Yogi Seane Corn Shows Instagram How the Media Shaved 10 Pounds Off Her With Photoshop
Perusing yoga magazines or seeing the covers of yoga DVDs, who would think that something so pure and blissful would be touched by the cruel hand of Photoshop?! But yogi Seane Corn has taken to Instagram to reveal the reality that along with regular magazine models, yogis are photoshopped, too. Captioning these before-and-after pics she said, "Photoshopping has been something that I have taken a stand against since 2000, after I saw a picture of myself that shaved about 10 pounds off my frame, made my boobs bigger, slimmed down my thighs, narrowed my nose and filled in the scar through my eyebrow."
She feels that media perpetuates this standard of beauty and perfection that can only be achieved through Photoshop, yet so many women push their bodies to extremes to try to achieve them. She goes on to say, "These manufactured images are hurtful, unrealistic and perpetuate that certain bodies types are more desirable than others. All bodies are beautiful. All bodies are yoga bodies."
Seane includes the tags #endphotoshopping and #leavemythighsalone, and all we can say is thank you! Hoping this trend of accepting our bodies as they are continues.