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Analysis and Elaborate Profiles of 200 SMM
Technologies and Services Worldwide
Ideya Market Report, 7th
November 2016
Contact: Luisa Milic, Director, Ideya Ltd.  tel.: +44 (0)789 1166 897  Email:
 Company Website:
Social Media Monitoring Tools and
Services Report Public Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd
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© 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved;
Dear Readers,
Ideya Ltd. is pleased to share with you the Seventh Edition of the Social Media Monitoring Tools and
Services Report. We bring you this report with the expectation that it will save you time and guide you
through a myriad of choices that now exist for social media monitoring. We conducted extensive
market research of key features, clients, and current pricing of the tools and services. We hope you will
find it useful and look forward to your feedback.
Yours sincerely,
Luisa Milic, Director, Ideya, Ltd.
Ideya Ltd is a business and marketing consultancy. It offers customized and innovative services to help
its clients face the challenges of market disruptions and turn them into opportunities. Since 2009, Ideya
has been offering market research and advisory support to companies that are exploring Social Media
Monitoring (SMM) solutions to guide them in the selection of SMM to boost their business performance
and customer engagements. Ideya also provides consulting services to SMM technology providers
interested in exploring partnership, sales, or acquisitions opportunities.
Luisa Milic, M.Sc. is the Founder and Director of Ideya Business and Marketing Consultancy providing
services in the area of market research and analysis, business and strategic planning. She has 22 years
of international experience, working 11 years at KPMG LLP Market Research in the USA and leading the
Ideya consultancy in Europe for 11 years. Luisa works on innovative business and market strategies with
clients across industry sectors including manufacturing, retail and consumer goods, tourism, and
information technology. She also engages with organizations in the education sector and public services,
and collaborates with other consultancies. In Europe, she has developed a network of collaborators from
FP6 and FP7 EU projects and develops business strategies for the commercialization of the resulting
technical solutions.
Her work also includes projects and seminars on usage of various methods for market research/analysis,
facilitation of strategic planning workshops, mentoring, and research/advisory support to companies
exploring IoT Data Analytics and Social Media Monitoring Technologies.
Published on 15th November 2016; Copyright (©) 2016 Ideya, Ltd.
All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any electronic or mechanical
means, including information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from Ideya, Ltd. All third party
information or data included in this report are sourced from publicly-accessible source and remain the property of their
respective owners. The data in this report are believed to be accurate at the time of publication but cannot be guaranteed;
therefore Ideya, Ltd. cannot accept liability whatever the actions are taken based on any data in this report that may
consequently prove to be inaccurate.
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© 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved;
Table of Contents
Part 1 – Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report - Analysis
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................8
1.1 Who Will Benefit from this Report?....................................................................................................10
1.2 Scope of the Report.............................................................................................................................10
2. FEATURED SMM TOOLS AND SERVICES.....................................................................................................12
2.1 SMM Tools and Services by Availability .............................................................................................12
2.2 HQs Locations of SMM Tool and Service Providers............................................................................14
2.3 Emergence of the SMM Tools and Services over the Past Decade....................................................15
3. SOCIAL MEDIA MONITORING AND APPLICATIONS...................................................................................16
3.1 Definition of Key SMM Concepts ........................................................................................................16
3.2 SMM Product Applications and Benefits............................................................................................24
4. MARKET TRENDS ........................................................................................................................................49
4.1 Market Growth ....................................................................................................................................49
SMM market continues to demonstrate further growth ...................................................................................... ……49
4.2 Market Dynamics.................................................................................................................................50
Big Technology Companies Taking Over the Market ..................................................................................................50
Partnerships on the Rise to Deliver More Strategic Insights for Businesses ...............................................................54
Further Decline in Merger and Acquisition Activity Continues in 2016.......................................................................60
Increasing Number of Vendors Offering Combination of Free and Fee Based SMM Tools and Services to Create
Demand for Paid Services ...........................................................................................................................................72
4.3 Technology Innovation........................................................................................................................72
Continuous Investment and Advancement in SMM Technologies and Features ........................................................72
Continuous Expansion of Media Coverage and Analytics as Social Media Evolves ....................................................79
Social TV Opens New Opportunities for SMM and Analytics ......................................................................................82
Emergence of New Kind of Analytics ..........................................................................................................................85
4.4 Customer Position................................................................................................................................87
Increasing Adoption of Social Media Technologies.....................................................................................................87
Adoption of Employee Advocacy Programs on the Rise and Its Effect on SMM Tools................................................91
Choosing Between Point Solution and Integrated Social Media Suites ......................................................................92
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Businesses Still Struggling with the Tool Selection and SMM.....................................................................................93
5. A GUIDE TO SELECTING AND USING SMM TOOLS AND SERVICES............................................................96
5.1 PLANNING for Success.........................................................................................................................96
5.2 Consideration of Key Features ............................................................................................................99
5.2.1 Data Management...........................................................................................................................102 Coverage: Media, Language, and Industry Coverage...................................................................102 Data Latency and Real Time Monitoring......................................................................................142 Data Cleaning...............................................................................................................................144 Alerts ............................................................................................................................................144 Data Export ..................................................................................................................................146 API Integration with Third Party Application ...............................................................................146 Data Archiving and Historical Data..............................................................................................147 SMM Product Comparison Based on the Key Data Management Features....................................155
5.2.2 Data Analysis and Visualization ...................................................................................................163 Media Statistics............................................................................................................................163 Filtering and Sorting of Results ....................................................................................................172 Sentiment Analysis .......................................................................................................................179 Influencer Profiling and Analysis..................................................................................................185 Viral Content Tracking and Analysis.............................................................................................202 Trend Analysis ..............................................................................................................................203 Topic and Theme Analysis ............................................................................................................206 Word/Tag Cloud...........................................................................................................................211 Competitive Monitoring and Analysis ..........................................................................................213 Predictive analytics.....................................................................................................................219 Campaign Management/Measurement ....................................................................................220 SMM Product Comparison based on the Data Analysis and Visualizations Features................222
5.2.3 Process Management and User Interface........................................................................................232 Dashboard....................................................................................................................................232 Engagement and Publishing Function..........................................................................................234 Workflow Management...............................................................................................................236 Client Relationship Management (CRM)......................................................................................242 Product Comparison Based on the User Interface and Process Management Features...............244
5.3 Pricing and Clients .............................................................................................................................255
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6. REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................................303
Part 2 – Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Directory
1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….......................11
1.1 Who Will Benefit from the SMM Tools and Services Directory? ...................................................12
1.2 Scope of the SMM Tools and Services Directory………………………………………………………...................12
1.3 The Directory Listing ..……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…........14
2. PROFILES OF PAID SMM TOOLS AND SERVICES .………………………….………………………………………….……........19
3. PROFILES OF FREE SMM TOOLS AND SERVICES ……………………………….…………………………………………………856
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Table 1. Paid SMM Tools and Services (Total 160) 13
Table 2. SMM Tools with Free and Paid SMM Services (Total 22) 14
Table 3. Free SMM Tools (Total 18) 14
Table 4. Distribution of SMM Tools and Services by Provider’s HQs Location 14
Table 5. Common Social Media Platforms 18
Table 6. SMM Tools - Key Functions and Product Applications 33
Table 7. M&As in SMM Market (Period 2007-2016) 64
Table 8. SMM Product Comparison by Media and Language Coverage 104
Table 9. Multilanguage Sentiment Analytics – List of SMM Tools and Language Coverage 130
Table 10. Industry Coverage – List of SMM Tools and Services 136
Table 11. Historical Data Coverage – List of SMM Tools and Services Ranked by Historical Data
Table 12. SMM Product Comparison Based on the Key Data Management Features:
Alerts, Data Export, API Integration, Data Archiving
Table 13. Key Social Metrics By Major Social Media Platforms 164
Table 14. Key Social Metrics by Major Categories 165
Table 15. Filtering by Results Media Type – List of SMM Tools and Services 174
Table 16. Filtering of Results by Keywords or Topic – List of SMM Tools and Services 175
Table 17. Filtering of Results by Geography – List of SMM Tools and Services 176
Table 18. Filtering of Results by Demographics – List of SMM Tools and Services 177
Table 19. Viral Content Tracking and Analysis – List of SMM Tools and Services 202
Table 20. Predictive Analytics – List of SMM Tools and Services 219
Table 21. SMM Product Comparison Based on Key Data Analysis and Visualization Features: Automated
Sentiment Analysis, Human Sentiment Analysis, Influencer Analysis and Profiling, Trend
Analysis, Topic/Theme Analysis, Word/Tag Cloud, Competitive Analysis, Campaign
Management and Monitoring
Table 22. SMM Product Comparison Based on Process Management and User Interface:
Customized Dashboards, Workflow Management, Engagement, Publishing, CRM
Table 23. Pricing and Sample Client List 255
Figure 1. Strategic Approach to Selecting and Employing SMM Tools and Services 9
Figure 2. SMM Tools and Services by Current Status 12
Figure 3. Featured SMM Tools and Services by the Year of Introduction (2000 –2016) 15
Figure 4. Engaging Social Media Monitoring Tools 22
Figure 5. The Ways SMM and Engagement Can Impact Your Business Performance 24
Figure 6. Key Applications of SMM Tools 27
Figure 7. Featured SMM Tools and Services – Number and Growth (%) (2005 – 2016) 50
Figure 8. Timeline – The Year of Tool/Service Introduction 57
Figure 9. M&A Activity in the SMM Market (2007-2016) 61
Figure 10. Cluster Analysis Chart 75
Figure 11. Predictive Analytics 77
Figure 12. Access across Any Device Including Desktop, iPhone/iPad, and Android 78
Figure 13. Social TV Meter Dashboard Showing Trend per Minute, KPI and Hashtag Cloud 84
Figure 14. Social Intelligence Center View, “Command-Style Center” Creation Capabilities 90
Figure 15. The Tool Key Features and Factors Impacting Selection Process 100
Figure 16. SMM Key Product Features - Percentage of SMM Products Offering Specific Feature 101
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Figure 17. Usage and Perceived Effectiveness of Social Media Platforms 102
Figure 18. Alerts 145
Figure 19. Integrations: Market Place - Integration with existing CRM Systems, Analytics, Marketing
Automation, Asset Management, Profile and Message Enrichment Systems
Figure 20. Filtering of Results: Filtering Options 173
Figure 21. Segmentation By Demographics: Filtering of Results by Gender 173
Figure 22. Geo-location Live View: Single Geofence with Social Media Post Location Pins 177
Figure 23. Sentiment Analysis - Share of Voice by Sentiment, Competitors' Sentiment Breakdown, Positive
Sentiment Trending by Competitors
Figure 24. Sentiment by Conversation Topics 180
Figure 25. Sentiment Analysis: Total Mentions and Sentiment Scores by Industry Category and Trending
Topics by Sentiment
Figure 26. Sentiment Trending 181
Figure 27. Sentiment Analysis: Word Classification Bubble Chart, Brand Opinion, and Buzz Trend by
Figure 28. Human Sentiment Analysis: Manual Assignment of Sentiment 183
Figure 29. Influencer Analysis - A-List Sorted by Influencer Rank 186
Figure 30. Influencer Network Analysis - Interactive Social Network Analysis Map with Filtering Options
(e.g., Weight, Influencer Score, etc.) Showing Individuals in a Group who are Drivers of Change,
Trend-Setters and Industry Opinion Makers
Figure 31. Top Influential Sources and Top 10 Authority Sites 187
Figure 32. Bubble Stream Chart Combining Commenter's Influence and Sentiment 187
Figure 33. Influencers Profiling Table – Overview Influence Score, Tweets, Mentions, Followers, Retweets,
Retweets Sent, Replies, Favorites, Listed, Klout Score, Direct Reach, Echo Reach, Total Reach
Figure 34. Influencer Profiling: A Comprehensive View of an Individual's Public Content across the Web,
Filtered by Topic and Ranked by Their Potential Impact On the User's Business
Figure 35. Author Interests Analysis 189
Figure 36. Influencer Analysis: Competitive Matrix 189
Figure 37. Influence Gap Report Showing Share of Influence versus Topic or Competitors 198
Figure 38. Social Network Analysis: Visualization of a Twitter Network using “Graph in Box” Layout 200
Figure 39. Viral Content Tracking and Analysis: Virality Chart Measuring How Specific Articles Spread
Through Different Media Channels and Identify Those With The Highest Impact
Figure 40. Channel Trends: Posts, Comments and Likes Over Time By Competitor 203
Figure 41. Trend Analysis: Key Metrics Over Time 203
Figure 42. Trend Analysis: Sentiment and Emotion Trending 204
Figure 43. Trend Analysis: Trend Analysis by Source 204
Figure 44. Topic Analysis: Clustering Techniques (Word Clouds) to Discover the Words and Phrases Most
Frequently Associated With Company's Brand Or Keyword, Including Discovery of Emerging
Players and Issues
Figure 45. Topic Analysis: Word Burst Chart with Keyword Categorization and Sample Mentions 206
Figure 46. Topic Analysis: Trending Topics in Real Time, Sentiment Analysis by Topic, Share of Voice and
Ranking by Topics
Figure 47. Topic Analysis – Interactive Topic Maps Showing the Significant Words of the Online
Discussions and their Relationships Amongst Themselves
Figure 48. Topic Analysis – Interactive Tree Map Showing the Most Common terms in the Mention Sets 208
Figure 49 Topic Analysis – Bundle Visualization Showing the Most Frequent Correlations between
Keywords or Topics
Figure 50. Tag Cloud and Word Cloud Showing Top Themes and Key Themes Over Time 210
Figure 51. Word Cloud with Positive and Negative Hot Topics 211
Figure 52. Cluster Analysis: Interactive Map Showing Major Themes and Their Relationships 211
Figure 53. Tag Creation and Word Tag: Offering Smart Tagging To Self Organize and Share Expert
Opinions, Comments and Sentiment In Real-Time
Figure 54. Competitive Analysis: Volume and Share of Voice Chart 213
Figure 55. Competitive Analysis: Competitor Performance Over Time 213
Figure 56. Competitive Analysis: Sentiment and Activity Including Mentions and Smart Tags Comparison 214
Figure 57. Competitive Analysis and Benchmarking – Banking Industry 215
Figure 58. Competitive Analysis Trends 215
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Figure 59. Competitive Analysis - Facebook Competitor Engagement Map Used For Comparison of Brand
and Competitors’ Facebook Performance by Engagement and Number of Fans
Figure 60. Competitive Analysis: Experience Scores Graph 216
Figure 61. Competitive Analysis: Competitive Matrix KPI's 217
Figure 62. Competitive Analysis: Followers Comparison 218
Figure 63. Campaign Monitoring and Measurement: Campaign Monitoring Chart 220
Figure 64. Campaign Monitoring and Measurement: Social Campaign Details 220
Figure 65. Campaign Monitoring and Measurement: Campaign Insights - Engagement (Likes, Comments,
Shares) Over Time, Engagement by Type, Engagement Trending by Media Type, Share of Voice
by Media Type, Message Scorecard
Figure 66. Standard Dashboard 232
Figure 67. Customizable Dashboard 232
Figure 68. Publishing: Asset Library 234
Figure 69. Publishing: Message Approval 234
Figure 70. Workflow Management: Priority Inbox and Recommendations 237
Figure 71. Workflow Management: Social Inbox 237
Figure 72. Workflow Management: Setting Up and Customization of Status Levels of Messages to Improve
Tracking, Routing, and Response Time
Figure 73. Workflow Management: Bulk Actions to Assist Community Managers and Moderators in
Rapidly Processing Multiple Messages
Figure 74. Workflow Management: Calendar Publishing View 239
Figure 75. Workflow Management: Ticket System To Assign Tasks To Other People Within A Hotel/Chain 239
Figure 76. Workflow Management: Workflow Report - Ambassadors' KPIs, team performance 240
Figure 77. Workflow Management: Workflow Report Including Conversations, Sentiment, and Key Metrics 240
Figure 78. Workflow Management: Service Level Agreement (SLA) Response Time Reporting Dashboard
with Compliance Monitoring
Figure 79 Social CRM – Integrated Social CRM Allowing Brands to Engage with Customers, Assign Tasks
to Team Members, Track Customer Relations and Archive Results
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Social media has become an integral part of any business strategy affecting Marketing, Communication,
Customer Care, HR and other business functions across the organization. This has placed a significant
pressure on social programs and executives to efficiently listen, manage, monitor, analyze, and engage
within social media with social principles and practices infusing all companies' business processes and
activities. As social media has become a mainstream business tool, companies continue to invest into social
media programs such as employee advocacy, social selling, social recruiting, etc. and employing Social
Media Monitoring (SMM) technologies and services to monitor and solicit public opinions about their
brand and products, shape their online presence and develop strategies to engage and harness the social
paradigm. If used properly, social intelligence offered by SMM tools can create true business value for
businesses by supporting every area of their business from understanding consumers’ needs and
behaviours, competitive landscape, creating risk management plans, increasing customer experience and
satisfaction, to executing smart product development and campaigns, and building long term and
profitable relationships with their customers.
The number and quality of SMM tools available in the market has changed considerably, with the SMM
technology industry maturing rapidly through innovation and acquisitions by large technology companies
and the emergence of new tools, delivering unique and more sophisticated analytical capabilities and more
personalized engagement. This has created a highly complex and diverse landscape of SMM technologies.
With a vast number of social media monitoring and management tools on the market, making an educated
choice about which social media monitoring and management platform can best address an organization's
needs and justify social media investment, has become a challenging and time consuming task for
organizations – especially as the social media technology business has branched out into a diverse set of
technologies, data types and countless vendors, confusing buyers. New tools and services are emerging
continually, while already established SMM companies are frequently improving their products by
introducing new features and coverage to accommodate their clients’ needs or transforming their point
solutions into a complete social suite to address multiple business needs and functions within one single
platform. Some top vendors are developing features beyond monitoring, listening, or social media
management, and gradually converging their platforms with content management, customer experience
or social relationship platforms. Each SMM tool offers a specific set of functionalities and differs in focus,
coverage, and approach, with some focusing more on engagement, publishing, and workflow
management, while other offering strong analytics and reporting functions. There is still no single superior
SMM tool or service provider, which can effectively and successfully measure and address all aspects of
social media and business functions. For that reason, most organizations still use multiple social media
monitoring tools across different functional areas and geographies, as they require a slightly different
approach and view of the social media space in order to address their specific social analysis and business
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© 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved;
Existing market reports on SMM providers typically focus on a few, well established tools and services and
at the moment, there are no comprehensive reports with a broad overview of the market and its players.
