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Deal Or No Deal, OPEC Can't Win In Fight Against American Frackers

Updated Nov 30, 2016, 11:33am EST
This article is more than 7 years old.

OPEC nations need higher oil prices to balance their budgets. The cartel has been negotiating to cut oil supplies and drive up prices. But there’s a catch. Deal or no deal, OPEC will still have to accomodate America’s oil frackers. They’re not OPEC members, and would jump to lock in higher prices. Texas oil men say $60 oil would spur a new drilling boom, negate the effect of any OPEC cut, and steal the cartel’s market share and revenues.

Like celebrating Thanksgiving with a houseful of in-laws, OPEC’s autumn meeting in Vienna brings a combination of joy and dread. Something unexpected usually crops up, but the headlines out of both meetings are about the same year after year:

Iran Argues With Saudis. Grandpa Loses Dentures. Venezuela Pleads For Production Cuts. Three Year Old Has A Meltdown. Bomb Blasts Nigeria Pipeline. Sisters Bicker Over Politics.

We ponder how to liquidate excess turkey supply. OPEC frets about balancing the oil market. In 2014 OPEC's response was to pump more and hope the frackers went bankrupt. Last year everyone sat on their hands. Today the latest deal on the table in Vienna is said by Argus to be a six-month cut.

But who cuts? Not Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Nigeria, Libya. They all want to produce more, not less. At their September meeting in Algiers OPEC agreed in principle to an accord that once finalized would freeze production at 32.5 million to 33 million barrels per day. In the months since then, member countries have ramped output to a record 33.8 million bpd. Just to get back to the Algiers proposal, OPEC would need to cut 1.5 million bpd -- most of which would need to be borne by the Saudis and their Gulf neighbors.

All else equal, a unilateral Saudi cut would work for them because they would make more money selling 7.5 million barrels a day at $55 than 9 million barrels at $40. “It would be a net gain, with less work,” says Ed Hirs, who teaches energy economics at the University of Houston. “But it would be a windfall for Iran and others who couldn’t resist soaking up the Saudi market share.”

An OPEC analysis this morning by the Center for Strategic and International Studies concluded that for the Vienna OPEC meeting “Failure unequivocally means more quarters of financial distress and the renewed warnings of persistent underinvestment leading to price shocks within the next few years. Success could mean but a temporary return to higher prices, until new supply (from stocks or wells) catches up with market incentives, and the undulating pattern is repeated.”

But this misses the point. "OPEC is finally realizing that the emperor has no clothes," says an exec at an energy focused private equity group. "Even if they could rein in their own members, they would realize that they can no longer control the market."

A "successful" meeting that cuts output to raise prices could backfire by unleashing a new wave of American oil a year from now. Whereas “failure” of no cuts and lower prices (i.e. sub-$40) could be successful if in the long-run it kills off enough competition and scares away capital to establish a more solid flood under prices.

Even that wouldn't be enough. The problem for OPEC is that it’s too late to scare off America’s frackers. Since President Obama signed a law repealing the domestic crude oil export ban producers have ramped up exports of American oil to 700,000 bpd, much of it competing directly with Nigeria’s light crude. Continental Resources CEO Harold Hamm told me this year that the American oil miracle was just getting started: “We’ve doubled it. We can double it again.”

U.S. oil production topped out around 9.6 million bpd in early 2015, and is around 8.7 million today, according to government numbers. It won’t take much to get U.S. oil production rocking again. The advances made in the Permian basin are real. And OPEC knows it. Consider a great statistic that Occidental Petroleum publishes quarterly, called Total Spend Per Barrel of Production.

Our efforts to focus on efficiency and capital discipline are paying off as we continue to lower our total spend per barrel of production. We averaged close to $62 per barrel in 2014, about $40 per barrel in 2015 and have targeted $28.50 per barrel in 2016. Year-to-date, we've beaten our target with average total spend of about $27.50 per barrel.

Oxy is the biggest producer and acreage holder in the Permian basin, with a vast legacy position in old conventional fields. In the two years since prices collapsed in 2014, Oxy has cut its spend per barrel in half and doubled its Permian tight oil production to 125,000 bpd. With thousands of drilling locations economic at $50, Oxy should be able to double that and double it again.

To the OPEC family, America's tight oil miracle is like the uncouth boyfriend your sister-in-law brought to Thanksgiving dinner a few years. You figured that if you made life difficult for the poor guy, he’d go away. But sis ran the numbers. Not only did she let the fracker stick around, she married him. Wouldn't you? No need to bother with long-cycle, high-risk ventures in the ultra-deepwater, Arctic or oil sands when you can activate a rig in Midland, drill and frack a Wolfcamp well for less than $5 million and have it pay out in a couple years (even after you paid that crazy $50,000/acre leasing bonus)? In two years the oil industry has deferred some $1 trillion of projects.

Today traders appeared skeptical that a deal would get done, sending WTI down nearly 4% to $45.28 a barrel. Tomorrow the OPEC ministers will likely make some face-saving proclamation of cooperation, without really cooperating on anything. The mere hint of tighter supplies will drive up oil prices a few bucks. After the kisses and hugs, they will go home to sleep off the festivities, knowing that next year, facing a wave of new supply from the U.S., they’ll be right back where they started -- sitting on too much oil.

From the archives:


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