This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.
There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.
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Many snake enthusiasts are fascinated by venomous (or "hot") snakes. Some people are intrigued enough that they decide they want to keep one of these snakes themselves. Caring for a venomous snake is highly dangerous and should only be attempted by people with the proper knowledge, skills, and equipment. Strict safety precautions must always be taken. While snakes are fascinating animals, venomous ones can kill you with a single bite.
Making Your Home Ready for a Venomous Snake
Research local laws. Before giving serious consideration to bringing home a venomous snake, go online and see what state and local laws are in effect in your area. Follow all laws regarding the possession of these animals.[1]
- In some states, only certain species of venomous snakes may be kept.
- In some states, venomous snakes may not be kept by private citizens.
- Some states allow keeping venomous snakes, but place restrictions on how they can be obtained.
- If you have trouble finding or understanding the laws in your area, contact your local Department of Natural Resources or Department of Fish and Game, or an attorney.
Discuss it with your housemates or family. Before deciding to bring home a venomous animal, discuss this with anyone else you live with. Be certain they are in full understanding of the risks and dangers, and agree to having a hot snake live in the home.
- It's also a good idea to alert friends who come to the home regularly, and nearby neighbors who could be at risk if the snake should escape.
Research different varieties of snakes. Next, spend some time learning about different varieties of snakes that are permitted in your area to decide which species you might be interested in bringing home.
- Be aware that different species of snakes have different requirements in terms of care and feeding, space, temperature, light, and so forth.[2] Pick a species of snake that you are going to be able to care for adequately.
- Different types of snakes also have different dispositions, with some being more aggressive, others more reclusive, and so on. Spend some time online or visit your local library or bookstore and pick up a book on snakes to learn more. Remember, the shape of a snake's eyes and head alone cannot necessarily determine if it is venomous or not.
Purchase insurance. It is irresponsible to own a venomous snake without having the proper insurance. Accidents are common and can cost a lot of money. If you can't afford insurance, you can't afford to keep one of these snakes.[3]
- You and everyone in your home should have adequate health insurance. Medical treatment for a snake bite can cost thousands of dollars.
- You should also have liability insurance. If your snake bites someone else, you will be legally responsible for any costs that result, including medical bills and the possibility of lawsuits resulting from injury or death.
Collect emergency contact information. Before bringing a snake home, collect emergency contact information for hospitals in the area that keep anti-venom on hand that would counteract the venom of your snake. Keep the information in multiple places.
- Keep this list by your snake's cage, in your phone, and in other prominent places around the home. Be sure your family or housemates know where this information is.
Prepare the snake's tank. Before purchasing a snake, prepare an adequate and secure home for it. The size requirements will vary depending on the variety. The cage or tank must be sturdy and secure.[4]
- Purchase a snake tank (like reinforced fish tank) or make a cage from plywood, at least a half inch thick.
- Do not use any cage with mesh sides.
- Any opening large enough for a snake to stick its snout in up to its eyes is a big enough opening for it to escape.
- The tank must have a secured lid. Ideally, it should lock.[5]
Bring your snake home. Find a reputable vendor to buy a snake from and purchase your snake. Then bring it home and release it into the cage.
- To find a reputable vendor, read some online reviews, or better yet, talk to others within the snake community to get a recommendation.
- Ask the vendor questions such as who he or she uses as a vet, how long the business has existed, and where the snakes come from. A reputable vendor should have clear, straightforward answers to all these questions. It is also a good idea to ask for references.
- If you live somewhere where venomous snakes live in the wild, you may be tempted to try to catch one yourself. Before undertaking such a task, be aware that this is very dangerous if you don't know what you are doing, and is also illegal in some states.[6]
Caring for Your Snake
Keep the snake's area secured. Any time you do not need to access your snake, keep its cage or tank closed and locked. The room that you keep the cage in should also be sealed.[7]
- Be certain there are no places where the snake could get into the walls or building structure. Be sure there are no openings large enough for the snake to escape the room, should it get out of its cage.
- Keep the room free of clutter to make the snake easier to find, should it get out of its tank.
- Make sure there is a light right by the door of the room so you never have to cross the room in darkness. Keep your handling tools by the door as well.
- Keep all other pets out of the area at all times.
2Maintain proper heat and humidity. Different snakes have different requirements regarding heat and humidity. Depending on the breed of your snake, you may need to purchase heat lamps, space heaters, or humidifiers to make sure your snake is healthy and comfortable.