As almost every business has a unique set of needs in terms of monitoring, measurement, or social media
management, and as not every business uses the same mix of social media channels or language coverage,
the need for a more comprehensive report is needed to meet ever-shifting range of disparate needs of
customers. The purpose of this report is to fill that need and give an up-to-date, comprehensive view of
the social media monitoring market and product offerings. The report provides:
 Elaborate profiles of two hundred (200) SMM tools and services including key product
features, pricing and contact information
 Definitions of important SMM concepts and key product applications
 Pricing and client information on more than one hundred and fifty (150) SMM tools and
 Up-to-date information on market trends and M&A activity in the SMM market and
 A guide for selecting and using SMM tools and services.
FIGURE 1. Strategic Approach to Selecting and Employing SMM Tools and Services
We hope to enable companies and individuals to make effective decisions about the use of monitoring
tools and services for their purposes, based on their specific business needs, objectives, and budget, as
the ideal solution for one business may not often be the best choice for another business. For that reason,
we made a concerted effort to explain some of the key features and factors that characterize current
 Data management features such as data coverage, data latency, alerts, data export, Application
Programming Interface (API) integration, data archiving,
 Data analysis and visualization features, including sentiment analysis, influencer profiling and
analysis, viral content tracking and analysis, trend analysis, topic and theme analysis, word/tag
cloud, competitive monitoring and analysis, predictive analytics, campaign management and
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd
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© 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved;
 Process management and user interface, including dashboard, workflow management,
engagement function, publishing function, Client Relationship Management (CRM), and
 Factors influencing purchasing decisions, including pricing, key clients that have been
mentioned in online resources, product applications, industry focus, company size and year
when the tool or service was made publicly available, (see FIGURE 8 - Timeline).
This year report provides valuable comparisons of products based on the social media monitoring
functions and product applications, data management features, data analysis and visualizations
features, process management and user interface features, as well as pricing and client listing. The
report also includes a number of enterprise based social media management (SMM) and social media
marketing platforms, which may offer some key social media monitoring features, but may also assist
businesses in managing multiple social media accounts, content creation, publishing and moderation,
workflow and permissions, data analytics, reporting and integration capabilities across enterprise.
Because the landscape of the market changes rapidly and the SMM tool providers are constantly
redesigning features and introducing new technologies, we also provide links to the tool websites and
contact information. Thus, the readers can easily access the latest information and review tool
1.1 Who Will Benefit from this Report?
Information in this report can be useful to a broad range of organizations and individuals who are
interested in specific SMM tools and services and the overall market trends, in particular:
 Mature businesses that want to broaden their understanding of the SMM tools and decide
whether to develop their own tools or use external solutions
 Start-up, small and midsize companies that want to leverage SMM tools and services to
monitor social media communications and activities and reach their potential customers in an
efficient and effective manner
 Providers of SMM tools and service that are interested in the competitive landscape and
possibilities for partnerships, sales, or acquisitions
 Social media consultants who are looking for information about tools and tool features to
complement their resources and expand their services
 Investors who are looking for investment opportunities and seeking information on
technologies and companies.
1.2 Scope of the Report
Through extensive secondary research and interviews with experts and social media monitoring
technology vendors, we collected information on 200 SMM technologies and services. We carefully
examined tool descriptions on the official company and product Web site and supplemented that
information with product reviews, vendors’ comments, and market reports in order to create a
comprehensive profile for each SMM tool and service.
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The profiles are presented in the second part of the report, which is available as a separate document.
The information in each of the 200 profiles is laid out in a uniform and structured way to provide a
reader with an easy way to browse and learn about each SMM tool:
 Name of the tool or service Official name found at the official Web site
 Name of the provider Name of the company providing the tool or service
 Contact information Tool Website URL
Address, Telephone, E-Mail Address
 Leadership Name of the Founder, CEO, or Director
 Geographical coverage Location of the Company Headquarters (HQs), SMM
technology providers' offices worldwide, language and
market coverage.
 Company status Privately or Publically Owned
 Vendor's company size Number of employees
 Industry focus Company/tool specialization in major industry segments (if
 Key product applications Specific product applications (e.g., Marketing, PR,
Reputation Management, Market Research, Customer
Care, Sales and Lead Generation, HR, Legal and others)
 Product and service availability Software Hosted, On-Premise, Mobile, White Label,
Agency, Consulting, and others
 Monitored social media All, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Video and Photo
sharing sites, Social Bookmarking, Forums, Blogs, etc.
 Language coverage List of languages for text detection and sentiment analysis
 Tool functionality Listening, Monitoring, Tracking, Analysing, Engaging,
Publishing, CRM, etc.
 Third party technology Whether a tool is using third party monitoring technology
 Tool and service availability Release products, pilots, free and fee based
 Tool description and product
Description of key features, published client list, pricing
information, media and language coverage, historical data
coverage, etc.
 Year of tool or service introduction The year the tool was publicly released.
We want to thank the following companies offering SMM tools and services for taking time to review
their profiles, so our clients can get the most up-to-date information on their products and services:
 AgoraPulse (Agora Pulse), Akio Group (Spotter Pulse), Audiense Limited (Audiense), bc.lab
GmbH (bc.lab), Brand Embassy (Brand Embassy), BoomSonar SA (BoomSonar, BoomSocial),
BrandProtect Inc. (BrandProtect SMART Platform), Buzzcapture B.V. (Buzzcapture), Clipit
News B.V. (Clipit), Codegent (Twilert), Cogia Intelligence (Cogia Web Observer 3.0/ Text
Mining /Web Audit / Report / Alerts & News Clipping / Engagement Tool), Commetric Ltd.
(Commetric Media Analytics, Commetric Influencer Network Analysis), Confirmit Inc.
(Confirmit Horizons: Confirmit Genius Social Analytics), Coosto BV (Coosto), Crimson Hexagon
(Crimson Hexagon ForSight™ platform, Crimson Hexagon HelioSight platform), Curalate Inc.
(Curalate), datenwerk innovationsagentur GmbH (Opinion Tracker), Dow Jones & Co.
(Factiva), Echobot Media Technologies GmbH (Echobot), FirstRain, Inc. (FirstRain Orion),
Genpact International Inc. (Genpact's Social Media Research and Media Monitoring), iContact
(iContact Pro Select), IBM Corporation (IBM® SPSS® Modeler Premium, IBM Watson Analytics
for Social Media, IBM AlchemyAPI), Infegy (Infegy Atlas), Innodata Inc. (Agility PR Solutions),
Intelligence Technologies Ltd. (Netmonita), iSentia (BuzzNumbers), Kantar Media CIC
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(IWOMmaster Platform), Landau Media Monitoring AG & Co. (Landau Media Online
Monitoring), Launchmetrics (Launchmetrics), Linguamatics (Linguamatics I2E Text Mining
Solution for News & Social Media), M-Brain Oy (M-Adaptive), Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
(Media Sonar), Medimix International (Scanbuzz), Mediatoolkit d.o.o. (Mediatoolkit), (Mention), Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft Social Engagement), Mu Sigma
Inc. (muFusion™), Nexalogy (NexaMaster, NexaMe), NUVI, LLC (NUVI™), Open Text Corp.
(OpenText Explore / formerly HP Explore), Oracle Corporation (Oracle Social Cloud and Oracle
Social Relationship Management), quintly GmbH (quintly), Salesforce (Social
Studio/Salesforce Social Media Marketing), SDL Plc (SDL Social Intelligence: SDL Social Media
Monitoring and Customer Journey Analytics), Snaptrends, Inc. (Snaptrends – A Social Insights
solution), Social Media Broadcasts (SMB) Limited (Klarity Analytics), Social Media Research
Foundation (NodeXL), SentiOne (SentiOne), Sprinklr, Inc. (Sprinklr), Sprout Social, Inc. (Sprout
Social), SOCIALEYEZ (SOCIALEYEZ), Traackr, Inc. (Traackr), Tracebuzz (Tracebuzz), TrustYou
(TrustYou), VICO Research & Consulting GmbH (VICO Analytics, VICO PRISY), YouScan Ukraine
Ltd. (YouScan) and others.
We collected information about two hundred (200) SMM tools and services. Here we list them based
on their availability, geo-location, and the year of their public release.
2.1 SMM Tools and Services by Availability
Among the featured SMM tools and services:
 One hundred sixty (160) are operated as paid tools and services
 Twenty two (22) are currently offering both free and paid services, and
 Eighteen (18) are free tools.
FIGURE 2. SMM Tools and Services by Status
22 18
Paid Paid/Free Free
SMM Tools and Services by Current Status
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TABLE 1. Paid SMM Tools and Services (Total 160)
 Adobe® Social
 Agility PR Solutions
 Appreciation Engine
 Astute Social™
 Audiense
 bc.lab
 BIG Engagement, Publishing
and Monitoring
 BirdSong
 Blogmeter Social Listening,
Blogmeter Social Analytics,
Blogmeter Social TV
 blueReport (Cognita AG)
 BoomSonar
 Brand24
 BrandChats
 Brand Embassy
 BrandMetric Sonar BM
 BrandProtect SMART
 BrandsEye
 BrandSpotter
 Brandwatch
 BurrellesLuce iMonitor
 Buzzcapture
 BuzzForce™ and Social
Media Dashboard /Oceanus
 BuzzNumbers
 ChatterGuard
 Cogia Web Observer 3.0/
Text Mining /Web Audit /
Report / Alerts & News
Clipping / Engagement Tool
 Cisco® SocialMiner
 Cision PR Edition
 Cision Social Software
 Clipit
 Cogito
 Commetric Media Analytics
 Commetric Influencer
Network Analysis
 complexium MATRIX,
 Converseon
 Confirmit Horizons:
Confirmit Genius Social
 Coosto
 Crimson Hexagon ForSight™
 Crimson Hexagon HelioSight
 Curalate
 CustomScoop Media
Monitoring / CARMA
 CyberAlert Social Media
 CX Social/ formerly Engagor
 DataChamp24
 Daumsoft Mining Minds
 Dialogix
 Digimind Intelligence
 Digimind Social
 Ditto Analytics
 Ebiquity Sonar
 eCairn Conversation™
 Echobot
 Engage121
 evolve24 Evolution
 Factiva (Dow Jones)
 FirstRain Orion
 ForeSee Customer
Experience Analytics for
Social Media
 Genpact's Social Media
Research and Media
 Gorkana Social Media Pro/
 Hearsay Social
 HottoLink
 HubSpot
 Iconosquare
 IBM Watson Analytics for
Social Media
 IBM® SPSS® Modeler
 iContact Pro Select
 Infegy Atlas
 IQBuzz
 Isentia Brandtology
 IWOMmaster Platform
 J.D. Power Social Media
 Kantar Media Social Media
 Klarity Analytics
 Landau Media Online
 Launchmetrics
 Lexalytics Salience
 LexisNexis® Newsdesk
 Linguamatics I2E Text
Mining Solution for News &
Social Media
 Linkfluence Radarly
 Lithium Response,
Lithium Reach and
Lithium Social Media
 ListenLogic Unstructured
Big Data Analytics &
 LRWMotiveQuest
 M-Adaptive
 Media Sonar
 Meltwater Media
Intelligence Platform
 Mention
 Microsoft Social
 mPACT, mPACT Connect
 muFusion™
 MutualMind
 Nasdaq OMX Media
Intelligence (formerly
Thomson One PR)
 NetBase™
 Netmonita
 Nexalogy
 Next Analytics Social
Media Dashboard
 Nielsen Social
 Onalytica
 OpenText Explore
 Opinion Tracker
 Oracle RightNow Social
 Oracle Social Cloud and
Oracle Social Relationship
 Polecat
 Pulsar TRAC
 Raven Social
 ReplyOne
 Reputation Control
 RepuTrace /RepuTrack
 Revinate
 ReviewPro
 Semantria
 Sendible
 SAS® Social Media
 Scanbuzz
 ScribbleLive Insights and
 SemanticForce
 SentiMetrix
 Sentiment (Sentiment
 SentiOne
 Silverbakk
 Simplify360
 SDL Social Intelligence:
SDL Social Media
Monitoring and Customer
Journey Analytics
 SmartFocus Social Insights
 Snaptrends - A Social
Insights Solution
 Social360
 Socialbakers
 Social Figures BrandCare
 SocialFlow
 Social Local Platform/Rio
 SocialEye™
 Socialmetrix Echo
 Social Studio / Salesforce
Social Media Marketing
 SoDash
 Spotter Pulse
 Spredfast Social Media
Management System
 Sprinklr
 Sprout Social
 Symscio
 Synthesio
 Sysomos Expion
 Sysomos Heartbeat
 Sysomos Media Analysis
Platform (MAP)
 Tailwind
 Traackr
 Tracebuzz
 Trackur
 Tracx
 TrustYou
 Twilert
 uberMetrics Delta
 VendAsta's Reputation
Management Platform
 Verint Text Analytics
 VICO Analytics
 WaveMetrix
 Webtrends Social
 Wobot
 YouScan
 Zignal Labs
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TABLE 2. SMM Tools with Free and Paid SMM Services (Total 22)
 AgoraPulse
 Cyfe
 Buzzmonitor / E.Life
 Hashtags
 Hootsuite
 HowSociable
 IBM AlchemyLanguage
 Klout
 Kred (PeopleBrowsr)
 Mediatoolkit
 NetBase LIVE Pulse™
 Netvibes
 NodeXL
 quintly
 Simply Measured
 Social Searcher
 Tagboard
 Talkwalker
 TO THE NEW Social
 Twingly
 Zuum Social
TABLE 3. Free SMM Tools (Total 18)
 Board Reader
 BoomSocial
 Facebook Insights
 Followerwonk
 LinkedIn Analytics
 Meltwater IceRocket
 Mentionmap
 NexaMe (Nexalogy)
 Omgili
 Search (Facebook)
 Social Mention
 Talkwalker Alerts
 Talkwalker Social Search
 Tweetchup
 TweetDeck
 Twitter Search
 Unruly Analytics
 Viralwoot
2.2 HQs Locations of SMM Tool and Service Providers
The majority of SMM providers featured in this report have their headquarters (HQs) in the USA.
Indeed, out of 200 SMM tools and services, 92 (46%) are offered by companies in the USA. From the
remaining ones, 24 (12%) are in the UK, 14 (7%) are in Canada, 13 (7%) in Germany, 9 (5%) in France,
4 (2%) in Russia and Netherlands, 3 (2%) in each China, Australia, and Luxembourg. In TABLE 4 we
provide the breakdown of the SMM tools and services based on the location of their companies’ HQs.
TABLE 4. Distribution of SMM Tools and Services by Provider’s HQs Location
HQs Location
Number of Tools/Service
HQs Location
Number of Tools/Service
United States 92 United Arab Emirate 2
United Kingdom 24 Spain 2
Canada 14 Italy 2
Germany 13 Argentina 1
France 9 Austria 1
Russia 4 Brazil 1
Netherlands 4 Chile 1
China 3 Croatia 1
Australia 3 Denmark 1
Luxembourg 3 Finland 1
India 2 Israel 1
Poland 2 Japan 1
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HQs Location
Number of Tools/Service
HQs Location
Number of Tools/Service
Singapore 2 Norway 1
Sweden 2 South Africa 1
Turkey 2 South Korea 1
Ukraine 2 Switzerland 1
Many SMM technology providers featured in this report have pronounced local and international
presence delivering services from multiple locations across the world. Indeed, out of 92 vendors with
HQs in the United States, 51 (53%) have also offices in the EMEA region and 39 (39%) in the ASPAC
region. Similarly, out of 79 SMM technology providers with HQs in the EMEA Region, 41 (49%) also
have offices in Americas Region and 22 (28%) in the Asia Pacific Region. Out of 12 featured companies
from the ASPAC Region, 4 have also presence in the Americas Region and 1 in the EMEA Region.
2.3 Emergence of the SMM Tools and Services over the Past Decade
The majority of the SMM tools and services featured in this report were introduced in the period from
2009 to 2010. The years 2012 and 2013, with eighteen (18) and thirteen (13) new tools respectively,
show that the market growth has slowed down from the previous years.
FIGURE 3. Featured Social Media Monitoring Tools/Services by the Year of Introduction
(Period 2000-2016)
4 4 1 3
21 21
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
3rd Q
The Year of Tool Introduction
Featured Monitoring Tools/Services by The Year of Introduction
(Period 2000-2016)
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3.1 Definition of Key SMM Concepts
SMM concepts refer to the elements that define a SMM process and technologies it employs.
Definition of SMM Tools
The concept of social media monitoring (SMM) is simple. Organizations use SMM technologies to tap
into the vast ocean of social media data to reveal mentions of their brand, topic of interest, companies,
and products to gain real time actionable insights and respond appropriately.
SMM tools are software applications, which enable companies to gather, categorize, analyze, monitor,
and possibly engage in online conversations about companies, brands, products, competitors, industry
and other topics across different social media platforms. They help businesses analyze data and
identify business insights, understand their customers, prospects, key industry influencers and opinion
leaders, and discover in real time what they are saying about their brand, products, reputation, and
their competitors across the social Web. Such social data intelligence is gathered through the process
of collecting, filtering, and analyzing social information empowering organizations to make better,
more informed decisions. Significant number of tools offers engagement function, which allows
organizations to participate in these conversations in real time, as well as workflow management
support to assist with the dissemination of social media data within the organization and coordination
of the analysis and responses.
Social media monitoring is a real time social listening that moves beyond historical listening for
keywords and hashtags, for the purposes of research and insight, to the active monitoring of
conversations across the social media platforms and identifying real-time brand buzz with the goal of
engagement and participation. This also includes the abilities to tag conversations for further analysis
and prioritization and routing of important posts to other stakeholders and departments across the
organization for review, processing, and resolution.
Social media monitoring (SMM), listening, intelligence, analytics, and/or social media management are
frequently used as the same term; however, each term represents something quite different.
 Social Media Monitoring tools comprise monitoring, listening, analytics, and/or intelligence
capabilities (to verify tool’s function, see TABLE 6 - SMM Tools: Key Functions and Product
Applications or under field “key functions” in each of the tool profiles in the Part2: SMM Tools
 Social Listening platforms provides the basic capability of collecting online conversations
based on user specific ...
