Bend forward until you are parallel to the ground, then slowly pull back up.
- Keep the movement slow and keep the abdominal muscles contracted.
- Start with one set to be sure this exercise agrees with your back. Gradually increase up to three sets of 10 – 15 reps. Give yourself 30 – 60 seconds of rest between sets.
- You can also do these exercises while sitting. Sit up straight in a chair with your feet planted on the ground directly below your knees. Put your hands on your hips. Pull your shoulders back slightly to contract the muscles, then bend forward to a 45 degree angle.
- When you do this, be careful not to bend your back. This will not only prevent you from really working your back muscles, but there is also a chance you will hurt your spine.
Do the Superman. This is a great exercise for your spinal erector muscles, glutes, and trapezius. It doesn't require any equipment, just enough room to lay out on the ground. By emulating Superman as he flies, you'll be able to isolate your core muscles to give them a good workout.[3]
- Lie facedown with your arms and legs extended out straight. Your palms and the tops of your feet should face downward.
- Lift your arms and legs off the ground. Make sure they stay straight while keeping your core in place. Think of Superman, stretched out as he flies.
- Hold the position for 15 to 30 seconds, then slowly lower your arms and legs back to the ground.
- Do three reps with this hold, then rest 30 to 60 seconds before doing another set.
- To work the deeper lower back muscles, you can try what is called the Aquaman, where you raise and lower the opposite arm and leg (for example, your left arm and right leg), and hold for 15 to 13 seconds. Repeat with the other arm and leg.
- If you are a beginner, try holding the Superman for five seconds, working your way up to 15 to 30 second holds.
Try the cobra yoga position. This is a beginner yoga position that works the mid to lower back and increases flexibility.[4]
- Lie facedown on the floor. Stretch your legs straight out behind you with the tops of your feet on the floor. Bring your arms into your body, elbows bent and hands under your shoulders.
- Contract the muscles in your back to lift body upward, using your hands to assist with the positioning. Press your feet, legs, and thighs against the ground. Inhale as you lift upward.
- Hold the position for 15 to 30 seconds, breathing normally.
- Slowly lower yourself back to the ground, exhaling as you do.
- Do around 10 reps. Like any exercise, try to push yourself to hold for a few more seconds each time you do it. You don't need to do this every day, but it is one you can do several times a week.
Do some wall slides. These are simple exercises that you can do using only a wall. They are also really good for preventing or relieving back pain you may experience while working.[5]
- Stand with your back against a wall, feet shoulder distance apart and heels one stride length away from the wall.
- Slide down into a crouch, getting so that your knees are at a 90-degree angle. Hold that position for five seconds.
- Slowly slide back up the wall until you are straight again, then repeat five times.
Do pull-ups. Also called chin-ups, this is a common exercise that involves pulling yourself upward using a fixed bar. It is one of the simplest and best exercises out there for working your lats. It does require a pull-up bar, which you can permanently install in a doorway, or buy a door-hanging bar that you can easily hang and remove when you're done. Keep in mind that this is an advanced move — you can use a resistance band to start if you are a beginner.[6]
- Wrap your hands over the top of the bar, slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Hang for a moment with your arms straight. Arch your back and pull yourself up so that your chin clears the bar. Pause at the top of chin-ups to sustain muscle contraction. Return to the start position and repeat.
- You can change your grip to work different muscle groups. If you spread your hands further apart on the bar, it will be more difficult to pull up, but you focus more energy on your lats. A reverse grip, wrapping your hands around the back of the bar, will put more emphasis on your biceps.[7]
- Don't swing during this exercise. The temptation is to help yourself up using momentum, but this lessens the effect of the exercise on your lats. You will wind up pulling the bar towards your chest, which engages other muscles that you aren't trying to work out.[8]
- To do a beginner modification with a resistance band, wrap the band around your pull-up bar and hold on to the two ends of the band, backing up so that you feel some tension in the band. Keep your arms shoulder-width apart and pull your elbows down toward your sides, bringing your shoulder blades together. Do two to three sets of 10 reps.
