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Mosquitoes can be a huge annoyance, especially when you’re trying to enjoy the summer weather on your own property. Dealing with itchy bites and the threat of virus and disease isn’t very relaxing at all. This summer, you can keep the mosquitoes out of your yard by using a few tips and tricks throughout the day. If you’re really struggling, call in a professional pest control company for some help.


Mow your lawn regularly.

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  1. Try to keep your grass short and your shrubs and plants trimmed down so they have fewer spots to hang out in.[1]
    • Depending on how fast your grass grows, you may have to trim it back once a week.
    • Focus on the vegetation near your home, since that will draw mosquitoes closer to the entrances where they can slip inside.
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Drain standing water.

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  1. Look around your yard and drain or turn over any objects that might be holding liquid.[4]
    • Your yard might look okay at first glance, but mosquitoes are tricky! Puddles, watering cans, and even bottle caps can be the perfect home for mosquito eggs.
    • If you have a lot of standing water on your property, consider talking to a professional about leveling out your land.
    • Clogged gutters can also hold standing water.

Change the water in bird baths weekly.

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  1. Make sure you drain and refill your wading pools, bird baths, and potted plant stands at least once a week.[5]
    • If you notice any of those areas are a breeding ground for mosquitoes, consider taking them inside or getting rid of them.
    • If you have an inground pool, make sure it’s treated with chlorine to keep mosquitoes from breeding in it, and cover it with a tarp when you aren’t using it.
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Treat open water with BTI.

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  1. If there are any areas in your yard that can’t be drained, add some BTI bits or dunks to kill any mosquitoes that try to breed there.[8]
    • BTI, or bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, is available in most garden supply stores.
    • You can add BTI dunks to open water and have them float on the surface, or you can sprinkle BTI bits into gutters and other water collection areas.
    • BTI is safe to use around aquatic plants and animals, so you don’t have to worry about your fish or plants.

Spray repellent into your yard.

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  1. Use foggers and aerosols to kill mosquitoes in the air, and use sprays to attack mosquitoes where they’re laying eggs.[9]
    • You can find these foggers, aerosols, and sprays at most department stores or online.
    • Pyrethrin and pyrethroid sprays work the best for getting rid of breeding grounds.
    • Every product is slightly different, so make sure you read the label before using it in your yard.
    • Pyrethroid can be dangerous to other helpful insects such as bees and butterflies. To reduce harm, spray your treatments just before dusk on clear days that aren’t rainy or windy.[10]
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I get rid of mosquitoes in my yard naturally?
    Joshua Bloom
    Joshua Bloom
    Pest Control Specialist
    Joshua Bloom is a Pest Control Specialist and the Vice President of Operations of Standard Pest Management, a pest control company based in New York City. He has over 20 years of experience in the pest control industry and specializes in commercial and large facility pest control management. Standard Pest Control also specializes in ant, bed bug, cockroach, fly, and rodent control. Joshua is licensed by the NYSDEC (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation) for termite control.
    Joshua Bloom
    Pest Control Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Citronella is a natural mosquito repellent, but this won't be a permanent solution if mosquitoes are always hanging out in your yard. You really have to get rid of all standing water. If you have any drainage problems or your gutters aren't functioning properly, you have to fix that stuff first.
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About This Article

Joshua Bloom
Co-authored by:
Pest Control Specialist
This article was co-authored by Joshua Bloom and by wikiHow staff writer, Hannah Madden. Joshua Bloom is a Pest Control Specialist and the Vice President of Operations of Standard Pest Management, a pest control company based in New York City. He has over 20 years of experience in the pest control industry and specializes in commercial and large facility pest control management. Standard Pest Control also specializes in ant, bed bug, cockroach, fly, and rodent control. Joshua is licensed by the NYSDEC (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation) for termite control. This article has been viewed 203,398 times.
10 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 20
Updated: January 10, 2024
Views: 203,398
Categories: Mosquito Control
Article SummaryX

To get rid of mosquitoes in your yard, try putting down some cedar mulch, which will repel mosquitoes and prevent them from nesting near your vegetation. You can also try growing plants that repel mosquitoes, like lemongrass, lavender, citronella, or basil. For a temporary solution, set up a couple fans in your yard and turn them on whenever you're outside so they blow away any flying mosquitoes. Also, if you have incandescent light bulbs in your yard, consider replacing them with fluorescent or LED bulbs since they won't attract bugs. To learn how to kill mosquito larvae in standing water, scroll down!

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