Excerpts only - to read more, please order the Part1 of the SMM Tool Report or visit our publication
page for more information.
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3.2 SMM Product Applications and Benefits
Understanding the benefits and possible applications of social media monitoring is of the utmost
importance. Relevant social data collected and analyzed by SMM tools has to be available in the
context of everyday business processes in order to be useful and actionable. Nevertheless, many
companies often use the wrong metrics to measure their performance, particularly when it comes to
social media. Metrics generated by SMM tools, such as number of tweets, Facebook likes, unique
visitors, page views are only useful if they can be tied to the company's sales as a result of customer
liking or tweeting to company's purchasing path.
To measure the value of their social media activities, companies should look at the overall results they
are generating, and carefully examine how social media was engaged in increasing their bottom lines
through growing revenue and increasing efficiency. For that reason, before we get into more detailed
discussion about SMM product applications, it is important to understand the ways the social media
can affect your business performance (see FIGURE 5).
FIGURE 5: The Ways Social Media Monitoring and Engagements Can Impact Your Business
Increase Sales,
Market Share,
Customer Retention,
Operating Margin,
Generate More Qualified Leads
Shorten the Sales Cycle
Create Thought Leadership
Improve Visibility, Awareness, Advance Brand Advocacy
and Increase Brand Value
Improve Brand Reputation and Counter Negative
Identify and Create New Partnerships
Reduce Marketing, Market Research, Research &
Development, IT, Recruitment, and other Operating Costs
Test Ideas and Launch Product
Increase Operational Efficiency
Improve Customer Services, Engagement, Experience,
Satisfaction and Customer Retention
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Social media can help companies increase sales, market share, and ROI by fulfilling the following
business goals:
 Generate more qualified leads through social media marketing by building strong
relationships, visibility, and awareness across social media channels that may in a long run,
convert to recurring sales in their core business. For instance, companies can use social media
to point to a company website, sell directly within social networks, or use social media to
gather registrations via offers. They can increase sales to new customers through word of
mouth or gain viral spread by urging their fans and followers to share …
Excerpts only - for information on other product applications please order Part 2 of the Social Media
Monitoring Report or visit our publication page for more
SMM Product Applications
Based on the analysis of 200 SMM tools, we have identified a number of applications of SMM
technologies across all aspects of businesses including Marketing and Corporate Communications,
Event Management, Public Relations (PR), Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Business
Development, Sales and Leads Generation, Investor Relations (IR), Advertising, Market Research,
Product R&D and Innovation Management, Operations, Customer Services, Human Resources, Legal,
and Open Source Intelligence (see FIGURE 6).
FIGURE 6: Key Applications of SMM Tools
It is evident that the social data intelligence is scalable across all departments and can be systematically
spread throughout the entire enterprise in cost-effective way, increasing the potential of cross-
departmental collaboration and accountability. The intelligence derived from social data is
measurable, so KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) can be created based on the needs and goals of each
Marketing &
Public Relations
Search Engine
Relations (IR)
Sales and Lead
Social Media
Market Research
Product R&D and
Human Resources
Open Source
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department and organization as a whole. Social Media Monitoring has delivered clear benefits in
business areas such as:
Marketing & Corporate Communications
Social media monitoring tools typically assist organizations in:
1) Acquiring real time social marketing insights to inform their social marketing and communication plans,
monitor trends that impact their marketing efforts, and improve the effectiveness of marketing programs
by optimizing design of marketing and advertising campaigns …
Excerpts only - for information on other product applications please order Part 2 of the Social Media
Monitoring Report or visit our publication page for more
In this section, we discuss and elaborate on the key market trends in social media monitoring market
and present the findings by focusing on four key areas: market growth, market dynamics, technology
innovation, and customer position:
Market Growth
 SMM market continues to demonstrate further growth
Market Dynamics
 Big technology companies taking over the market
 Partnerships on the rise to deliver more strategic insights for businesses
 Further decline in merger and acquisition activity continues in 2016
 Increasing number of vendors offering combination of free and fee based SMM tools and
services to create demand for paid services
Technology Innovation
 Continuous advancement in SMM technologies and features
 Continuous expansion of media coverage and analytics as social media evolves
 Social TV has opened new opportunities for SMM and analytics
 Emergence of new kind of analytics
Customer Position
 Increasing adoption and investment in social media technologies
 Increasing adoption of Employee Advocacy Programs on the rise
 Choosing between point solutions and integrated social media suites
 Businesses still struggling with the tool selection and social media monitoring
Excerpts only - for more detailed information on Market Trends please order Part 2 of the Social
Media Monitoring Report or visit our publication page for more
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Over the past several years, the use of social media tools has shifted from experimentation phase to a
more mission critical activity, however many businesses are still using SMM tools and services
tactically. They are analyzing daily activities across specific social media to track online conversations
around their brand, respond to negative comments, or evaluate their marketing campaigns - however,
SMM provides opportunities for a more strategic approach.
5.1 Planning for Success
Investment in SMM requires careful consideration. In order to realize a long-term value from SMM
one needs to integrate SMM with other business processes. This may include measuring the strategic
business impact of social media marketing, strengthening initiatives for social customer engagement,
expanding strategies for increasing retention and revenue from current customers, implementing
social media campaigns to acquire new customers, and so forth. By having a clear understanding of
how SMM supports business, one can make a transition …
Excerpts only - for more information on this Section, please order the full Report - Part 1; or visit our
publication page for more information.
5.2 Consideration of Key Features
SMM technology providers aim at delivering unique SMM solutions in terms of technologies they
apply, key features and pricing they offer. This often presents challenges to organizations that are just
embarking on SMM or upgrading their existing SMM activities and it is difficult to make an informed
decision without having an overview of the current options and new trends. For that reason, we
compiled information about key features of 200 tools and services in our sample:
 Data management features such as data coverage, data latency, alerts, data export, integration
capabilities, and data archiving,
 Data analysis and visualization features, including sentiment analysis, influencer profiling and
analysis, viral content tracking and analysis, trend analysis, topic and theme analysis, word/tag
cloud, competitive monitoring and analysis, predictive analytics, campaign management and
 Process management and user interface, including dashboard, workflow management, Client
Relationship Management (CRM), engagement, and
 Factors influencing purchasing decisions, including industry pricing, key clients that have been
mentioned in online resources, product applications, industry focus, company size and year
when the tool or service was made publicly available, (see FIGURE 8 - Timeline).
We expect that these aspects will be important for outlining the SMM strategy and selecting specific
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The Tool Key Features and Factors Impacting Selection Process
FIGURE 15. The Tool Key Features and Factors Impacting Selection Process
Data Acquisition Coverage Media Coverage
Language Coverage
Geographic Coverage
Industry Specific
Data Latency
Data Cleaning
For Spam
Data Export
Application Programming
Interface (API) Integration
Data Archiving
Data Analysis
Media Statistics
Filtering and Sorting of Results
Sentiment Analysis Automated
Influencer Profiling and Analysis
Viral Content Tracking and Analysis
Trend Analysis
Topic and Theme Analysis
Word/Tag Cloud
Competitive Monitoring and Analysis
Predictive Analytics
Campaign Monitoring and
and User
Dashboard Standard/ Pre-defined
CustomizableWorkflow Management
Engagement Function / Publishing
Customer Relationship Management
Year of Product Release
Product Applications
Industry Focus
Company Size
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5.2.1 Data Management Coverage
The coverage of SMM tools and services typically refers to four key aspects: media coverage, language
coverage, geographic coverage and industry coverage.
 Social Media Coverage - Each tool tracks different social media platforms such as blogs, micro-
blogs (e.g., Twitter), social networks (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn), forums, and others. When
deciding which SMM tools and services to use, it is important to consider those that provide
adequate coverage and the social media that are of interest. In addition, companies should
verify if SMM providers have their own crawlers and data centers or they simply buy their data
TABLE. 8 SMM Product Comparisons by Media and Language Coverage
Product Name Media Coverage Language Coverage
 BoomSonar
Monitoring: All types of web sites, Facebook, Twitter,
Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, Vine, WordPress,
VKontakte, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Tumblr, blogs,
forums, comments, review sites, sharing and
bookmarking sites. Monitoring of Instagram and
Foursquare available with BoomExtra subscription.
Facebook Topic Data: Available as an optional extra.
Firehose Access to Major Sources: BoomSonar has
firehose access to multiple sources, including Twitter,
WordPress, Tumblr, IntenseDebate and Disqus data
for real time monitoring,
Management and Publishing: Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
Languages: BoomSonar covers all languages.
Automated sentiment and topic analysis is available
for English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and
Turkish. Geographic Coverage: Global
 Snaptrends – A Social
Insights Solution
Supports monitoring of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
YouTube, Flickr, Google+ and Vk for social media
posts. For person discovery, Snaptrends hits dozens of
other social services to gather a complete Social
Footprint on individuals. Some of these services
include LinkedIn, Pinterest, Kik,, Snapchat,
Tumblr, WordPress, Vine, and many more.
The service is architected to connect to additional
future social media data feeds. Under its agreement
with Twitter, Snaptrends has direct access to the
Twitter fire hose and therefore can provide custom
solutions to its clients.
Languages: Multi-Language Support: Snaptrends
location-based social media intelligence is language
agnostic. The software can search and translate in
over 103 different languages simply by using the
phrase the analyst is searching. The enterprise
version is available in multiple languages.
Snaptrends is architected and developed in English.
However, it is a Unicode solution with the capability
to display and store in any standard available
character sets. Sentiment analysis currently
performed for English. Google Translate is the
standard translation service of the application;
however, other translation services can be
integrated based on user requirements.
Geographic Coverage: Worldwide Availability With
the Exception of Embargoed Countries
Excerpts only - for more detailed description of each of the key product features accompanied with a
sample list of companies offering a particular feature, please order the full Report - Part 1; or visit
our publication page for more information.
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© 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; SMM Product Comparison Based on the Key Data Management Features
In TABLE 12, we compare the SMM products based on the key data management features: Alerts, Data Export,
API Integration with 3rd Party Technologies, and Data Archiving.
TABLE 12. SMM Product Comparison Based on the Key Data Management Features: Alerts, Data Export, API
Integration, and Data Archiving – List of SMM Tools and Services
Product/Company Information Alerts Data Export API Integration Data Archiving
 Buzzcapture Yes Yes Yes Yes
 YouScan Yes Yes Yes Yes
Excerpts only - for more detailed description of each of the key product features accompanied with a
sample list of companies offering a particular feature, please order the full Report - Part 1 or visit our
publication page for more information. SMM Product Comparison based on the Data Analysis and Visualizations Features
In TABLE 21, we compare the SMM products based on the key data analysis and visualization features:
sentiment analysis, influencer analysis and profiling, trend analysis, topic/theme analysis, word/tag cloud,
competitive analysis, campaign management and monitoring based on the vendor's profiles.
TABLE 21. SMM Product Comparison Based on the Key Data Analysis and Visualization Features:
Automated Sentiment Analysis, Human Sentiment Analysis, Influencer Analysis and Profiling, Trend
Analysis, Topic/Theme Analysis, Word/Tag Cloud or Clusters, Competitive Analysis, Campaign
Management and Monitoring
Word /
Cloud or
Mgmt. &
 BoomSonar Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Coosto Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Excerpts only - for more detailed description of each of the key product features accompanied with a
sample list of companies offering a particular feature, please order the full Report - Part 1; or visit
our publication page for more information.
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© 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; Product Comparison Based on the User Interface and Process Management Features
In TABLE 22, we compare the SMM products based on the process management and user interface product
features: customizable dashboard, workflow management, engagement function, and CRM System.
TABLE 22. SMM Product Comparison Based on Process Management and User Interface:
Customized Dashboards, Workflow Management, Engagement, CRM
Product/Company Information
CRM System or Integration
with 3rd party CRM
 BoomSonar Yes Yes Yes Yes Social CRM and integration options
 Buzzcapture Yes Yes Yes
Integration with their own Social
CRM system
Excerpts only - for more detailed description of each of the key product features accompanied with a
sample list of companies offering a particular feature, please order the full Report - Part 1; or visit
our publication page for more information.
5.3 Pricing and Clients
As more organizations are adopting social media monitoring platforms to inform their marketing and business
strategy, cost issues and the vendor’s experience are becoming quite important.
Social media monitoring budgets might vary based on the level and complexity of organization’s business and
social media goals, and will include not only the fee and the cost of tools they plan to employ to power their
initiatives, but also project and reporting fees and internal expenses for budgeting time and resources to the
social media monitoring goals. SMM tool and service providers offer various pricing models such as:
 Free (pilot/trial, introductory offer)
 Free Commercial Open Source: the customer can acquire software free without having to pay an
upfront license fee, but they are responsible for the ongoing maintenance, upgrade, customization,
and troubleshooting of the applications.
 Subscription/Software as a Service: the payment is made …
Excerpts only - for more detailed information on pricing, please order the full Report - Part 1; or visit
our publication page for more information.
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Here we provide a partial list of past and current clients, as well as pricing information for more than 150 SMM
tool and service providers obtained from the publicly available sources or directly from SMM technology
TABLE 23. Pricing and Sample Client List (as of October 2016)
SMM Tools & Services
(Alphabetical Order)
Pricing Information Key Clients
Snaptrends - A Social
Insights Solution
Snaptrends is priced either as an annual subscription or as an
enterprise license on a per user/seat basis. The SaaS seat license
also includes a data storage component for saving search results.
Each Snaptrends annual subscription seat license includes:
 One-year access to the Web browser based application
 Complete suite of Snaptrends analytics & reports
 Access to Snaptrends training video library
 Unlimited user account, location-based, and topic searches
 Set number of stored results
 Toll free phone support
Pricing starts between $5,000 and $50,000. Volume discounts
for multi-year and multi-seat packages are also available.
Customers purchasing more than one seat license can also
designate an administrative account, which provides account
administration, account access and audit capability for all
standard accounts (e.g. reset user-passwords, etc.)
Snaptrends has customized pricing for professional services and
custom development based on non-standard customer
requirements. Short-term, event-based licenses can also be
customized and priced based on customer requirements.
Snaptrends has established a Reseller/Partner program and can
also be sold as a white-label solution.
The Snaptrends user base includes Fortune 500
companies, Global 1000 companies, advertising
agencies, news and media networks, movie studios,
telecommunications companies, energy companies,
school districts, fire departments, first responders
and non-profit agencies worldwide.
The company currently offers 4 plans:
 Professional plan for $399 per month: The plan covers 10
topics, automatic sentiment detection, mentions tagging and
reports, direct Twitter posting.
 Corporate plan for $999 per month: The plan covers 25
topics, all features of Professional plan plus user access rights,
CRM Integration, dedicated account manager;
 Agency plan for $1,999 per month: The plan covers 50 topics,
all features of Enterprise plan plus API access, dedicated
account manager 24/7;
Each pricing plan includes: Social media and online news
monitoring and reporting, Sales Leads discovery, Multi-
dimensional data filtering and reporting, Unlimited users,
Unlimited results, Trending words clustering, Spam filtering,
Teamwork features, Data export, Free account set-up and
YouScan clients include leading brands and digital
 Corporate clients: Nestle, Coca-Cola, McDonalds,
Danone, Michelin, Vodafone, Dyson and others,
 Agencies: Action Global Communications, Grape
(WPP), Mindshare, Mediacom, MEC, OMD Digital,
Traffic Isobar, PRP (Weber Shandwick), Starcom
(Vivaki) and many others.
Excerpts only - for more detailed description of each of the key product features accompanied with a
sample list of companies offering a particular feature, please order the full Report - Part 1; or visit
our publication page for more information.
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In this section we provide information on paid SMM tool and service providers that we compiled from
September-November 2016. We carefully examined tool descriptions on the official company and
product Web site and supplemented that information with product reviews, market reports and
vendors’ comments in order to create a comprehensive profile for each SMM tool and services.
Information in the profiles is laid out in a uniform and structured way to support easy browsing and
learning about the SMM tools. In addition, significant number of the product profiles includes one or
several screenshots of the product user interfaces that further illustrate the product functionality and
increase the reader familiarity with the SMM solution. We also include links to the tool Websites and
contact information so that readers can easily access the latest information and obtain the most recent
tool updates.
As a part of the report excerpts, we have included several sample profiles out of 200 from the Social
Media Monitoring Tools and Service Directory 2016:
 BoomSonar, BoomSonar SA (Turkey)
 Buzzcapture, Buzzcapture BV (The Netherlands)
 Coosto, Coosto BV (The Netherlands)
 Snaptrends, Snap Trends, Inc. (United States)
 YouScan, YouScan Ukraine Ltd. (Ukraine)
Excerpts only – To access all 200 SMM Product profiles, please order the full Report - Part 2
Directory; or visit our publication page for more information.
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report 2016
Part 1: SMM Tools and Services - Analysis
Part 2: SMM Tools and Services Directory
Content: Profiles of 200 Social Media Monitoring Technologies
and Services
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© 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved;
Company Name: BoomSonar SA
HQs/Country: Turkey
Company Type: Private
Number of Employees: 98
Introduction of the Tool: 2009
Types of Media Tracked: Monitoring: Websites, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, YouTube, Vimeo,
WordPress, Tumblr, Foursquare, VKontakte, Dailymotion, Vine, news sites, blogs,
forums, comments, review sites, sharing and bookmarking sites, discussions
Management and Publishing: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, and
Key Functions: Business Intelligence, Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis, Reporting, Publishing,
Engagement, Social CRM
Languages All Languages; Sentiment Analysis in 6 languages;
Key Executives: Tevfik Bulent Ongun, Co-founder & CEO at Tick Tock Boom
Cuneyt Karakaya, Co-founder
Contact: HQ: BoomSonar SA, Harmanci Giz Plaza, Esentepe Harman 1 Sokak No:5/2 34394 Sisli,
Istanbul, Turkey
Tel: (+90) 532 133 23 42
Swiss Office: BoomSonar SA, Route de Boudry 16, CH-2016 Cortaillod, Neuchatel,
Social Media:;
Offices: Neuchatel (Switzerland), Istanbul (Turkey)
Email: General Email:;
Direct Email: Yuce Aksoy, Business Development Manager, email:
Product Overview
BoomSonar Suite is an integrated business intelligence platform that combines web and social media monitoring, social
media analytics, social media management, social CRM and online reputation management in one platform and
empowers organizations to monitor, measure, manage, analyze and respond across social media channels and web.