- Pull-ups can be difficult to start, as you need some good bicep strength already before really attempting them. The key is to push through the early frustration so you can build the muscles necessary to do more and more.[9]
- Make sure the chin-up bar at your home is positioned above shoulder height and firmly in place. You'll suffer a pretty nasty fall if it comes off during the exercise.
Exercising with Dumbbells
Do a reverse fly while bent-over. By effectively lifting your arms while leaving them fully extended, you can work the full range of your upper back's muscles. You'll need a bit of space for spreading out your arms, but won't need any equipment other than your dumbbells.[10]
- Bend at the waist with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees bent, back straight, abs pulled in, butt out. Hold dumbbells with your palms facing in and your elbows slightly bent. Your arms should be hanging toward the ground, but not dangling loosely.
- Slowly elevate your arms out to the side. They should end parallel to the ground. Make sure to keep your elbows slightly bent, and use your upper back to carry the weights up.
- Slowly lower your arms back to their original position. Your arm muscles should be focused on staying straight. Let your back do the work.
- Repeat the exercise, slowly elevating and returning your arms for about 30 seconds. Keep your spine straight during this exercise, and make sure that your arms don't swing. Moving slowly will help make sure your back is doing the work.
Do arm dumbbell rows. You can work your upper back by pulling weight upward, a similar motion to rowing a boat. This will help develop your shoulders and upper back, building muscle to help your arms when lifting things. You'll want access to a weight bench, or at least a low, sturdy chair with which you can support yourself.[11]
- Put one knee and hand on a weight bench or sturdy chair for support, and hold a dumbbell in the other hand. Keep that arm extended toward the floor.
- Pull the weight upward by bringing your elbow toward your body. Make sure to tighten your back muscles for each rep. At the height of your rowing, hold the position for a second to maximize the contraction.
- Slowly lower your arm.
- Make sure your movements are slow and deliberate to make sure you are properly working the muscles in your back. You shouldn't be jerking your arms up and down, but slowly moving them between the positions.
- Do this for 30 seconds with one arm, then switch sides to work both shoulders. One set involves working both arms.
- If you don't have a bench or a sturdy chair, bend your knees and hips to lean forward towards the floor. You want to be pulling upwards to use gravity for additional resistance. If you are leaning forward, you can also use two dumbbells at once since you won't need the other hand for support.
- If you don't have dumbbells, look for something that weighs about 3 to 5 pounds, and you can hold easily in your hand. The weight is there to provide resistance, so as long as you can grip it easily in one hand, it will help. A can of food from your pantry is a good replacement.[12]
Do a Romanian deadlift.[13] Adding dumbbells to this exercise provides some additional resistance to give your back the workout. Deadlifts will also really engage the backs of your legs. Rounding your back during this exercise can cause serious injury — make sure you keep it straight. When done correctly, however, reaching downward can help stretch out the muscles in your middle and lower back.[14]
- Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, and make sure your knees are slightly bent.
- Bend forward at the hips, keeping your back straight, until your back is almost parallel to the floor; the dumbbells should be at about shin-height. Make sure your arms stay straight in order to make sure it is your back doing the work lowering you down. Keep your abs pulled in to protect the lower back from rounding and becoming injured.
- After a brief pause at that position, slowly raise your upper body back until you are fully upright.
Do a twisting bend to the opposite foot. This exercise will use the dumbbells to provide resistance as you bend over. In addition, the twisting you make moving between feet with help strengthen your lower back and core. Keep your abs tight throughout, back straight.
- Stand up straight with your feet spread further than shoulder-width apart. Have a weight in each hand. If you only have one dumbbell, grab it with both hands.
- Inhale and reach your hands down to one foot, twisting your body toward that foot. Make sure your knees are slightly bent and that your arms stay straight. Keep the forward reach well within comfortable range of motion.
- Slowly stand up straight, then lower your upper body towards your other foot. Continue alternating sides.
- This exercise should not be performed by anyone with any lower back pain, or sciatica, since this move may aggravate that condition.
Strengthening with Elastic Bands
Do some pulling straps.[15] With a resistance band and enough space to lie down, you can give your shoulders and upper back a quick workout.[16]
- Lie facedown with the elastic band under your torso. Make sure to hold one end of the band in each of your hands. Hold your hands underneath your shoulders with your elbows drawn into your sides.
