WATCH: Trump supporter shouts at Nadler for his ‘Democratic treason’ during impeachment hearing


Owen Shroyer, an InfoWars host, crashed the Democratic impeachment hearings in front of the House Judiciary Committee and yelled at Chairman Jerrold Nadler that he needed to end the impeachment proceedings against President Trump.

“Trump is innocent,” the host shouted at the Monday impeachment hearings. He accused Nadler and the Democrats of “treason” for attempting to impeach Trump.

Shroyer’s protest was at the start of the hearing, and he was quickly hauled out of the hearing by security. Nadler called the hearing to order and reminded everyone of the rules of conduct for the hearings.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced last week that House Democrats would move forward with drafting articles of impeachment against Trump. Following witness testimony before the House Intelligence and Judiciary committees, some moderate Democratic lawmakers have expressed doubts about the case for impeaching the president.

“For me, right now, I am struggling to see how the evidence supports impeachment at this point,” one lawmaker said after Pelosi’s announcement. House Democrats are continuing hearings to determine what will be included in the impeachment articles.

If the House votes to impeach the president, two-thirds of the Senate would still need to vote to remove Trump from office after holding a trial. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters last week that a Senate trial “would not lead to a removal.”

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