BoomSonar Suite offers a real time web and social media platform that helps organizations gain a complete understanding
of the online conversations about their company, products, topics or competitors, gather data for social CRM, and engage
directly from within the BoomSonar’s platform.
BoomSonar Suite monitors over 300 million web sites, blogs, forums, review sites, news sites, image and video sites all
over the world, combined with major social media channels (e.g., Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Google+, Vine,
VKontakte, Dailymotion, Disqus, Vimeo and others) and aggregates the results in a single, easy to use interface in near
real time. The platform has firehose access to different data sources, including Twitter, WordPress, IntenseDebate and
Disqus to reach all the possible results.
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© 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved;
BoomSonar Suite provides categorization of both websites and social media users as default, which can be further
customized based on the needs of users and their target audience. The website categorization includes over 3.000
different subcategories, arranged in a comprehensive category tree with up to eight levels. This in-depth structure helps
users to understand the trends in different website categories, explore the perception of the brand in similar content
sources, and find unique points to improve marketing and communication efforts.
An important component of the Suite is the social media account management system. BoomManager provides all
necessary tools to manage Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube accounts in a single platform. Management system
includes a unified inbox to easily manage social media assets, real time account monitoring, a publishing module to
prepare and schedule content with 1-to-1 previews, a competition module to monitor the activities of competitors and
analyze their engagements, and an analysis module to report all activities in a customizable and interactive dashboard
with well-designed Excel and PowerPoint exports.
The Social CRM system is an integral part to every aspect of BoomSonar Suite. The advanced listening capabilities of
BoomSonar Suite can be enhanced with Social CRM to employ social media as a customer service channel, reply and
connect with customers, better understand the customers and build deeper relationships by integrating into the
operational capacity of the clients’ CRM systems.
A distinguishing advantage of BoomSonar Suite over other monitoring tools is its capable machine learning system, the
Smart Algorithm. Smart Algorithm is an advanced Business Intelligence solution that provides instant classification, data
processing, smart suggestions and business insights. Smart Algorithm provides actionable insights, creates notifications
for the most important results, suggests the best courses of action for each and every result, takes action and helps to
make the best use of monitoring. BoomSonar’s unique Smart Algorithm has numerous functions for each department and
activity of your company.
BoomSonar’s all-in-one social media business platform offers:
 BoomSonar: a real time web and social media monitoring platform. BoomSonar Suite offers all the necessary data
for analyzing the marketing campaigns, online perception of brands, products and leaders, crisis management,
integrated Social CRM and more, in real time. It covers analysis for all major social networks including Twitter,
Google+, YouTube and Facebook and comes with a comprehensive set of features for in-depth analysis from web and
social media including fast processing options, real time dashboards, spam filters, alerting system, sentiment and
competitive analysis, as well as campaign monitoring.
 BoomExtra: offers monitoring of additional social channels such as Instagram, Vine and Foursquare that require a
different analysis approach,
 BoomManager: a social media account management suite specifically designed to help users create, schedule and
publish their content, engage wıth users via posts, comments and direct messages, monitor engagement levels,
monitor comments on their posts and of competitors and create exportable reports for sharing or further analysis.
 BoomReputation: offers necessary tools for monitoring online reputation including monitoring of fake Twitter
accounts, Facebook groups, pages, users and events, analyzing Google Search engine ranking to uncover potential
threats and develop actionable strategy to guard online reputation.
 BoomTools: a real time social media toolbox for marketing and corporate communications with 24/7 automated
alerts based on user defined keywords, rules, result volumes, BoomRank, user lists, trending topics and more;
delivered via e-mail and SMS.
 Social CRM: an integrated social customer relationship management system, designed for brands. The system helps
users to assign social CRM duties from every module of BoomSonar Suite, and helps brands to manage their customer
relations on web and social media. Social CRM module can also be connected to various external CRM systems.
 BoomSocial: BoomSonar also offers a free platform – BoomSocial, a free social media analytics tool for analyzing,
measuring, and comparing social media performance of brands and its competitors. BoomSocial leverages tool’s
infrastructure and provides social media accounts analysis, brand and competitive analysis, analyses the fan and
follower growth and the best content. Users can compare up to 7 different social accounts, review social media
performance, and access comprehensive PowerPoint reports. For more detailed information on the BoomSocial
platform, please see the BoomSocial product profile.
 Newshub: real time command center in a single screen compatible with Smart TV browsers, focusing on the real time
delivery of summarized data to provide all the necessary information for analyzing the web and social media,
following marketing campaigns, monitoring competitors’ activity, detecting and managing crises, Social CRM
activities and more in real time.
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© 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved;
Key Product Applications:
Business Intelligence, Marketing & Communications, Social Customer Relationship Management (Social CRM), Public
Relations (PR), Marketing Campaigns Monitoring, Online Reputation and Crises Management, Market Research
(Customer Insights, Competitive Analysis, Perception Analysis), Human Resources
Industry Focus
BoomSonar caters for companies and brands across all industry segments including Automotive, Banking & Finance,
FMCG, Construction, Energy, Fashion, Healthcare, Insurance, Media, Pharma, Retail, Technology, Telecommunication,
and Tourism
Product and Service Availability
Software Hosted, Value Added Data Services, Research, Digital PR and Marketing Agency (Social Media Management,
Digital PR, Online Reputation Management, Digital Marketing), Digital Consulting (Digital Strategy)
Key Product Features:
 SaaS
o Software as a Service,
 Real Time Search and Monitoring:
o Real time web and social media monitoring and measurement platform with crawlers operating in real
 Data Latency:
o Searches millions of results in near real time and has direct access to real time data firehoses,
 Smart Algorithm:
o A fully autonomous learning system to provide instant classification and processing of your results.
SmartAlgorithm can analyze all your results, find the sentiment of the content, analyze its category,
allocate the result to relevant tags, and assign Social CRM duties as soon as your result arrives,
 Social CRM:
o Social CRM is integrated to web and social media monitoring, reputation, account management and
publishing modules, allowing all results to be assigned for action. The system keeps track of every
interaction, provides workflow options and detailed reports, and easily integrates with third party
system via API.
 Extensive Media Coverage:
o Monitoring: All types of web sites, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, Vine, WordPress,
VKontakte, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Tumblr, blogs, forums, comments, review sites, sharing and
bookmarking sites. Monitoring of Instagram and Foursquare available with BoomExtra subscription.
o Facebook Topic Data: Available as an optional extra.
o Firehose Access to Major Sources: BoomSonar has firehose access to multiple sources, including Twitter,
WordPress, Tumblr, IntenseDebate and Disqus data for real time monitoring,
o Management and Publishing: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
 Firehose Access to Major Sources:
o BoomSonar has firehose access to Twitter, WordPress, IntenseDebate, Disqus and other data sources
for real time monitoring,
 Search:
o Offers standard keyword searches and flexible Boolean searches with logical operators for more
relevant results,
 Website Categorization:
o Detailed categorization tree of the websites by site content, with over 3,000 sub categories,
 Actionable Insights:
o Real time notifications on business opportunities, lead generation, customer relationship management,
crisis detection and crisis prevention for brands.
 Automated and Human Sentiment Analysis:
o Automatically assigns sentiment (positive, negative, neutral) to each posts and offers sentiment analysis
by media type, competitors, and sentiment trends for English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and
Turkish languages.
 Influencers Analysis and Profiling:
o Identifies the most influential individuals and provides access to influencer data such as name, number
of tweets, followers, following, post rank, and others.
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© 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved;
o Influencers’ accounts on different channels can be unified in a single influencer profile
 Trend Analysis:
o Offers key metrics over time including volume of post over time, sentiment trends, and others,
 Topic Analysis:
o Automatically determines key topics related to user query via machine learning models and semantic
 Campaign Monitoring:
o Monitoring the performance of marketing campaigns and performance comparison of current and prior
marketing campaigns,
 Competitive Analysis:
o Facilitates competitor analysis by monitoring brand and competitors’ social activity, sentiment,
engagement and campaigns,
 Data Filtering:
o Filtering of results by media type, topic/keywords, category type, channel, domain, user name, time
period (today, past 7 days, etc.), Boolean text search, sentiment, and others,
 Data Visualizations:
o More than 70 customizable interactive charts and graphs including bar charts, line charts, doughnut,
barometer, radar charts, area charts, geo maps, timelines and others.
 Customizable Dashboard:
o System offers fully customizable dashboards,
 Management and Publishing:
o Publishing functions are available through BoomManager for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Management tools helps users to manage all activities in multiple accounts, see and interact with direct
messages and mentions, post or schedule content with exact previews and engage in Social CRM
 Engagement Function:
o A feature that allows users to reply, post and share directly from within BoomSonar platform,
 Real Time Alerts:
o Real time 24/7 automated alerts based on user’s keywords, queries, rules, automated sentiment, result
volume, BoomRank; Influencer, Celebrity, Journalist and other user lists, thresholds, trending topics and
etc. delivered via email and SMS,
o Alerts sounds for every activity on user’s social media accounts.
 Key Metrics:
o Offers a wide range of metrics including
 BoomRank: All data sources are ranked with regard to popularity, backlinks and SEO ranking,
 Influencer score,
 Sentiment,
 Share of voice,
 Volume of post/tweets/retweets today, last hour,
 Average number of posts/tweets per minute,
 Most shared hashtags and links,
 Most mentioned users,
 Most used applications to tweet,
 Tweet/retweet ratio, and others.
 Tag Cloud:
o Tag Cloud for all channels, where customized tags are scaled in size depending on frequency of mentions
within specific user query,
 Workflow Management:
o Supports multiple users' accounts and dashboard settings and offers workflow management with admin
tools including account management, task assignment, prioritization, and routing options.
 Geo Filtering:
o Automatic filtering of spam with BoomSonar SmartAlgorithm that blocks all spam content.
 Geo Maps:
o Geographical result maps are available for both social media and local news sources,
 Reporting:
o Unlimited reporting, dashboard reporting, exportable reports and automated reports,
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© 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved;
 Data Export:
o Users can download results and report in PDF, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint formats,
 Data Archiving:
o Unlimited archiving of user data and content,
 Filtering for Spam:
o Automatic filtering of spam with BoomSonar SmartAlgorithm that blocks all spam content.
 Historical Data:
o Historical data for all channels is available on request. BoomSonar offers historical data down to the
first tweet on request. It also offers historical data down to 2009 for other sources from its own data
 API Integration:
o Easy API integration with third party clients,
 Support:
o Ongoing email and telephone client support available.
Screen Capture 1: BoomSonar Monitoring Dashboard with Extensive Filtering Options
BoomSonar Results Can Be Filtered for Time Ranges, Language, Specific Keywords, Site Categories, Influencers,
Domains and more
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© 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved;
Screen Capture 2: BoomSonar Newshub -
A Real Time Command Center, Designed to Provide a Real Time Summary of Brands' Online Assets.
Screen Capture 3: BoomSonar Filters and Categories -
The platform provides over 3000 categories and numerous filtering options for data analysis.
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© 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved;
Screen Capture 4: BoomSonar Monitoring Dashboard
Offering Customizable and Interactive Graphs and
Charts for Analyzing Web and Social Media Results in
Real Time
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© 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved;
Screen Capture 5: BoomExtra
- Offers Monitoring of Additional Social Channels that Require a Different Analysis Approach
Screen Capture 6: BoomSonar Management Page
- Allowing Users to Post on Multiple Twitter and Facebook Accounts, Check Messages and Mentions, Reply to Users
and Process Result
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Screen Capture 7: BoomSonar Reply to Tweet Pop-Up
- Users Can Reply, Retweet and Direct Messages to Twitter Users within BoomSonar and Easily Create Social CRM
Screen Capture 8: BoomSonar Social CRM
- Integrated Social CRM Allows Brands to Engage with Customers, Assign Duties to Team Members, Track Customer
Relations and Archive Results
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© 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved;
Over 400 brands operating in Energy, Retail, Banking & Finance, Telecommunication, Food, Automotive, Fashion,
Pharmaceuticals, Tourism, Insurance, Shopping, Construction, Press & Publishing, Cinema, Cosmetics, e-commerce and
other mainstream sectors and to assist digitalization of communication processes.
Clients include Alfa Romeo, American Hospital, Avon, Bayer, Beko, Beymen, Body Shop, Boehringer Ingerheim, Bosch,
Citibank, CMC, Dogan Media Group, Eti, Ferrari, Fiat, Ford, Grand Hyatt, HTC, Hyatt Regency, Jeep, Koc Holding, Koc
University, Lancia, Le Pain Quotidien, Lenovo, L’Oréal, Maserati, McDonalds, Novartis, Opet, Pegasus Airlines, Pinkberry,
Setur, Shake Shack, Tarkan, TEB BNP Paribas, Turk Telekom, Yves Rocher, Victoria's Secret and others
Optional keyword, volume or account based pricing starting from $100/month.
BoomSonar covers all languages. Automated sentiment and topic analysis is available for English, German, French,
Spanish, Italian and Turkish.
Geographic Coverage:
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© 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved;
Company Name: Buzzcapture B.V.
Company Type: Private
Number of Employees: 11-50
HQs/Country: Netherlands
Introduction of the Tool: 2007
Types of Media Tracked: Social media (Blogs, Forums, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Review Sites),
WhatsApp, Print Media (Newspapers, Journals) TV and Radio Monitoring
Key Functions: Monitoring, Analysis, Engagement, Social CRM
Languages: 38
Key Executives: Alex van Leeuwen, Principal
Contact: Buzzcapture b.v., Overtoom 197 Amsterdam, Nederland 1054 HT, Netherlands
Mobile: +31 652 666 478; Tel: +31 (0)20 320 0377
Offices: Europe: Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Email: Alex van Leeuwen, email:
Product Overview
Buzzcapture specializes in (social) media monitoring and social CRM. It offers a reputation management dashboard
allowing organizations to monitor, analyse and engage in social media, online news, and offline channels (RTV, print
media). Focus of the company is to help brands manage their daily information flow and gain actionable, structural
insights in their online and offline reputation.
The company combines Buzzcapture’s proprietary technology that retrieves data from millions of on- and offline sources,
filters and visualizes data offering advanced reporting and information distribution options to clients.
Buzzcapture has an international team of social media experts and media analysts, who optionally can create
comprehensible reports and recommendations.
Its product portfolio includes:
 Brand Monitor: online reputation management dashboard for advanced media analysis providing insights into
online and offline reputation across the entire organization.
 Social Inbox: a web-based all-in-one solution for all social media, WhatsApp, internal social media and email that
collects all relevant communications from multiple channels and provides customer care teams the opportunity
to address questions and complaints from customers and prevent any reputation issues,
 Reputation Management Research & Reports: offers structural or real time insights in media discussions by
creating customized reports based on clients’ needs.
The Brand Monitor is personalized online dashboard that provides a real time analysis on buzz volume, sentiment,
influencers, trends, competitors, topics, and places where discussions take place, and gives users the opportunity to
engage in conversations with their customers and prospects and manage and track their online activities. It provides real-
time reports and enables users to instantly receive alerts or text informing them of important events (threats or
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© 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved;
opportunities) and it allows seamless integration with third party client systems and applications such as Yammer,
Sharepoint, or Slack.
Industry Focus:
Buzzcapture caters to clients across all industry segments with special focus on Financial Services, Government,
HealthCare Insurance, Retail, Pharmaceutical Industry, and Non-Profit Organizations
Key Product Applications:
Marketing, Corporate Communications, PR/Online Reputation Management, Customer Service and Business Intelligence
(e.g., Customer Insights, Trends, Competitive Analysis)
Product and Service Availability:
Software Hosted, Mobile, Consulting (Market Research, Strategy and Training)
Key Product Features:
 Real Time Monitoring and Reporting Services,
o Real time monitoring of relevant online and offline media,
o Data Latency: real time,
 Customizable Dashboard:
o Customizable Dashboards with 24/7 access to the Brand Monitor displaying sentiments, trends, volume,
influential, opportunities and threats that are important for online and offline reputation.
o Social narrowcasts – enables users to create an unlimited number of narrowcasts,
 Technology:
o Buzzcapture relies on up and coming BigData/NoSql technologies like ElasticSearch and on state of the
art frontend tooling like RaphaelJS and Ember.js. On the other hand, Buzzcapture has custom code to
extract structured data from HTML, analyze sentiment, its own crawler and JavaScript chart rendering
 Media Coverage:
o All-in-one solution for all online and offline media, internal social media, print and RTV,
o Extensive media monitoring including social media (blogs, forums, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, review
sites), WhatsApp, TV and radio monitoring, and print media such as newspapers and magazines.
 Search:
o Supports tracking for unlimited number of keywords; it tracks brands, companies, products, and people
and analyzes campaigns and events.
 Filtering for spam,
o Filtering out spam by creating personalized data sets per client and noise / spam reduction by hand
through analysts
 Data Filtering:
o Filtering of results by media type, topic/keyword, impact per expression, country, lists of stakeholders,
topics, impact per source, impact per sender etc.