- Lift your chest off the ground and reach both arms straight out from your shoulders. When you are fully extended, pull on the band by drawing your shoulder blades together. You won't hold this position for very long, maybe a few seconds.
- Relax your shoulders to bring your hands back to the original position. Slowly lower your chest to the ground. Repeat eight times.
Do sitting rows. You can use the elastic band to mimic a rowing machine. The band provides resistance to your shoulders and upper back as you pull back.[17]
- Sit on the ground with your legs extended in front of you. Wrap your elastic band around the bottom of your feet, or a fixed object near your feet. You should keep your arms extended so that the band is as loose as possible, with one end in each hand.
- Pull your arms toward your body, tightening your shoulder blades to get the effect on your back.
- Return your arms to the original position. Make sure your feet stay planted as you pull and return the elastic.
Do back extensions. By anchoring your elastic band to the floor, you can extend your back muscles by leaning backwards. The band gives some resistance while you keep your back straight.[18]
- Make sure the elastic band is anchored to something stable below your knees. It can be under your feet, or be held down by a really heavy object.
- Sit upright on a stool, or some other object without a back so you can lean back. Hold the other end of the band up against your chest so it is taut.
- Slowly lean backwards until you are at about 30 degrees. Make sure your pelvis doesn't move and your back stays straight.
- Hold that position for several seconds, then slowly return upright. Repeat 10 times.
Do trunk rotation exercises. Using the elastic band as resistance, you can rotate your upper body to work the back muscles while seated. You'll need a door knob or some other point you can use to anchor the elastic band.[19] Rotation, especially under resistance, can injure backs, so do this exercise with caution and remember to keep your abs engaged.
- Anchor the band to the knob of a closed door or some other location at your seated chest height. Make sure the door or whatever else you have anchored the band to won't move.
- Sit next to the door so that it is off to your right side. Hold the other end of the band against your chest with one hand. Make sure the band is taut.
- Slowly rotate your upper body to the left, away from the door. Make sure your pelvis and knees stay in place so your back muscles are doing the work.
- Hold the position for a few seconds, then slowly rotate back. Repeat 10 times, then turn around and rotate to the right to work the muscles on your other side.
Doing Chores at Home
Use a broomstick for thrusters. With a broomstick in place of a weight bar or other equipment, you'll be able to work out your back as well as a variety of other muscles. It can be a nice break while sweeping up in your house. For your back, this exercises your upper back and shoulder muscles.[20]
- Stand with your legs apart, slightly wider than your hips. Hold a broomstick in front of you, arms shoulder-width or a little wider. Hold the broom parallel to the ground, at chest-height.
- Squat down, and push the broomstick straight up. Make sure you are tightening your upper-back muscles as you push the broom stick upwards.
- Lower the broom and stand back up again.
Try some standing push-ups. Similar to regular push-ups, you can use the edge of a household appliance like the washing machine to help work your back and arms. This is a great exercise if you have a few minutes to kill while the washing ends.[21]
- Stand a few feet away from the washer. Place your hands on the machine about shoulder-width apart. Keep your feet together.
- Slowly lower your chest toward the washer by bending your arms. Don't keep your feet flat on the ground, but lean forward on your toes.
- Push back out until your arms are fully extended again. Repeat 20 times.
Leave your laundry basket on the floor. This is good when you are moving clothes to and from the washing machine, dryer, ironing board, or drawers. By leaving the basket on the floor, you will constantly be bending over to pull things out. Make sure to stretch out your back each time you bend over.[22]
- Remember to keep your abs tight and back straight as you bend forward.
- It can also be helpful to take out items one at a time. This will force you to repeat the motion over and over again.
Clean out gutters. Reaching up and clearing leaves and debris out of your gutters will give your whole body a workout, including your back. You'll be stretching and reaching from the ladder over the gutter to get your hands in there, and your core will be engaged to keep balance on the ladder.
- Remember to keep moving your ladder as you go along the gutter. Reaching too far can cause you to fall over, plus the constant up and down is good exercise for your legs.
