Page last updated at 00:53 GMT, Tuesday, 25 August 2009 01:53 UK

Vault above Marilyn Monroe sold

Marilyn Monroe's grave, with flowers, below Richard Poncher's.
Marilyn Monroe's grave, with flower, is in Westwood Village Memorial Park

The burial vault above the remains of Hollywood film star Marilyn Monroe has been sold for more than $4.6m (£2.8m).

More than 20 offers, starting at $500,000, were received for the space, located in the Westwood Village Memorial Park in Los Angeles.

The vault had been advertised on the auction website eBay by the widow of the current occupier.

The name of the buyer has not been revealed - except for the initials OS, used to take part in the auction.

'Eternity' advert

The space was auctioned by the widow of the man buried - face down - above Monroe, to raise enough cash to pay off the mortgage on her Beverly Hills home, the Los Angeles Times reported earlier this month.

Marilyn Monroe 1952
Monroe died aged 36 in 1962

His remains would be moved sideways to a neighbouring plot to make room for the new occupant, said widow Elsie Poncher.

Her eBay advert was entitled "Spend eternity directly above Marilyn Monroe".

Richard Poncher died 23 years ago at the age of 81.

The Westwood Village Memorial Park is the final resting place for many celebrities, including Dean Martin, Natalie Wood, Truman Capote and Farrah Fawcett.

The space next to Monroe's vault was sold in 1992 to the publisher of Playboy magazine, Hugh Hefner, for $75,000.

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