 Data Sorting:
o Sorting of results by date and relevancy,
 Key Metrics:
o Volume of discussions, expected volume today, daily average, share of voice, impact of discussions,
sentiment, ROI calculations including estimation of the brand value of social media that takes into
account parameters such as buzz volume, sentiment impact, CPM rates and editorial value,
 Trend Analysis:
o Includes volume over time, volume by media type over time, share of voice by media type over time,
sentiment over time, ROI over time, etc.
o Historical Data: 1 year prior to the start of the account up to 2007
 Automated and Human Sentiment Analysis:
o Sentiment can be tracked for current and historical data, thus providing sentiment trending data
through automated and human analysis
 Influencer Profiling and Analysis:
o Provides insights on the influence of people and websites that may affect their client reputation,
 Topic Analysis and Word/Tag Cloud,
o Identification of relevant topics that are being discussed displayed in the Word Cloud,
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016
Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016

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Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts 2016

  • 2. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 2 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; Dear Readers, Ideya Ltd. is pleased to share with you the Seventh Edition of the Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report. We bring you this report with the expectation that it will save you time and guide you through a myriad of choices that now exist for social media monitoring. We conducted extensive market research of key features, clients, and current pricing of the tools and services. We hope you will find it useful and look forward to your feedback. Yours sincerely, Luisa Milic, Director, Ideya, Ltd. Ideya Ltd is a business and marketing consultancy. It offers customized and innovative services to help its clients face the challenges of market disruptions and turn them into opportunities. Since 2009, Ideya has been offering market research and advisory support to companies that are exploring Social Media Monitoring (SMM) solutions to guide them in the selection of SMM to boost their business performance and customer engagements. Ideya also provides consulting services to SMM technology providers interested in exploring partnership, sales, or acquisitions opportunities. Luisa Milic, M.Sc. is the Founder and Director of Ideya Business and Marketing Consultancy providing services in the area of market research and analysis, business and strategic planning. She has 22 years of international experience, working 11 years at KPMG LLP Market Research in the USA and leading the Ideya consultancy in Europe for 11 years. Luisa works on innovative business and market strategies with clients across industry sectors including manufacturing, retail and consumer goods, tourism, and information technology. She also engages with organizations in the education sector and public services, and collaborates with other consultancies. In Europe, she has developed a network of collaborators from FP6 and FP7 EU projects and develops business strategies for the commercialization of the resulting technical solutions. Her work also includes projects and seminars on usage of various methods for market research/analysis, facilitation of strategic planning workshops, mentoring, and research/advisory support to companies exploring IoT Data Analytics and Social Media Monitoring Technologies. Published on 15th November 2016; Copyright (©) 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from Ideya, Ltd. All third party information or data included in this report are sourced from publicly-accessible source and remain the property of their respective owners. The data in this report are believed to be accurate at the time of publication but cannot be guaranteed; therefore Ideya, Ltd. cannot accept liability whatever the actions are taken based on any data in this report that may consequently prove to be inaccurate.
  • 3. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 3 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; Table of Contents Part 1 – Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report - Analysis 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................8 1.1 Who Will Benefit from this Report?....................................................................................................10 1.2 Scope of the Report.............................................................................................................................10 2. FEATURED SMM TOOLS AND SERVICES.....................................................................................................12 2.1 SMM Tools and Services by Availability .............................................................................................12 2.2 HQs Locations of SMM Tool and Service Providers............................................................................14 2.3 Emergence of the SMM Tools and Services over the Past Decade....................................................15 3. SOCIAL MEDIA MONITORING AND APPLICATIONS...................................................................................16 3.1 Definition of Key SMM Concepts ........................................................................................................16 3.2 SMM Product Applications and Benefits............................................................................................24 4. MARKET TRENDS ........................................................................................................................................49 4.1 Market Growth ....................................................................................................................................49 SMM market continues to demonstrate further growth ...................................................................................... ……49 4.2 Market Dynamics.................................................................................................................................50 Big Technology Companies Taking Over the Market ..................................................................................................50 Partnerships on the Rise to Deliver More Strategic Insights for Businesses ...............................................................54 Further Decline in Merger and Acquisition Activity Continues in 2016.......................................................................60 Increasing Number of Vendors Offering Combination of Free and Fee Based SMM Tools and Services to Create Demand for Paid Services ...........................................................................................................................................72 4.3 Technology Innovation........................................................................................................................72 Continuous Investment and Advancement in SMM Technologies and Features ........................................................72 Continuous Expansion of Media Coverage and Analytics as Social Media Evolves ....................................................79 Social TV Opens New Opportunities for SMM and Analytics ......................................................................................82 Emergence of New Kind of Analytics ..........................................................................................................................85 4.4 Customer Position................................................................................................................................87 Increasing Adoption of Social Media Technologies.....................................................................................................87 Adoption of Employee Advocacy Programs on the Rise and Its Effect on SMM Tools................................................91 Choosing Between Point Solution and Integrated Social Media Suites ......................................................................92
  • 4. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 4 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; Businesses Still Struggling with the Tool Selection and SMM.....................................................................................93 5. A GUIDE TO SELECTING AND USING SMM TOOLS AND SERVICES............................................................96 5.1 PLANNING for Success.........................................................................................................................96 5.2 Consideration of Key Features ............................................................................................................99 5.2.1 Data Management...........................................................................................................................102 Coverage: Media, Language, and Industry Coverage...................................................................102 Data Latency and Real Time Monitoring......................................................................................142 Data Cleaning...............................................................................................................................144 Alerts ............................................................................................................................................144 Data Export ..................................................................................................................................146 API Integration with Third Party Application ...............................................................................146 Data Archiving and Historical Data..............................................................................................147 SMM Product Comparison Based on the Key Data Management Features....................................155 5.2.2 Data Analysis and Visualization ...................................................................................................163 Media Statistics............................................................................................................................163 Filtering and Sorting of Results ....................................................................................................172 Sentiment Analysis .......................................................................................................................179 Influencer Profiling and Analysis..................................................................................................185 Viral Content Tracking and Analysis.............................................................................................202 Trend Analysis ..............................................................................................................................203 Topic and Theme Analysis ............................................................................................................206 Word/Tag Cloud...........................................................................................................................211 Competitive Monitoring and Analysis ..........................................................................................213 Predictive analytics.....................................................................................................................219 Campaign Management/Measurement ....................................................................................220 SMM Product Comparison based on the Data Analysis and Visualizations Features................222 5.2.3 Process Management and User Interface........................................................................................232 Dashboard....................................................................................................................................232 Engagement and Publishing Function..........................................................................................234 Workflow Management...............................................................................................................236 Client Relationship Management (CRM)......................................................................................242 Product Comparison Based on the User Interface and Process Management Features...............244 5.3 Pricing and Clients .............................................................................................................................255
  • 5. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 5 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; 6. REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................................303 Part 2 – Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Directory 1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….......................11 1.1 Who Will Benefit from the SMM Tools and Services Directory? ...................................................12 1.2 Scope of the SMM Tools and Services Directory………………………………………………………...................12 1.3 The Directory Listing ..……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…........14 2. PROFILES OF PAID SMM TOOLS AND SERVICES .………………………….………………………………………….……........19 3. PROFILES OF FREE SMM TOOLS AND SERVICES ……………………………….…………………………………………………856
  • 6. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 6 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; Contents LIST OF TABLES: Table 1. Paid SMM Tools and Services (Total 160) 13 Table 2. SMM Tools with Free and Paid SMM Services (Total 22) 14 Table 3. Free SMM Tools (Total 18) 14 Table 4. Distribution of SMM Tools and Services by Provider’s HQs Location 14 Table 5. Common Social Media Platforms 18 Table 6. SMM Tools - Key Functions and Product Applications 33 Table 7. M&As in SMM Market (Period 2007-2016) 64 Table 8. SMM Product Comparison by Media and Language Coverage 104 Table 9. Multilanguage Sentiment Analytics – List of SMM Tools and Language Coverage 130 Table 10. Industry Coverage – List of SMM Tools and Services 136 Table 11. Historical Data Coverage – List of SMM Tools and Services Ranked by Historical Data Coverage 148 Table 12. SMM Product Comparison Based on the Key Data Management Features: Alerts, Data Export, API Integration, Data Archiving 155 Table 13. Key Social Metrics By Major Social Media Platforms 164 Table 14. Key Social Metrics by Major Categories 165 Table 15. Filtering by Results Media Type – List of SMM Tools and Services 174 Table 16. Filtering of Results by Keywords or Topic – List of SMM Tools and Services 175 Table 17. Filtering of Results by Geography – List of SMM Tools and Services 176 Table 18. Filtering of Results by Demographics – List of SMM Tools and Services 177 Table 19. Viral Content Tracking and Analysis – List of SMM Tools and Services 202 Table 20. Predictive Analytics – List of SMM Tools and Services 219 Table 21. SMM Product Comparison Based on Key Data Analysis and Visualization Features: Automated Sentiment Analysis, Human Sentiment Analysis, Influencer Analysis and Profiling, Trend Analysis, Topic/Theme Analysis, Word/Tag Cloud, Competitive Analysis, Campaign Management and Monitoring 222 Table 22. SMM Product Comparison Based on Process Management and User Interface: Customized Dashboards, Workflow Management, Engagement, Publishing, CRM 243 Table 23. Pricing and Sample Client List 255 LIST OF FIGURES: Figure 1. Strategic Approach to Selecting and Employing SMM Tools and Services 9 Figure 2. SMM Tools and Services by Current Status 12 Figure 3. Featured SMM Tools and Services by the Year of Introduction (2000 –2016) 15 Figure 4. Engaging Social Media Monitoring Tools 22 Figure 5. The Ways SMM and Engagement Can Impact Your Business Performance 24 Figure 6. Key Applications of SMM Tools 27 Figure 7. Featured SMM Tools and Services – Number and Growth (%) (2005 – 2016) 50 Figure 8. Timeline – The Year of Tool/Service Introduction 57 Figure 9. M&A Activity in the SMM Market (2007-2016) 61 Figure 10. Cluster Analysis Chart 75 Figure 11. Predictive Analytics 77 Figure 12. Access across Any Device Including Desktop, iPhone/iPad, and Android 78 Figure 13. Social TV Meter Dashboard Showing Trend per Minute, KPI and Hashtag Cloud 84 Figure 14. Social Intelligence Center View, “Command-Style Center” Creation Capabilities 90 Figure 15. The Tool Key Features and Factors Impacting Selection Process 100 Figure 16. SMM Key Product Features - Percentage of SMM Products Offering Specific Feature 101
  • 7. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 7 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; Figure 17. Usage and Perceived Effectiveness of Social Media Platforms 102 Figure 18. Alerts 145 Figure 19. Integrations: Market Place - Integration with existing CRM Systems, Analytics, Marketing Automation, Asset Management, Profile and Message Enrichment Systems 147 Figure 20. Filtering of Results: Filtering Options 173 Figure 21. Segmentation By Demographics: Filtering of Results by Gender 173 Figure 22. Geo-location Live View: Single Geofence with Social Media Post Location Pins 177 Figure 23. Sentiment Analysis - Share of Voice by Sentiment, Competitors' Sentiment Breakdown, Positive Sentiment Trending by Competitors 180 Figure 24. Sentiment by Conversation Topics 180 Figure 25. Sentiment Analysis: Total Mentions and Sentiment Scores by Industry Category and Trending Topics by Sentiment 181 Figure 26. Sentiment Trending 181 Figure 27. Sentiment Analysis: Word Classification Bubble Chart, Brand Opinion, and Buzz Trend by Sentiment 182 Figure 28. Human Sentiment Analysis: Manual Assignment of Sentiment 183 Figure 29. Influencer Analysis - A-List Sorted by Influencer Rank 186 Figure 30. Influencer Network Analysis - Interactive Social Network Analysis Map with Filtering Options (e.g., Weight, Influencer Score, etc.) Showing Individuals in a Group who are Drivers of Change, Trend-Setters and Industry Opinion Makers 186 Figure 31. Top Influential Sources and Top 10 Authority Sites 187 Figure 32. Bubble Stream Chart Combining Commenter's Influence and Sentiment 187 Figure 33. Influencers Profiling Table – Overview Influence Score, Tweets, Mentions, Followers, Retweets, Retweets Sent, Replies, Favorites, Listed, Klout Score, Direct Reach, Echo Reach, Total Reach 188 Figure 34. Influencer Profiling: A Comprehensive View of an Individual's Public Content across the Web, Filtered by Topic and Ranked by Their Potential Impact On the User's Business 188 Figure 35. Author Interests Analysis 189 Figure 36. Influencer Analysis: Competitive Matrix 189 Figure 37. Influence Gap Report Showing Share of Influence versus Topic or Competitors 198 Figure 38. Social Network Analysis: Visualization of a Twitter Network using “Graph in Box” Layout 200 Figure 39. Viral Content Tracking and Analysis: Virality Chart Measuring How Specific Articles Spread Through Different Media Channels and Identify Those With The Highest Impact 201 Figure 40. Channel Trends: Posts, Comments and Likes Over Time By Competitor 203 Figure 41. Trend Analysis: Key Metrics Over Time 203 Figure 42. Trend Analysis: Sentiment and Emotion Trending 204 Figure 43. Trend Analysis: Trend Analysis by Source 204 Figure 44. Topic Analysis: Clustering Techniques (Word Clouds) to Discover the Words and Phrases Most Frequently Associated With Company's Brand Or Keyword, Including Discovery of Emerging Players and Issues 205 Figure 45. Topic Analysis: Word Burst Chart with Keyword Categorization and Sample Mentions 206 Figure 46. Topic Analysis: Trending Topics in Real Time, Sentiment Analysis by Topic, Share of Voice and Ranking by Topics 206 Figure 47. Topic Analysis – Interactive Topic Maps Showing the Significant Words of the Online Discussions and their Relationships Amongst Themselves 207 Figure 48. Topic Analysis – Interactive Tree Map Showing the Most Common terms in the Mention Sets 208 Figure 49 Topic Analysis – Bundle Visualization Showing the Most Frequent Correlations between Keywords or Topics 209 Figure 50. Tag Cloud and Word Cloud Showing Top Themes and Key Themes Over Time 210 Figure 51. Word Cloud with Positive and Negative Hot Topics 211 Figure 52. Cluster Analysis: Interactive Map Showing Major Themes and Their Relationships 211 Figure 53. Tag Creation and Word Tag: Offering Smart Tagging To Self Organize and Share Expert Opinions, Comments and Sentiment In Real-Time 212 Figure 54. Competitive Analysis: Volume and Share of Voice Chart 213 Figure 55. Competitive Analysis: Competitor Performance Over Time 213 Figure 56. Competitive Analysis: Sentiment and Activity Including Mentions and Smart Tags Comparison 214 Figure 57. Competitive Analysis and Benchmarking – Banking Industry 215 Figure 58. Competitive Analysis Trends 215
  • 8. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 8 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; Figure 59. Competitive Analysis - Facebook Competitor Engagement Map Used For Comparison of Brand and Competitors’ Facebook Performance by Engagement and Number of Fans 215 Figure 60. Competitive Analysis: Experience Scores Graph 216 Figure 61. Competitive Analysis: Competitive Matrix KPI's 217 Figure 62. Competitive Analysis: Followers Comparison 218 Figure 63. Campaign Monitoring and Measurement: Campaign Monitoring Chart 220 Figure 64. Campaign Monitoring and Measurement: Social Campaign Details 220 Figure 65. Campaign Monitoring and Measurement: Campaign Insights - Engagement (Likes, Comments, Shares) Over Time, Engagement by Type, Engagement Trending by Media Type, Share of Voice by Media Type, Message Scorecard 221 Figure 66. Standard Dashboard 232 Figure 67. Customizable Dashboard 232 Figure 68. Publishing: Asset Library 234 Figure 69. Publishing: Message Approval 234 Figure 70. Workflow Management: Priority Inbox and Recommendations 237 Figure 71. Workflow Management: Social Inbox 237 Figure 72. Workflow Management: Setting Up and Customization of Status Levels of Messages to Improve Tracking, Routing, and Response Time 238 Figure 73. Workflow Management: Bulk Actions to Assist Community Managers and Moderators in Rapidly Processing Multiple Messages 238 Figure 74. Workflow Management: Calendar Publishing View 239 Figure 75. Workflow Management: Ticket System To Assign Tasks To Other People Within A Hotel/Chain 239 Figure 76. Workflow Management: Workflow Report - Ambassadors' KPIs, team performance 240 Figure 77. Workflow Management: Workflow Report Including Conversations, Sentiment, and Key Metrics 240 Figure 78. Workflow Management: Service Level Agreement (SLA) Response Time Reporting Dashboard with Compliance Monitoring 241 Figure 79 Social CRM – Integrated Social CRM Allowing Brands to Engage with Customers, Assign Tasks to Team Members, Track Customer Relations and Archive Results 242
  • 9. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 9 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; 1. INTRODUCTION EXCERPTS FROM THE SOCIAL MEDIA MONITORING TOOLS AND SERVICES REPORT 2016, THE 7TH EDITION Social media has become an integral part of any business strategy affecting Marketing, Communication, Customer Care, HR and other business functions across the organization. This has placed a significant pressure on social programs and executives to efficiently listen, manage, monitor, analyze, and engage within social media with social principles and practices infusing all companies' business processes and activities. As social media has become a mainstream business tool, companies continue to invest into social media programs such as employee advocacy, social selling, social recruiting, etc. and employing Social Media Monitoring (SMM) technologies and services to monitor and solicit public opinions about their brand and products, shape their online presence and develop strategies to engage and harness the social paradigm. If used properly, social intelligence offered by SMM tools can create true business value for businesses by supporting every area of their business from understanding consumers’ needs and behaviours, competitive landscape, creating risk management plans, increasing customer experience and satisfaction, to executing smart product development and campaigns, and building long term and profitable relationships with their customers. The number and quality of SMM tools available in the market has changed considerably, with the SMM technology industry maturing rapidly through innovation and acquisitions by large technology companies and the emergence of new tools, delivering unique and more sophisticated analytical capabilities and more personalized engagement. This has created a highly complex and diverse landscape of SMM technologies. With a vast number of social media monitoring and management tools on the market, making an educated choice about which social media monitoring and management platform can best address an organization's needs and justify social media investment, has become a challenging and time consuming task for organizations – especially as the social media technology business has branched out into a diverse set of technologies, data types and countless vendors, confusing buyers. New tools and services are emerging continually, while already established SMM companies are frequently improving their products by introducing new features and coverage to accommodate their clients’ needs or transforming their point solutions into a complete social suite to address multiple business needs and functions within one single platform. Some top vendors are developing features beyond monitoring, listening, or social media management, and gradually converging their platforms with content management, customer experience or social relationship platforms. Each SMM tool offers a specific set of functionalities and differs in focus, coverage, and approach, with some focusing more on engagement, publishing, and workflow management, while other offering strong analytics and reporting functions. There is still no single superior SMM tool or service provider, which can effectively and successfully measure and address all aspects of social media and business functions. For that reason, most organizations still use multiple social media monitoring tools across different functional areas and geographies, as they require a slightly different approach and view of the social media space in order to address their specific social analysis and business needs.