Do some gardening. Planting, watering, and weeding outdoors are all good ways to get in some stretching and exercise without going to a gym. You'll be bent down near the ground. Just be sure to bend at the knees and avoid arching your back to avoid strain.[23]
- Mulching is another good gardening task for working your back. You'll need to carry around heavy bags of mulch, and then shovel it around your yard or garden. Just remember to lift correctly when carrying the mulch to avoid straining your back.[24]
Sample Exercises and Routine
Expert Q&A
QuestionHow can I strengthen my back without weights?Shira TsviShira Tsvi is a Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor with over 7 years of personal training experience and over 2 years leading a group training department. Shira is certified by the National College of Exercise Professionals and the Orde Wingate Institute for Physical Education and Sports in Israel. Her practice is based in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Personal Trainer & Fitness InstructorIf you have a pull-up bar at home, pull-ups and chin-ups are a phenomenal way to strengthen your back. You can also do pushups, although pushups are more of a chest exercise. Stretching every day is also a great way to improve your back flexibility and strength. -
QuestionHow can I strengthen my back?Michele DolanMichele Dolan is a Fitness Trainer based in Sidney, British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002, and was certified as a Personal Trainer by the British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA). Michele is also a Registered Clinical Counselor, and uses her 20+ years of fitness coaching experience to help clients understand their mind-body connection. She is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) and Certified Clinical Counsellor (CCC), certified by the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors and the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. In her work, Michele uses the tools of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectic Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. She practices and teaches mindfulness and acceptance in all of her coaching work. She holds a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology.
Certified Fitness TrainerPush ups and the bent over row with dumbellls (or a resistance band row) are good exercises to start with. Supermans or the pointing dog work important postural muscles in the back, as well. -
QuestionHow can I strengthen my lower back?Michele DolanMichele Dolan is a Fitness Trainer based in Sidney, British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002, and was certified as a Personal Trainer by the British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA). Michele is also a Registered Clinical Counselor, and uses her 20+ years of fitness coaching experience to help clients understand their mind-body connection. She is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) and Certified Clinical Counsellor (CCC), certified by the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors and the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. In her work, Michele uses the tools of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectic Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. She practices and teaches mindfulness and acceptance in all of her coaching work. She holds a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology.
Certified Fitness TrainerThe pointing dog, the Superman exercise and the back extension all strengthen the lower back muscles.
New research shows that stretching before an activity can make your muscles weaker and slower and it is not likely to reduce your chances of injury. Focus instead on warming up.[25]Thanks
If you are just starting to work out, try using just the weight of your own arms or body, or starting with 3 to 5 pound dumbbells. You'll be able to increase as you gain strength in your arm and back muscles. If you can't increase the weight, that's fine. The important thing is to provide a little resistance to your movement.Thanks
Correct posture is an important part of doing all of these exercises. Improper back workouts can lead to injury, or not properly working the muscles. Back muscles in particular can be sensitive to injury, so you'll need to be careful.Thanks
- If you feel pain while doing these exercises, stop. Your back can be very sensitive, and a hurt back can give you other problems.Thanks
- Weight and resistance are important, but so is your safety. Start with weights you can handle and slowly work your way to heavier sizes. If you find that you just can't lift something, stop trying. Overexerting your muscles is a good way to hurt yourself.Thanks
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- ↑ Shira Tsvi. Personal Trainer & Fitness Instructor. Expert Interview. 7 January 2020.
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- ↑ Shira Tsvi. Personal Trainer & Fitness Instructor. Expert Interview. 7 January 2020.
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About this article
To work your back muscles at home, do body-weight exercises like reverse snow angels, hip hinges, wall slides, and pull-ups. You can also try doing standing push-ups and thrusters using a broomstick if you don't have a weight bar at home. Even just doing chores around the house can help build your back muscles, like working in your garden, bending down to pick up items off the floor when you're cleaning, and cleaning out your gutters. To learn how to work your back muscles with dumbbells, scroll down!
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"Good information about how to do the exercises, the proper way to do them, and how to get the best effect from doing them right. "..." more