Sons of Anarchy was created by Sutter, who also wrote, produced, directed and acted in the show, which concluded in 2014. The series had a seven-season run on FX, during which the Mayans played a key role. For our thoughts on the series, check out IGN's Sons of Anarchy: Season 7 review. Alex Osborn is a freelance writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter and subscribe to his video content on YouTube.
Sons of Anarchy was created by Sutter, who also wrote, produced, directed and acted in the show, which concluded in 2014. The series had a seven-season run on FX, during which the Mayans played a key role. For our thoughts on the series, check out IGN's Sons of Anarchy: Season 7 review. Alex Osborn is a freelance writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter and subscribe to his video content on YouTube.