  • 10. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 10 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; Existing market reports on SMM providers typically focus on a few, well established tools and services and at the moment, there are no comprehensive reports with a broad overview of the market and its players. As almost every business has a unique set of needs in terms of monitoring, measurement, or social media management, and as not every business uses the same mix of social media channels or language coverage, the need for a more comprehensive report is needed to meet ever-shifting range of disparate needs of customers. The purpose of this report is to fill that need and give an up-to-date, comprehensive view of the social media monitoring market and product offerings. The report provides:  Elaborate profiles of two hundred (200) SMM tools and services including key product features, pricing and contact information  Definitions of important SMM concepts and key product applications  Pricing and client information on more than one hundred and fifty (150) SMM tools and services  Up-to-date information on market trends and M&A activity in the SMM market and  A guide for selecting and using SMM tools and services. FIGURE 1. Strategic Approach to Selecting and Employing SMM Tools and Services We hope to enable companies and individuals to make effective decisions about the use of monitoring tools and services for their purposes, based on their specific business needs, objectives, and budget, as the ideal solution for one business may not often be the best choice for another business. For that reason, we made a concerted effort to explain some of the key features and factors that characterize current products:  Data management features such as data coverage, data latency, alerts, data export, Application Programming Interface (API) integration, data archiving,  Data analysis and visualization features, including sentiment analysis, influencer profiling and analysis, viral content tracking and analysis, trend analysis, topic and theme analysis, word/tag cloud, competitive monitoring and analysis, predictive analytics, campaign management and measurements, UNDERSTAND KEY SOCIAL MEDIA MONITORING CONCEPTS , FUNCTIONS AND APPLICATIONS SEE HOW THEY CAN BE APPLIED WITHIN YOUR ORGANIZATION UNDERSTAND SMM MARKET AND MARKET TRENDS - MARKET DYNAMICS - TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION - CUSTOMER POSITION LEARN ABOUT SMM TOOL COVERAGE AND KEY FEATURES QUESTIONS TO ASK AND FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN SELECTING SMM TOOL AND SERVICES PRICING AND PRODUCT AND SERVICE AVAILABILITY LEARN ABOUT DIFFERENT PRODUCT AND SERVICES, PRICING PLANS AND FREE OFFERS VENDOR EXPERIENCE: - CLIENTS SERVED - # OF YEARS IN SMM BUSINESS - INDUSTRY FOCUS - COMPANY SIZE
  • 11. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 11 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved;  Process management and user interface, including dashboard, workflow management, engagement function, publishing function, Client Relationship Management (CRM), and  Factors influencing purchasing decisions, including pricing, key clients that have been mentioned in online resources, product applications, industry focus, company size and year when the tool or service was made publicly available, (see FIGURE 8 - Timeline). This year report provides valuable comparisons of products based on the social media monitoring functions and product applications, data management features, data analysis and visualizations features, process management and user interface features, as well as pricing and client listing. The report also includes a number of enterprise based social media management (SMM) and social media marketing platforms, which may offer some key social media monitoring features, but may also assist businesses in managing multiple social media accounts, content creation, publishing and moderation, workflow and permissions, data analytics, reporting and integration capabilities across enterprise. Because the landscape of the market changes rapidly and the SMM tool providers are constantly redesigning features and introducing new technologies, we also provide links to the tool websites and contact information. Thus, the readers can easily access the latest information and review tool updates. 1.1 Who Will Benefit from this Report? Information in this report can be useful to a broad range of organizations and individuals who are interested in specific SMM tools and services and the overall market trends, in particular:  Mature businesses that want to broaden their understanding of the SMM tools and decide whether to develop their own tools or use external solutions  Start-up, small and midsize companies that want to leverage SMM tools and services to monitor social media communications and activities and reach their potential customers in an efficient and effective manner  Providers of SMM tools and service that are interested in the competitive landscape and possibilities for partnerships, sales, or acquisitions  Social media consultants who are looking for information about tools and tool features to complement their resources and expand their services  Investors who are looking for investment opportunities and seeking information on technologies and companies. 1.2 Scope of the Report Through extensive secondary research and interviews with experts and social media monitoring technology vendors, we collected information on 200 SMM technologies and services. We carefully examined tool descriptions on the official company and product Web site and supplemented that information with product reviews, vendors’ comments, and market reports in order to create a comprehensive profile for each SMM tool and service.
  • 12. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 12 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; The profiles are presented in the second part of the report, which is available as a separate document. The information in each of the 200 profiles is laid out in a uniform and structured way to provide a reader with an easy way to browse and learn about each SMM tool:  Name of the tool or service Official name found at the official Web site  Name of the provider Name of the company providing the tool or service  Contact information Tool Website URL Address, Telephone, E-Mail Address  Leadership Name of the Founder, CEO, or Director  Geographical coverage Location of the Company Headquarters (HQs), SMM technology providers' offices worldwide, language and market coverage.  Company status Privately or Publically Owned  Vendor's company size Number of employees  Industry focus Company/tool specialization in major industry segments (if any)  Key product applications Specific product applications (e.g., Marketing, PR, Reputation Management, Market Research, Customer Care, Sales and Lead Generation, HR, Legal and others)  Product and service availability Software Hosted, On-Premise, Mobile, White Label, Agency, Consulting, and others  Monitored social media All, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Video and Photo sharing sites, Social Bookmarking, Forums, Blogs, etc.  Language coverage List of languages for text detection and sentiment analysis  Tool functionality Listening, Monitoring, Tracking, Analysing, Engaging, Publishing, CRM, etc.  Third party technology Whether a tool is using third party monitoring technology  Tool and service availability Release products, pilots, free and fee based  Tool description and product features Description of key features, published client list, pricing information, media and language coverage, historical data coverage, etc.  Year of tool or service introduction The year the tool was publicly released. We want to thank the following companies offering SMM tools and services for taking time to review their profiles, so our clients can get the most up-to-date information on their products and services:  AgoraPulse (Agora Pulse), Akio Group (Spotter Pulse), Audiense Limited (Audiense), bc.lab GmbH (bc.lab), Brand Embassy (Brand Embassy), BoomSonar SA (BoomSonar, BoomSocial), BrandProtect Inc. (BrandProtect SMART Platform), Buzzcapture B.V. (Buzzcapture), Clipit News B.V. (Clipit), Codegent (Twilert), Cogia Intelligence (Cogia Web Observer 3.0/ Text Mining /Web Audit / Report / Alerts & News Clipping / Engagement Tool), Commetric Ltd. (Commetric Media Analytics, Commetric Influencer Network Analysis), Confirmit Inc. (Confirmit Horizons: Confirmit Genius Social Analytics), Coosto BV (Coosto), Crimson Hexagon (Crimson Hexagon ForSight™ platform, Crimson Hexagon HelioSight platform), Curalate Inc. (Curalate), datenwerk innovationsagentur GmbH (Opinion Tracker), Dow Jones & Co. (Factiva), Echobot Media Technologies GmbH (Echobot), FirstRain, Inc. (FirstRain Orion), Genpact International Inc. (Genpact's Social Media Research and Media Monitoring), iContact (iContact Pro Select), IBM Corporation (IBM® SPSS® Modeler Premium, IBM Watson Analytics for Social Media, IBM AlchemyAPI), Infegy (Infegy Atlas), Innodata Inc. (Agility PR Solutions), Intelligence Technologies Ltd. (Netmonita), iSentia (BuzzNumbers), Kantar Media CIC
  • 13. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 13 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; (IWOMmaster Platform), Landau Media Monitoring AG & Co. (Landau Media Online Monitoring), Launchmetrics (Launchmetrics), Linguamatics (Linguamatics I2E Text Mining Solution for News & Social Media), M-Brain Oy (M-Adaptive), Media Sonar Technologies Inc. (Media Sonar), Medimix International (Scanbuzz), Mediatoolkit d.o.o. (Mediatoolkit), (Mention), Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft Social Engagement), Mu Sigma Inc. (muFusion™), Nexalogy (NexaMaster, NexaMe), NUVI, LLC (NUVI™), Open Text Corp. (OpenText Explore / formerly HP Explore), Oracle Corporation (Oracle Social Cloud and Oracle Social Relationship Management), quintly GmbH (quintly), Salesforce (Social Studio/Salesforce Social Media Marketing), SDL Plc (SDL Social Intelligence: SDL Social Media Monitoring and Customer Journey Analytics), Snaptrends, Inc. (Snaptrends – A Social Insights solution), Social Media Broadcasts (SMB) Limited (Klarity Analytics), Social Media Research Foundation (NodeXL), SentiOne (SentiOne), Sprinklr, Inc. (Sprinklr), Sprout Social, Inc. (Sprout Social), SOCIALEYEZ (SOCIALEYEZ), Traackr, Inc. (Traackr), Tracebuzz (Tracebuzz), TrustYou (TrustYou), VICO Research & Consulting GmbH (VICO Analytics, VICO PRISY), YouScan Ukraine Ltd. (YouScan) and others. 2. FEATURED SMM TOOLS AND SERVICES We collected information about two hundred (200) SMM tools and services. Here we list them based on their availability, geo-location, and the year of their public release. 2.1 SMM Tools and Services by Availability Among the featured SMM tools and services:  One hundred sixty (160) are operated as paid tools and services  Twenty two (22) are currently offering both free and paid services, and  Eighteen (18) are free tools. FIGURE 2. SMM Tools and Services by Status 160 22 18 Paid Paid/Free Free NumberofToolsandServices SMM Tools and Services by Current Status
  • 14. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 14 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; TABLE 1. Paid SMM Tools and Services (Total 160)  Adobe® Social  Agility PR Solutions  Appreciation Engine  Astute Social™  Audiense  bc.lab  BIG Engagement, Publishing and Monitoring  BirdSong  Blogmeter Social Listening, Blogmeter Social Analytics, Blogmeter Social TV Listening  blueReport (Cognita AG)  BoomSonar  Brand24  BrandChats  Brand Embassy  BrandMetric Sonar BM  BrandProtect SMART Platform  BrandsEye  BrandSpotter  Brandwatch  BurrellesLuce iMonitor  Buzzcapture  BuzzForce™ and Social Media Dashboard /Oceanus  BuzzNumbers  ChatterGuard  Cogia Web Observer 3.0/ Text Mining /Web Audit / Report / Alerts & News Clipping / Engagement Tool  Cisco® SocialMiner  Cision PR Edition  Cision Social Software  Clipit  Cogito  Commetric Media Analytics  Commetric Influencer Network Analysis  complexium MATRIX, GALAXY, KYEPLEX  Converseon  Confirmit Horizons: Confirmit Genius Social Analytics  Coosto  Crimson Hexagon ForSight™  Crimson Hexagon HelioSight  Curalate  CustomScoop Media Monitoring / CARMA  CyberAlert Social Media Monitoring  CX Social/ formerly Engagor (Clarabridge)  DataChamp24  Daumsoft Mining Minds  Dialogix  Digimind Intelligence  Digimind Social  Ditto Analytics  Ebiquity Sonar  eCairn Conversation™  Echobot  Engage121  evolve24 Evolution Platform  Factiva (Dow Jones)   FirstRain Orion  ForeSee Customer Experience Analytics for Social Media  Genpact's Social Media Research and Media Monitoring  Gorkana Social Media Pro/ Cision  Hearsay Social  HottoLink  HubSpot  Iconosquare  IBM Watson Analytics for Social Media  IBM® SPSS® Modeler Premium  iContact Pro Select  Infegy Atlas  IQBuzz  Isentia Brandtology  IWOMmaster Platform  J.D. Power Social Media Insights  Kantar Media Social Media Intelligence  Klarity Analytics  Landau Media Online Monitoring  Launchmetrics  Lexalytics Salience  LexisNexis® Newsdesk  Linguamatics I2E Text Mining Solution for News & Social Media  Linkfluence Radarly  Lithium Response, Lithium Reach and Lithium Social Media Analytics  ListenLogic Unstructured Big Data Analytics & Insights  LRWMotiveQuest  M-Adaptive  Media Sonar  Meltwater Media Intelligence Platform  Mention  Microsoft Social Engagement  mPACT, mPACT Connect  muFusion™  MutualMind  Nasdaq OMX Media Intelligence (formerly Thomson One PR)  NetBase™  Netmonita  Nexalogy  Next Analytics Social Media Dashboard  Nielsen Social  NUVI™  Onalytica  OpenText Explore  Opinion Tracker  Oracle RightNow Social Experience  Oracle Social Cloud and Oracle Social Relationship Management  Polecat  Pulsar TRAC  Raven Social  ReplyOne  Reputation Control   RepuTrace /RepuTrack  Revinate  ReviewPro  Semantria  Sendible  SAS® Social Media Analytics  Scanbuzz  ScribbleLive Insights and Engagement  SemanticForce  SentiMetrix  Sentiment (Sentiment Metrics)  SentiOne  Silverbakk  Simplify360  SDL Social Intelligence: SDL Social Media Monitoring and Customer Journey Analytics  SmartFocus Social Insights  Snaptrends - A Social Insights Solution  Social360  Socialbakers  Social Figures BrandCare  SocialFlow  Social Local Platform/Rio SEO  SocialEye™  SOCIALEYEZ™  Socialmetrix Echo  Social Studio / Salesforce Social Media Marketing  SoDash  Spotter Pulse  Spredfast Social Media Management System  Sprinklr  Sprout Social  Symscio  Synthesio  Sysomos Expion  Sysomos Heartbeat  Sysomos Media Analysis Platform (MAP)  Tailwind  Traackr  Tracebuzz  Trackur  Tracx  TrustYou  Twilert  uberMetrics Delta  VendAsta's Reputation Management Platform  Verint Text Analytics  VICO Analytics  VICO PRISY  WaveMetrix  Webtrends Social Analytics  Wobot  YouScan  Zignal Labs
  • 15. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 15 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; TABLE 2. SMM Tools with Free and Paid SMM Services (Total 22)  AgoraPulse  Cyfe  Buzzmonitor / E.Life  Hashtags  Hootsuite  HowSociable  IBM AlchemyLanguage  Klout  Kred (PeopleBrowsr)  Mediatoolkit  NetBase LIVE Pulse™  Netvibes  NodeXL  quintly  Simply Measured  Social Searcher  Tagboard  Talkwalker  TO THE NEW Social Analytics/ThoughtBuzz  Twingly  Zuum Social TABLE 3. Free SMM Tools (Total 18)  Board Reader  BoomSocial  Facebook Insights  Followerwonk  LinkedIn Analytics  Meltwater IceRocket  Mentionmap  NexaMe (Nexalogy)  Omgili  Search (Facebook)  Social Mention  Talkwalker Alerts  Talkwalker Social Search  Tweetchup  TweetDeck  Twitter Search  Unruly Analytics  Viralwoot 2.2 HQs Locations of SMM Tool and Service Providers The majority of SMM providers featured in this report have their headquarters (HQs) in the USA. Indeed, out of 200 SMM tools and services, 92 (46%) are offered by companies in the USA. From the remaining ones, 24 (12%) are in the UK, 14 (7%) are in Canada, 13 (7%) in Germany, 9 (5%) in France, 4 (2%) in Russia and Netherlands, 3 (2%) in each China, Australia, and Luxembourg. In TABLE 4 we provide the breakdown of the SMM tools and services based on the location of their companies’ HQs. TABLE 4. Distribution of SMM Tools and Services by Provider’s HQs Location HQs Location Number of Tools/Service Providers HQs Location Number of Tools/Service Providers United States 92 United Arab Emirate 2 United Kingdom 24 Spain 2 Canada 14 Italy 2 Germany 13 Argentina 1 France 9 Austria 1 Russia 4 Brazil 1 Netherlands 4 Chile 1 China 3 Croatia 1 Australia 3 Denmark 1 Luxembourg 3 Finland 1 India 2 Israel 1 Poland 2 Japan 1
  • 16. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 16 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; HQs Location Number of Tools/Service Providers HQs Location Number of Tools/Service Providers Singapore 2 Norway 1 Sweden 2 South Africa 1 Turkey 2 South Korea 1 Ukraine 2 Switzerland 1 Many SMM technology providers featured in this report have pronounced local and international presence delivering services from multiple locations across the world. Indeed, out of 92 vendors with HQs in the United States, 51 (53%) have also offices in the EMEA region and 39 (39%) in the ASPAC region. Similarly, out of 79 SMM technology providers with HQs in the EMEA Region, 41 (49%) also have offices in Americas Region and 22 (28%) in the Asia Pacific Region. Out of 12 featured companies from the ASPAC Region, 4 have also presence in the Americas Region and 1 in the EMEA Region. 2.3 Emergence of the SMM Tools and Services over the Past Decade The majority of the SMM tools and services featured in this report were introduced in the period from 2009 to 2010. The years 2012 and 2013, with eighteen (18) and thirteen (13) new tools respectively, show that the market growth has slowed down from the previous years. FIGURE 3. Featured Social Media Monitoring Tools/Services by the Year of Introduction (Period 2000-2016) 4 4 1 3 6 12 7 21 21 29 27 20 18 13 6 7 1 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 3rd Q NumberofToolsandServices The Year of Tool Introduction Featured Monitoring Tools/Services by The Year of Introduction (Period 2000-2016)
  • 17. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 17 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; 3. SOCIAL MEDIA MONITORING AND APPLICATIONS 3.1 Definition of Key SMM Concepts SMM concepts refer to the elements that define a SMM process and technologies it employs. Definition of SMM Tools The concept of social media monitoring (SMM) is simple. Organizations use SMM technologies to tap into the vast ocean of social media data to reveal mentions of their brand, topic of interest, companies, and products to gain real time actionable insights and respond appropriately. SMM tools are software applications, which enable companies to gather, categorize, analyze, monitor, and possibly engage in online conversations about companies, brands, products, competitors, industry and other topics across different social media platforms. They help businesses analyze data and identify business insights, understand their customers, prospects, key industry influencers and opinion leaders, and discover in real time what they are saying about their brand, products, reputation, and their competitors across the social Web. Such social data intelligence is gathered through the process of collecting, filtering, and analyzing social information empowering organizations to make better, more informed decisions. Significant number of tools offers engagement function, which allows organizations to participate in these conversations in real time, as well as workflow management support to assist with the dissemination of social media data within the organization and coordination of the analysis and responses. Social media monitoring is a real time social listening that moves beyond historical listening for keywords and hashtags, for the purposes of research and insight, to the active monitoring of conversations across the social media platforms and identifying real-time brand buzz with the goal of engagement and participation. This also includes the abilities to tag conversations for further analysis and prioritization and routing of important posts to other stakeholders and departments across the organization for review, processing, and resolution. Social media monitoring (SMM), listening, intelligence, analytics, and/or social media management are frequently used as the same term; however, each term represents something quite different.  Social Media Monitoring tools comprise monitoring, listening, analytics, and/or intelligence capabilities (to verify tool’s function, see TABLE 6 - SMM Tools: Key Functions and Product Applications or under field “key functions” in each of the tool profiles in the Part2: SMM Tools Directory).  Social Listening platforms provides the basic capability of collecting online conversations based on user specific ... Excerpts only - to read more, please order the Part1 of the SMM Tool Report or visit our publication page for more information.
