Everyone's bragging about their follower count after what looks like a brief suspension of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey's own Twitter account Tuesday night.
Once his account came back online after about 10 minutes, the social media exec was down to a paltry 142 followers.
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While his follower count eventually started growing back to its original size, Twitter users couldn't help but gloat that they had more followers than the company's own cofounder.
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A short while after his account was restored, Dorsey was up to 3.79 million, followers close to his initial 3.9 million before the weird suspension. It dipped slightly after reaching 3.79 million, adding to the oddness of the situation.
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Mashable reached out to Twitter but hasn't heard back yet on what exactly happened with @Jack's account. Dorsey eventually tweeted out that it was an "internal mistake."
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Meanwhile, users were able to feel a bit more powerful than the platform's own CEO, even if for only a few minutes.
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