- Gaboon vipers, for example, must be kept at temperatures ranging from the mid 70s to the high 80s, Fahrenheit. Their enclosures should be sprayed regularly to create proper humidity.[8]
- Some snakes, like the Banded Rock Rattlesnake, require an annual hibernation period, during which the temperature in the room must be lowered into the 50s and lighting must be reduced.[9]
- Make sure you are equipped to care for the needs of your snake by creating a healthy environment.
Keep the tank clean. Like any animal that lives in a cage, a venomous snake will need its home cleaned periodically. This is most easily achieved by moving it temporarily to a separate tank or cage so you can clean without disturbing or provoking it.[10]
- Depending on the type of snake, a thorough cleaning is usually needed at least three or four times a year, but keep an eye on cage conditions and make this determination for yourself.
Feed according the needs of the species. All venomous snakes are carnivores. Most should be fed frozen/thawed food, such as mice, rats, insects, or amphibians, depending on the variety of snake. Some may only eat live. [11] Research the specific species you have purchased to determine how much to feed it and how often.
Watch for signs of disease. Different varieties of snakes are susceptible to different diseases. When you research your snake, make sure to pay attention to which diseases are common and how you can detect them.
- Reduced appetite and slower than normal movements are often a sign your snake is ill.[14]
Handling Your Snake
Stay sharp. Whenever you are going to remove the snake from its home, change its water, or otherwise come into contact with the snake, stay alert. Snakes can strike rapidly and in any direction.
- Never handle your snake when intoxicated, exhausted, or otherwise impaired.[15]
Dress protectively. When handling a snake always wear a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and thick leather gloves. NEVER handle a venomous snake with your bare hands.
Use the right tools. Some experienced handlers will pick up a snake with their hands when they need to move it. This is not recommended, however.[16] A better choice is to use a metal snake hook or tongs.
- Snake hooks and tongs can be purchased online.
- Snake hooks are made of stainless steel and allow you to pick up and move a snake without getting it close enough to your body that it can strike you.
- Never pick up a snake by the neck using tongs. You can accidentally strangle your snake.
- It's a good idea to practice using hooks and tongs with a toy snake first, and then ideally with a non-venomous snake before attempting to move a poisonous animal with these tools.
Move slowly. When you handle a venomous snake, avoid big and sudden motions. Move slowly and keep your movements as minimal as possible. This will reduce the risk of startling the snake and thus of it striking out at you.
- It's also a good idea to hang out in the room with the snake for 15 minutes or more before moving it, so the snake can get comfortable with your presence.
- Get the snake into a container as soon as you can.
Handle the snake no more than necessary. The more you handle your snake, the more opportunities it has to bite you or escape. Only handle it when necessary.
Responding to Snake Bites
Move away from the snake. If you are bitten by your snake, move away from it immediately. It may strike you again.[19]
- Further bites mean more venom in your bloodstream and an increased risk of death.
Call for help. Immediately call 911 or one of the hospitals you have already identified as having anti-venom.[20] Time is of the essence. You need medical assistance immediately.
Remove tight clothing or jewelry around the bite. The bitten area is likely to swell. Tight clothing or jewelry around the area can be difficult to remove once this happens.[21]
Loosely apply a clean bandage over the wound.[22] This prevents infection and reduces blood loss.
Keep the wound below the heart. Keeping the wound below the level of your heart will slow the spread of the venom. Keep the wound low, ideally while lying down.
- If the snake has bitten your arm, for example, lie on a bed or couch with the bitten arm dangling over the side.[25]
Stay calm and still. Although it may be hard not to panic, you need to stay calm and still while you wait for help. Anxiety and activity will increase your heart rate, speeding the movement of the venom through your body.[26]
- Do not drink alcohol or caffeine while awaiting help. Alcohol thins the blood, and caffeine raises your heart rate. Both can cause the situation to worsen more rapidly.[27]
Expert Q&A
Consider spending time with an experienced snake owner, and/or with non-venomous snakes before purchasing a venomous one.Thanks
Keep the cage secured at all times that you aren't accessing it, preferably with a lock.Thanks
Consider keeping anti-venom on hand for any venomous species of snake that you care for.Thanks
- If your snake escapes, you may need to cut open walls or floors as you search for it, doing significant damage to your home and placing you and anyone else in the home at risk. Avoid this possibility at all costs.Thanks
- Most snake owners are bitten at some point.[28] Even expert handlers are sometimes bitten and occasionally die from snake bites. Be prepared for this eventuality.Thanks
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"This article helped me a lot, because my sister is looking into a venomous snake, and our parents let her have one. "..." more