  • 18. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 18 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; 3.2 SMM Product Applications and Benefits Understanding the benefits and possible applications of social media monitoring is of the utmost importance. Relevant social data collected and analyzed by SMM tools has to be available in the context of everyday business processes in order to be useful and actionable. Nevertheless, many companies often use the wrong metrics to measure their performance, particularly when it comes to social media. Metrics generated by SMM tools, such as number of tweets, Facebook likes, unique visitors, page views are only useful if they can be tied to the company's sales as a result of customer liking or tweeting to company's purchasing path. To measure the value of their social media activities, companies should look at the overall results they are generating, and carefully examine how social media was engaged in increasing their bottom lines through growing revenue and increasing efficiency. For that reason, before we get into more detailed discussion about SMM product applications, it is important to understand the ways the social media can affect your business performance (see FIGURE 5). FIGURE 5: The Ways Social Media Monitoring and Engagements Can Impact Your Business Performance Increase Sales, Market Share, Customer Retention, Operating Margin, ROI Generate More Qualified Leads Shorten the Sales Cycle Create Thought Leadership Improve Visibility, Awareness, Advance Brand Advocacy and Increase Brand Value Improve Brand Reputation and Counter Negative Perception Identify and Create New Partnerships Reduce Marketing, Market Research, Research & Development, IT, Recruitment, and other Operating Costs Test Ideas and Launch Product Increase Operational Efficiency Improve Customer Services, Engagement, Experience, Satisfaction and Customer Retention
  • 19. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 19 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; Social media can help companies increase sales, market share, and ROI by fulfilling the following business goals:  Generate more qualified leads through social media marketing by building strong relationships, visibility, and awareness across social media channels that may in a long run, convert to recurring sales in their core business. For instance, companies can use social media to point to a company website, sell directly within social networks, or use social media to gather registrations via offers. They can increase sales to new customers through word of mouth or gain viral spread by urging their fans and followers to share … Excerpts only - for information on other product applications please order Part 2 of the Social Media Monitoring Report or visit our publication page for more information. SMM Product Applications Based on the analysis of 200 SMM tools, we have identified a number of applications of SMM technologies across all aspects of businesses including Marketing and Corporate Communications, Event Management, Public Relations (PR), Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Business Development, Sales and Leads Generation, Investor Relations (IR), Advertising, Market Research, Product R&D and Innovation Management, Operations, Customer Services, Human Resources, Legal, and Open Source Intelligence (see FIGURE 6). FIGURE 6: Key Applications of SMM Tools It is evident that the social data intelligence is scalable across all departments and can be systematically spread throughout the entire enterprise in cost-effective way, increasing the potential of cross- departmental collaboration and accountability. The intelligence derived from social data is measurable, so KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) can be created based on the needs and goals of each Marketing & Corporate Communication Event Management Public Relations (PR) Search Engine Marketing Advertising Investor Relations (IR) Business Development, Sales and Lead Generation Social Media Marketing Market Research Product R&D and Innovation Management Operations Customer Services Human Resources Legal Open Source Intelligence
  • 20. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 20 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; department and organization as a whole. Social Media Monitoring has delivered clear benefits in business areas such as: Marketing & Corporate Communications Social media monitoring tools typically assist organizations in: 1) Acquiring real time social marketing insights to inform their social marketing and communication plans, monitor trends that impact their marketing efforts, and improve the effectiveness of marketing programs by optimizing design of marketing and advertising campaigns … Excerpts only - for information on other product applications please order Part 2 of the Social Media Monitoring Report or visit our publication page for more information. 4. MARKET TRENDS In this section, we discuss and elaborate on the key market trends in social media monitoring market and present the findings by focusing on four key areas: market growth, market dynamics, technology innovation, and customer position: Market Growth  SMM market continues to demonstrate further growth Market Dynamics  Big technology companies taking over the market  Partnerships on the rise to deliver more strategic insights for businesses  Further decline in merger and acquisition activity continues in 2016  Increasing number of vendors offering combination of free and fee based SMM tools and services to create demand for paid services Technology Innovation  Continuous advancement in SMM technologies and features  Continuous expansion of media coverage and analytics as social media evolves  Social TV has opened new opportunities for SMM and analytics  Emergence of new kind of analytics Customer Position  Increasing adoption and investment in social media technologies  Increasing adoption of Employee Advocacy Programs on the rise  Choosing between point solutions and integrated social media suites  Businesses still struggling with the tool selection and social media monitoring Excerpts only - for more detailed information on Market Trends please order Part 2 of the Social Media Monitoring Report or visit our publication page for more information.
  • 21. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 21 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; =+ 5. A GUIDE TO SELECTING AND USING SMM TOOLS AND SERVICES Over the past several years, the use of social media tools has shifted from experimentation phase to a more mission critical activity, however many businesses are still using SMM tools and services tactically. They are analyzing daily activities across specific social media to track online conversations around their brand, respond to negative comments, or evaluate their marketing campaigns - however, SMM provides opportunities for a more strategic approach. 5.1 Planning for Success Investment in SMM requires careful consideration. In order to realize a long-term value from SMM one needs to integrate SMM with other business processes. This may include measuring the strategic business impact of social media marketing, strengthening initiatives for social customer engagement, expanding strategies for increasing retention and revenue from current customers, implementing social media campaigns to acquire new customers, and so forth. By having a clear understanding of how SMM supports business, one can make a transition … Excerpts only - for more information on this Section, please order the full Report - Part 1; or visit our publication page for more information. 5.2 Consideration of Key Features SMM technology providers aim at delivering unique SMM solutions in terms of technologies they apply, key features and pricing they offer. This often presents challenges to organizations that are just embarking on SMM or upgrading their existing SMM activities and it is difficult to make an informed decision without having an overview of the current options and new trends. For that reason, we compiled information about key features of 200 tools and services in our sample:  Data management features such as data coverage, data latency, alerts, data export, integration capabilities, and data archiving,  Data analysis and visualization features, including sentiment analysis, influencer profiling and analysis, viral content tracking and analysis, trend analysis, topic and theme analysis, word/tag cloud, competitive monitoring and analysis, predictive analytics, campaign management and measurements,  Process management and user interface, including dashboard, workflow management, Client Relationship Management (CRM), engagement, and  Factors influencing purchasing decisions, including industry pricing, key clients that have been mentioned in online resources, product applications, industry focus, company size and year when the tool or service was made publicly available, (see FIGURE 8 - Timeline). We expect that these aspects will be important for outlining the SMM strategy and selecting specific providers.
  • 22. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 22 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; The Tool Key Features and Factors Impacting Selection Process FIGURE 15. The Tool Key Features and Factors Impacting Selection Process Data Management Data Acquisition Coverage Media Coverage Language Coverage Geographic Coverage Industry Specific Coverage Data Latency Data Cleaning For Spam Alerts Data Export Application Programming Interface (API) Integration Data Archiving Data Analysis and Visualization Media Statistics Filtering and Sorting of Results Sentiment Analysis Automated Human Influencer Profiling and Analysis Viral Content Tracking and Analysis Trend Analysis Topic and Theme Analysis Word/Tag Cloud Competitive Monitoring and Analysis Predictive Analytics Campaign Monitoring and Measurements Process Management and User Interface Dashboard Standard/ Pre-defined CustomizableWorkflow Management Engagement Function / Publishing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Factors Pricing Clients Year of Product Release Product Applications Industry Focus Company Size
  • 23. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 23 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; 5.2.1 Data Management Coverage The coverage of SMM tools and services typically refers to four key aspects: media coverage, language coverage, geographic coverage and industry coverage.  Social Media Coverage - Each tool tracks different social media platforms such as blogs, micro- blogs (e.g., Twitter), social networks (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn), forums, and others. When deciding which SMM tools and services to use, it is important to consider those that provide adequate coverage and the social media that are of interest. In addition, companies should verify if SMM providers have their own crawlers and data centers or they simply buy their data in. TABLE. 8 SMM Product Comparisons by Media and Language Coverage Product Name Media Coverage Language Coverage  BoomSonar Monitoring: All types of web sites, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, Vine, WordPress, VKontakte, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Tumblr, blogs, forums, comments, review sites, sharing and bookmarking sites. Monitoring of Instagram and Foursquare available with BoomExtra subscription. Facebook Topic Data: Available as an optional extra. Firehose Access to Major Sources: BoomSonar has firehose access to multiple sources, including Twitter, WordPress, Tumblr, IntenseDebate and Disqus data for real time monitoring, Management and Publishing: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Languages: BoomSonar covers all languages. Automated sentiment and topic analysis is available for English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Turkish. Geographic Coverage: Global  Snaptrends – A Social Insights Solution Supports monitoring of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Flickr, Google+ and Vk for social media posts. For person discovery, Snaptrends hits dozens of other social services to gather a complete Social Footprint on individuals. Some of these services include LinkedIn, Pinterest, Kik,, Snapchat, Tumblr, WordPress, Vine, and many more. The service is architected to connect to additional future social media data feeds. Under its agreement with Twitter, Snaptrends has direct access to the Twitter fire hose and therefore can provide custom solutions to its clients. Languages: Multi-Language Support: Snaptrends location-based social media intelligence is language agnostic. The software can search and translate in over 103 different languages simply by using the phrase the analyst is searching. The enterprise version is available in multiple languages. Snaptrends is architected and developed in English. However, it is a Unicode solution with the capability to display and store in any standard available character sets. Sentiment analysis currently performed for English. Google Translate is the standard translation service of the application; however, other translation services can be integrated based on user requirements. Geographic Coverage: Worldwide Availability With the Exception of Embargoed Countries Excerpts only - for more detailed description of each of the key product features accompanied with a sample list of companies offering a particular feature, please order the full Report - Part 1; or visit our publication page for more information.
  • 24. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 24 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; SMM Product Comparison Based on the Key Data Management Features In TABLE 12, we compare the SMM products based on the key data management features: Alerts, Data Export, API Integration with 3rd Party Technologies, and Data Archiving. TABLE 12. SMM Product Comparison Based on the Key Data Management Features: Alerts, Data Export, API Integration, and Data Archiving – List of SMM Tools and Services Product/Company Information Alerts Data Export API Integration Data Archiving  Buzzcapture Yes Yes Yes Yes  YouScan Yes Yes Yes Yes Excerpts only - for more detailed description of each of the key product features accompanied with a sample list of companies offering a particular feature, please order the full Report - Part 1 or visit our publication page for more information. SMM Product Comparison based on the Data Analysis and Visualizations Features In TABLE 21, we compare the SMM products based on the key data analysis and visualization features: sentiment analysis, influencer analysis and profiling, trend analysis, topic/theme analysis, word/tag cloud, competitive analysis, campaign management and monitoring based on the vendor's profiles. TABLE 21. SMM Product Comparison Based on the Key Data Analysis and Visualization Features: Automated Sentiment Analysis, Human Sentiment Analysis, Influencer Analysis and Profiling, Trend Analysis, Topic/Theme Analysis, Word/Tag Cloud or Clusters, Competitive Analysis, Campaign Management and Monitoring Product/Company Information Automated Sentiment Analysis Human Sentiment Analysis Influencer Analysis & Profiling Trend Analysis Topic /Theme Analysis Word / Tag Cloud or Clusters Competitive Analysis Campaign Mgmt. & Monitoring  BoomSonar Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  Coosto Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Excerpts only - for more detailed description of each of the key product features accompanied with a sample list of companies offering a particular feature, please order the full Report - Part 1; or visit our publication page for more information.
  • 25. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 25 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; Product Comparison Based on the User Interface and Process Management Features In TABLE 22, we compare the SMM products based on the process management and user interface product features: customizable dashboard, workflow management, engagement function, and CRM System. TABLE 22. SMM Product Comparison Based on Process Management and User Interface: Customized Dashboards, Workflow Management, Engagement, CRM Product/Company Information Customizable Dashboard Workflow Management Engagement Function Publishing CRM System or Integration with 3rd party CRM systems  BoomSonar Yes Yes Yes Yes Social CRM and integration options  Buzzcapture Yes Yes Yes Integration with their own Social CRM system Excerpts only - for more detailed description of each of the key product features accompanied with a sample list of companies offering a particular feature, please order the full Report - Part 1; or visit our publication page for more information. 5.3 Pricing and Clients As more organizations are adopting social media monitoring platforms to inform their marketing and business strategy, cost issues and the vendor’s experience are becoming quite important. Social media monitoring budgets might vary based on the level and complexity of organization’s business and social media goals, and will include not only the fee and the cost of tools they plan to employ to power their initiatives, but also project and reporting fees and internal expenses for budgeting time and resources to the social media monitoring goals. SMM tool and service providers offer various pricing models such as:  Free (pilot/trial, introductory offer)  Free Commercial Open Source: the customer can acquire software free without having to pay an upfront license fee, but they are responsible for the ongoing maintenance, upgrade, customization, and troubleshooting of the applications.  Subscription/Software as a Service: the payment is made … Excerpts only - for more detailed information on pricing, please order the full Report - Part 1; or visit our publication page for more information.
  • 26. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 26 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; Here we provide a partial list of past and current clients, as well as pricing information for more than 150 SMM tool and service providers obtained from the publicly available sources or directly from SMM technology vendors. TABLE 23. Pricing and Sample Client List (as of October 2016) SMM Tools & Services (Alphabetical Order) Pricing Information Key Clients Snaptrends - A Social Insights Solution Snaptrends is priced either as an annual subscription or as an enterprise license on a per user/seat basis. The SaaS seat license also includes a data storage component for saving search results. Each Snaptrends annual subscription seat license includes:  One-year access to the Web browser based application  Complete suite of Snaptrends analytics & reports  Access to Snaptrends training video library  Unlimited user account, location-based, and topic searches  Set number of stored results  Toll free phone support Pricing starts between $5,000 and $50,000. Volume discounts for multi-year and multi-seat packages are also available. Customers purchasing more than one seat license can also designate an administrative account, which provides account administration, account access and audit capability for all standard accounts (e.g. reset user-passwords, etc.) Snaptrends has customized pricing for professional services and custom development based on non-standard customer requirements. Short-term, event-based licenses can also be customized and priced based on customer requirements. Snaptrends has established a Reseller/Partner program and can also be sold as a white-label solution. The Snaptrends user base includes Fortune 500 companies, Global 1000 companies, advertising agencies, news and media networks, movie studios, telecommunications companies, energy companies, school districts, fire departments, first responders and non-profit agencies worldwide. YouScan The company currently offers 4 plans:  Professional plan for $399 per month: The plan covers 10 topics, automatic sentiment detection, mentions tagging and reports, direct Twitter posting.  Corporate plan for $999 per month: The plan covers 25 topics, all features of Professional plan plus user access rights, CRM Integration, dedicated account manager;  Agency plan for $1,999 per month: The plan covers 50 topics, all features of Enterprise plan plus API access, dedicated account manager 24/7; Each pricing plan includes: Social media and online news monitoring and reporting, Sales Leads discovery, Multi- dimensional data filtering and reporting, Unlimited users, Unlimited results, Trending words clustering, Spam filtering, Teamwork features, Data export, Free account set-up and training. YouScan clients include leading brands and digital agencies:  Corporate clients: Nestle, Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Danone, Michelin, Vodafone, Dyson and others,  Agencies: Action Global Communications, Grape (WPP), Mindshare, Mediacom, MEC, OMD Digital, Traffic Isobar, PRP (Weber Shandwick), Starcom (Vivaki) and many others. Excerpts only - for more detailed description of each of the key product features accompanied with a sample list of companies offering a particular feature, please order the full Report - Part 1; or visit our publication page for more information.
  • 27. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 27 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; 2. PROFILES OF PAID SMM TOOLS AND SERVICES In this section we provide information on paid SMM tool and service providers that we compiled from September-November 2016. We carefully examined tool descriptions on the official company and product Web site and supplemented that information with product reviews, market reports and vendors’ comments in order to create a comprehensive profile for each SMM tool and services. Information in the profiles is laid out in a uniform and structured way to support easy browsing and learning about the SMM tools. In addition, significant number of the product profiles includes one or several screenshots of the product user interfaces that further illustrate the product functionality and increase the reader familiarity with the SMM solution. We also include links to the tool Websites and contact information so that readers can easily access the latest information and obtain the most recent tool updates. As a part of the report excerpts, we have included several sample profiles out of 200 from the Social Media Monitoring Tools and Service Directory 2016:  BoomSonar, BoomSonar SA (Turkey)  Buzzcapture, Buzzcapture BV (The Netherlands)  Coosto, Coosto BV (The Netherlands)  Snaptrends, Snap Trends, Inc. (United States)  YouScan, YouScan Ukraine Ltd. (Ukraine) Excerpts only – To access all 200 SMM Product profiles, please order the full Report - Part 2 Directory; or visit our publication page for more information. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report 2016 Part 1: SMM Tools and Services - Analysis Part 2: SMM Tools and Services Directory Content: Profiles of 200 Social Media Monitoring Technologies and Services
  • 28. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 28 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; BoomSonar Company Name: BoomSonar SA HQs/Country: Turkey Website: Company Type: Private Number of Employees: 98 Introduction of the Tool: 2009 Types of Media Tracked: Monitoring: Websites, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, YouTube, Vimeo, WordPress, Tumblr, Foursquare, VKontakte, Dailymotion, Vine, news sites, blogs, forums, comments, review sites, sharing and bookmarking sites, discussions Management and Publishing: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Key Functions: Business Intelligence, Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis, Reporting, Publishing, Engagement, Social CRM Languages All Languages; Sentiment Analysis in 6 languages; Key Executives: Tevfik Bulent Ongun, Co-founder & CEO at Tick Tock Boom Cuneyt Karakaya, Co-founder Contact: HQ: BoomSonar SA, Harmanci Giz Plaza, Esentepe Harman 1 Sokak No:5/2 34394 Sisli, Istanbul, Turkey Tel: (+90) 532 133 23 42 Swiss Office: BoomSonar SA, Route de Boudry 16, CH-2016 Cortaillod, Neuchatel, Switzerland Social Media:; Offices: Neuchatel (Switzerland), Istanbul (Turkey) Email: General Email:; Direct Email: Yuce Aksoy, Business Development Manager, email: Product Overview BoomSonar Suite is an integrated business intelligence platform that combines web and social media monitoring, social media analytics, social media management, social CRM and online reputation management in one platform and empowers organizations to monitor, measure, manage, analyze and respond across social media channels and web. BoomSonar Suite offers a real time web and social media platform that helps organizations gain a complete understanding of the online conversations about their company, products, topics or competitors, gather data for social CRM, and engage directly from within the BoomSonar’s platform. BoomSonar Suite monitors over 300 million web sites, blogs, forums, review sites, news sites, image and video sites all over the world, combined with major social media channels (e.g., Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Google+, Vine, VKontakte, Dailymotion, Disqus, Vimeo and others) and aggregates the results in a single, easy to use interface in near real time. The platform has firehose access to different data sources, including Twitter, WordPress, IntenseDebate and Disqus to reach all the possible results.
  • 29. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 29 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; BoomSonar Suite provides categorization of both websites and social media users as default, which can be further customized based on the needs of users and their target audience. The website categorization includes over 3.000 different subcategories, arranged in a comprehensive category tree with up to eight levels. This in-depth structure helps users to understand the trends in different website categories, explore the perception of the brand in similar content sources, and find unique points to improve marketing and communication efforts. An important component of the Suite is the social media account management system. BoomManager provides all necessary tools to manage Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube accounts in a single platform. Management system includes a unified inbox to easily manage social media assets, real time account monitoring, a publishing module to prepare and schedule content with 1-to-1 previews, a competition module to monitor the activities of competitors and analyze their engagements, and an analysis module to report all activities in a customizable and interactive dashboard with well-designed Excel and PowerPoint exports. The Social CRM system is an integral part to every aspect of BoomSonar Suite. The advanced listening capabilities of BoomSonar Suite can be enhanced with Social CRM to employ social media as a customer service channel, reply and connect with customers, better understand the customers and build deeper relationships by integrating into the operational capacity of the clients’ CRM systems. A distinguishing advantage of BoomSonar Suite over other monitoring tools is its capable machine learning system, the Smart Algorithm. Smart Algorithm is an advanced Business Intelligence solution that provides instant classification, data processing, smart suggestions and business insights. Smart Algorithm provides actionable insights, creates notifications for the most important results, suggests the best courses of action for each and every result, takes action and helps to make the best use of monitoring. BoomSonar’s unique Smart Algorithm has numerous functions for each department and activity of your company. BoomSonar’s all-in-one social media business platform offers:  BoomSonar: a real time web and social media monitoring platform. BoomSonar Suite offers all the necessary data for analyzing the marketing campaigns, online perception of brands, products and leaders, crisis management, integrated Social CRM and more, in real time. It covers analysis for all major social networks including Twitter, Google+, YouTube and Facebook and comes with a comprehensive set of features for in-depth analysis from web and social media including fast processing options, real time dashboards, spam filters, alerting system, sentiment and competitive analysis, as well as campaign monitoring.  BoomExtra: offers monitoring of additional social channels such as Instagram, Vine and Foursquare that require a different analysis approach,  BoomManager: a social media account management suite specifically designed to help users create, schedule and publish their content, engage wıth users via posts, comments and direct messages, monitor engagement levels, monitor comments on their posts and of competitors and create exportable reports for sharing or further analysis.  BoomReputation: offers necessary tools for monitoring online reputation including monitoring of fake Twitter accounts, Facebook groups, pages, users and events, analyzing Google Search engine ranking to uncover potential threats and develop actionable strategy to guard online reputation.  BoomTools: a real time social media toolbox for marketing and corporate communications with 24/7 automated alerts based on user defined keywords, rules, result volumes, BoomRank, user lists, trending topics and more; delivered via e-mail and SMS.  Social CRM: an integrated social customer relationship management system, designed for brands. The system helps users to assign social CRM duties from every module of BoomSonar Suite, and helps brands to manage their customer relations on web and social media. Social CRM module can also be connected to various external CRM systems.  BoomSocial: BoomSonar also offers a free platform – BoomSocial, a free social media analytics tool for analyzing, measuring, and comparing social media performance of brands and its competitors. BoomSocial leverages tool’s infrastructure and provides social media accounts analysis, brand and competitive analysis, analyses the fan and follower growth and the best content. Users can compare up to 7 different social accounts, review social media performance, and access comprehensive PowerPoint reports. For more detailed information on the BoomSocial platform, please see the BoomSocial product profile.  Newshub: real time command center in a single screen compatible with Smart TV browsers, focusing on the real time delivery of summarized data to provide all the necessary information for analyzing the web and social media, following marketing campaigns, monitoring competitors’ activity, detecting and managing crises, Social CRM activities and more in real time.
  • 30. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 30 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; Key Product Applications: Business Intelligence, Marketing & Communications, Social Customer Relationship Management (Social CRM), Public Relations (PR), Marketing Campaigns Monitoring, Online Reputation and Crises Management, Market Research (Customer Insights, Competitive Analysis, Perception Analysis), Human Resources Industry Focus BoomSonar caters for companies and brands across all industry segments including Automotive, Banking & Finance, FMCG, Construction, Energy, Fashion, Healthcare, Insurance, Media, Pharma, Retail, Technology, Telecommunication, and Tourism Product and Service Availability Software Hosted, Value Added Data Services, Research, Digital PR and Marketing Agency (Social Media Management, Digital PR, Online Reputation Management, Digital Marketing), Digital Consulting (Digital Strategy) Key Product Features:  SaaS o Software as a Service,  Real Time Search and Monitoring: o Real time web and social media monitoring and measurement platform with crawlers operating in real time,  Data Latency: o Searches millions of results in near real time and has direct access to real time data firehoses,  Smart Algorithm: o A fully autonomous learning system to provide instant classification and processing of your results. SmartAlgorithm can analyze all your results, find the sentiment of the content, analyze its category, allocate the result to relevant tags, and assign Social CRM duties as soon as your result arrives,  Social CRM: o Social CRM is integrated to web and social media monitoring, reputation, account management and publishing modules, allowing all results to be assigned for action. The system keeps track of every interaction, provides workflow options and detailed reports, and easily integrates with third party system via API.  Extensive Media Coverage: o Monitoring: All types of web sites, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, Vine, WordPress, VKontakte, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Tumblr, blogs, forums, comments, review sites, sharing and bookmarking sites. Monitoring of Instagram and Foursquare available with BoomExtra subscription. o Facebook Topic Data: Available as an optional extra. o Firehose Access to Major Sources: BoomSonar has firehose access to multiple sources, including Twitter, WordPress, Tumblr, IntenseDebate and Disqus data for real time monitoring, o Management and Publishing: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, and YouTube.  Firehose Access to Major Sources: o BoomSonar has firehose access to Twitter, WordPress, IntenseDebate, Disqus and other data sources for real time monitoring,  Search: o Offers standard keyword searches and flexible Boolean searches with logical operators for more relevant results,  Website Categorization: o Detailed categorization tree of the websites by site content, with over 3,000 sub categories,  Actionable Insights: o Real time notifications on business opportunities, lead generation, customer relationship management, crisis detection and crisis prevention for brands.  Automated and Human Sentiment Analysis: o Automatically assigns sentiment (positive, negative, neutral) to each posts and offers sentiment analysis by media type, competitors, and sentiment trends for English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Turkish languages.  Influencers Analysis and Profiling: o Identifies the most influential individuals and provides access to influencer data such as name, number of tweets, followers, following, post rank, and others.
  • 31. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 31 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; o Influencers’ accounts on different channels can be unified in a single influencer profile  Trend Analysis: o Offers key metrics over time including volume of post over time, sentiment trends, and others,  Topic Analysis: o Automatically determines key topics related to user query via machine learning models and semantic analysis,  Campaign Monitoring: o Monitoring the performance of marketing campaigns and performance comparison of current and prior marketing campaigns,  Competitive Analysis: o Facilitates competitor analysis by monitoring brand and competitors’ social activity, sentiment, engagement and campaigns,  Data Filtering: o Filtering of results by media type, topic/keywords, category type, channel, domain, user name, time period (today, past 7 days, etc.), Boolean text search, sentiment, and others,  Data Visualizations: o More than 70 customizable interactive charts and graphs including bar charts, line charts, doughnut, barometer, radar charts, area charts, geo maps, timelines and others.  Customizable Dashboard: o System offers fully customizable dashboards,  Management and Publishing: o Publishing functions are available through BoomManager for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Management tools helps users to manage all activities in multiple accounts, see and interact with direct messages and mentions, post or schedule content with exact previews and engage in Social CRM activities.  Engagement Function: o A feature that allows users to reply, post and share directly from within BoomSonar platform,  Real Time Alerts: o Real time 24/7 automated alerts based on user’s keywords, queries, rules, automated sentiment, result volume, BoomRank; Influencer, Celebrity, Journalist and other user lists, thresholds, trending topics and etc. delivered via email and SMS, o Alerts sounds for every activity on user’s social media accounts.  Key Metrics: o Offers a wide range of metrics including  BoomRank: All data sources are ranked with regard to popularity, backlinks and SEO ranking,  Influencer score,  Sentiment,  Share of voice,  Volume of post/tweets/retweets today, last hour,  Average number of posts/tweets per minute,  Most shared hashtags and links,  Most mentioned users,  Most used applications to tweet,  Tweet/retweet ratio, and others.  Tag Cloud: o Tag Cloud for all channels, where customized tags are scaled in size depending on frequency of mentions within specific user query,  Workflow Management: o Supports multiple users' accounts and dashboard settings and offers workflow management with admin tools including account management, task assignment, prioritization, and routing options.  Geo Filtering: o Automatic filtering of spam with BoomSonar SmartAlgorithm that blocks all spam content.  Geo Maps: o Geographical result maps are available for both social media and local news sources,  Reporting: o Unlimited reporting, dashboard reporting, exportable reports and automated reports,
  • 32. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 32 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved;  Data Export: o Users can download results and report in PDF, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint formats,  Data Archiving: o Unlimited archiving of user data and content,  Filtering for Spam: o Automatic filtering of spam with BoomSonar SmartAlgorithm that blocks all spam content.  Historical Data: o Historical data for all channels is available on request. BoomSonar offers historical data down to the first tweet on request. It also offers historical data down to 2009 for other sources from its own data archives,  API Integration: o Easy API integration with third party clients,  Support: o Ongoing email and telephone client support available. Screen Capture 1: BoomSonar Monitoring Dashboard with Extensive Filtering Options BoomSonar Results Can Be Filtered for Time Ranges, Language, Specific Keywords, Site Categories, Influencers, Domains and more
  • 33. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 33 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; Screen Capture 2: BoomSonar Newshub - A Real Time Command Center, Designed to Provide a Real Time Summary of Brands' Online Assets. Screen Capture 3: BoomSonar Filters and Categories - The platform provides over 3000 categories and numerous filtering options for data analysis.
  • 34. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 34 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; Screen Capture 4: BoomSonar Monitoring Dashboard Offering Customizable and Interactive Graphs and Charts for Analyzing Web and Social Media Results in Real Time
  • 35. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 35 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; Screen Capture 5: BoomExtra - Offers Monitoring of Additional Social Channels that Require a Different Analysis Approach Screen Capture 6: BoomSonar Management Page - Allowing Users to Post on Multiple Twitter and Facebook Accounts, Check Messages and Mentions, Reply to Users and Process Result
  • 36. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 36 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; Screen Capture 7: BoomSonar Reply to Tweet Pop-Up - Users Can Reply, Retweet and Direct Messages to Twitter Users within BoomSonar and Easily Create Social CRM Records Screen Capture 8: BoomSonar Social CRM - Integrated Social CRM Allows Brands to Engage with Customers, Assign Duties to Team Members, Track Customer Relations and Archive Results
  • 37. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 37 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; Clients: Over 400 brands operating in Energy, Retail, Banking & Finance, Telecommunication, Food, Automotive, Fashion, Pharmaceuticals, Tourism, Insurance, Shopping, Construction, Press & Publishing, Cinema, Cosmetics, e-commerce and other mainstream sectors and to assist digitalization of communication processes. Clients include Alfa Romeo, American Hospital, Avon, Bayer, Beko, Beymen, Body Shop, Boehringer Ingerheim, Bosch, Citibank, CMC, Dogan Media Group, Eti, Ferrari, Fiat, Ford, Grand Hyatt, HTC, Hyatt Regency, Jeep, Koc Holding, Koc University, Lancia, Le Pain Quotidien, Lenovo, L’Oréal, Maserati, McDonalds, Novartis, Opet, Pegasus Airlines, Pinkberry, Setur, Shake Shack, Tarkan, TEB BNP Paribas, Turk Telekom, Yves Rocher, Victoria's Secret and others Pricing: Optional keyword, volume or account based pricing starting from $100/month. Languages: BoomSonar covers all languages. Automated sentiment and topic analysis is available for English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Turkish. Geographic Coverage: Global ______________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 38. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 38 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; Buzzcapture Company Name: Buzzcapture B.V. Company Type: Private Number of Employees: 11-50 HQs/Country: Netherlands Website: Introduction of the Tool: 2007 Types of Media Tracked: Social media (Blogs, Forums, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Review Sites), WhatsApp, Print Media (Newspapers, Journals) TV and Radio Monitoring Key Functions: Monitoring, Analysis, Engagement, Social CRM Languages: 38 Key Executives: Alex van Leeuwen, Principal Contact: Buzzcapture b.v., Overtoom 197 Amsterdam, Nederland 1054 HT, Netherlands Mobile: +31 652 666 478; Tel: +31 (0)20 320 0377 Offices: Europe: Amsterdam (Netherlands) Email: Alex van Leeuwen, email: Product Overview Buzzcapture specializes in (social) media monitoring and social CRM. It offers a reputation management dashboard allowing organizations to monitor, analyse and engage in social media, online news, and offline channels (RTV, print media). Focus of the company is to help brands manage their daily information flow and gain actionable, structural insights in their online and offline reputation. The company combines Buzzcapture’s proprietary technology that retrieves data from millions of on- and offline sources, filters and visualizes data offering advanced reporting and information distribution options to clients. Buzzcapture has an international team of social media experts and media analysts, who optionally can create comprehensible reports and recommendations. Its product portfolio includes:  Brand Monitor: online reputation management dashboard for advanced media analysis providing insights into online and offline reputation across the entire organization.  Social Inbox: a web-based all-in-one solution for all social media, WhatsApp, internal social media and email that collects all relevant communications from multiple channels and provides customer care teams the opportunity to address questions and complaints from customers and prevent any reputation issues,  Reputation Management Research & Reports: offers structural or real time insights in media discussions by creating customized reports based on clients’ needs. The Brand Monitor is personalized online dashboard that provides a real time analysis on buzz volume, sentiment, influencers, trends, competitors, topics, and places where discussions take place, and gives users the opportunity to engage in conversations with their customers and prospects and manage and track their online activities. It provides real- time reports and enables users to instantly receive alerts or text informing them of important events (threats or
  • 39. Social Media Monitoring Tools and Services Report Excerpts, November 2016 Ideya Ltd 39 | P a g e © 2016 Ideya, Ltd. All rights reserved; opportunities) and it allows seamless integration with third party client systems and applications such as Yammer, Sharepoint, or Slack. Industry Focus: Buzzcapture caters to clients across all industry segments with special focus on Financial Services, Government, HealthCare Insurance, Retail, Pharmaceutical Industry, and Non-Profit Organizations Key Product Applications: Marketing, Corporate Communications, PR/Online Reputation Management, Customer Service and Business Intelligence (e.g., Customer Insights, Trends, Competitive Analysis) Product and Service Availability: Software Hosted, Mobile, Consulting (Market Research, Strategy and Training) Key Product Features:  Real Time Monitoring and Reporting Services, o Real time monitoring of relevant online and offline media, o Data Latency: real time,  Customizable Dashboard: o Customizable Dashboards with 24/7 access to the Brand Monitor displaying sentiments, trends, volume, influential, opportunities and threats that are important for online and offline reputation. o Social narrowcasts – enables users to create an unlimited number of narrowcasts,  Technology: o Buzzcapture relies on up and coming BigData/NoSql technologies like ElasticSearch and on state of the art frontend tooling like RaphaelJS and Ember.js. On the other hand, Buzzcapture has custom code to extract structured data from HTML, analyze sentiment, its own crawler and JavaScript chart rendering engine.  Media Coverage: o All-in-one solution for all online and offline media, internal social media, print and RTV, o Extensive media monitoring including social media (blogs, forums, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, review sites), WhatsApp, TV and radio monitoring, and print media such as newspapers and magazines.  Search: o Supports tracking for unlimited number of keywords; it tracks brands, companies, products, and people and analyzes campaigns and events.  Filtering for spam, o Filtering out spam by creating personalized data sets per client and noise / spam reduction by hand through analysts  Data Filtering: o Filtering of results by media type, topic/keyword, impact per expression, country, lists of stakeholders, topics, impact per source, impact per sender etc.  Data Sorting: o Sorting of results by date and relevancy,  Key Metrics: o Volume of discussions, expected volume today, daily average, share of voice, impact of discussions, sentiment, ROI calculations including estimation of the brand value of social media that takes into account parameters such as buzz volume, sentiment impact, CPM rates and editorial value,  Trend Analysis: o Includes volume over time, volume by media type over time, share of voice by media type over time, sentiment over time, ROI over time, etc. o Historical Data: 1 year prior to the start of the account up to 2007  Automated and Human Sentiment Analysis: o Sentiment can be tracked for current and historical data, thus providing sentiment trending data through automated and human analysis  Influencer Profiling and Analysis: o Provides insights on the influence of people and websites that may affect their client reputation,  Topic Analysis and Word/Tag Cloud, o Identification of relevant topics that are being discussed displayed in the Word Cloud,