Chris Evans, Jennifer Lawrence, and More Celebrities React to Donald Trump Winning the Election

On Tuesday, Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. Although he promised to "be president for all of Americans" in his victory speech, the range of reactions in Hollywood has been mixed. Some of the Apprentice host's surrogates were quick to offer him their congratulations, while other celebrities openly worried about the fate of our nation. From Chris Evans to George Takei, we've rounded up the most poignant reactions to the election results below.

Getty | Samir Hussein

"Do not let this defeat you — let this enrage you! Let it motivate you! Let this be the fire you didn't have before. If you are an immigrant, if you are a person of color, if you are LGBTQ+, if you are a woman — don't be afraid, be loud!" — Jennifer Lawrence, in an essay for Broadly

Getty | Fred Duval

"America didn't stop being America last night and we didn't stop being Americans and here's the thing about Americans: Our darkest days have always — always — been followed by our finest hours." — Aaron Sorkin, in an essay to his daughter

The unthinkable happened before, to my family in WWII. We got thru it. We held each other close. We kept our dignity and held to our ideals.

— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) November 9, 2016

I feel like America just sent in our tuition check for Trump University.

— John Legend (@johnlegend) November 9, 2016

Choosing to believe Trump voters were sick of the establishment (a feeling we all share to some degree) and valued change above all else...

— James Van Der Beek (@vanderjames) November 9, 2016

Hillary voters: Trump voters aren't all racist misogynistic bullies at heart... they wanted change, and didn't think Hillary was capable.

— James Van Der Beek (@vanderjames) November 9, 2016

America didn't find Trump's flaws fatal for a prez, but can we now all at least admit they're flaws and work together to keep him in check?

— James Van Der Beek (@vanderjames) November 9, 2016

Trump voters: In his victory, can we all take a breath and acknowledge the racism, misogyny & bullying we all find unacceptable?

— James Van Der Beek (@vanderjames) November 9, 2016

Feeling a lot of pain tonight... trying to make sense of it. I feel the anger too... trying to see a way out of it. Maybe it's too soon...

— James Van Der Beek (@vanderjames) November 9, 2016

But it's going to have to happen eventually. And it will. I have to believe that.

— James Van Der Beek (@vanderjames) November 9, 2016

This is an embarrassing night for America. We've let a hatemonger lead our great nation. We've let a bully set our course. I'm devastated.

— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) November 9, 2016

Congratulations @realDonaldTrump for your stunning victory over your opponent! Looking forward to making AMERICA great again!

— Steven Seagal (@sseagalofficial) November 9, 2016

No one can stop you from being a loving, kind, generous person. No matter who wins we will be okay and find our way back to humanity.

— Mark Duplass (@MarkDuplass) November 9, 2016

No matter how dark the times we must face reality & quietly work for the common good & collective evolution with love and compassion.

— Deepak Chopra (@DeepakChopra) November 9, 2016

We must reach out to our friends in the immigrant, LGBT, people of color, & female communities. Promise you'll fight for them. And do.

— Chris Lowell (@mrchrislowell) November 9, 2016

Tradition over truth, arrogance over info, Fame over decency, white male power over, everything. Being horrible is a culture. #ElectionNight

— jesseWilliams. (@iJesseWilliams) November 9, 2016

Be tired. Be mad. Be honest & concerned. But be not afraid. Rest up. Be safe. Come together. Construct. Know your surroundings. Be creative.

— jesseWilliams. (@iJesseWilliams) November 9, 2016

Gather your strength. Now we must turn our tears to sweat, do battle with hate, and turn this chaos into progress. The great work begins.

— Dustin Lance Black (@DLanceBlack) November 9, 2016

Congratulations to my friend @realDonaldTrump - an astonishing achievement. #President

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) November 9, 2016

I do not recognize this world we live in. And I do not accept it. I do not. Nope. And nope.

— Holly Marie Combs (@H_Combs) November 9, 2016

I still believe in us. Despite this evident, great divide. It's time to come together. Hear each other. Not give up, cry, or gloat. Unite.

— Sophia Bush (@SophiaBush) November 9, 2016

My grandparents were immigrants who fled hitler. I'm glad they didn't live to see the country they so loved embrace this platform of hate.

— Mayim Bialik (@missmayim) November 9, 2016

Goodnight, America. There are no more words. Just goodnight.

— Mayim Bialik (@missmayim) November 9, 2016

Where is #OliviaPope when you need her?

— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) November 9, 2016


— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) November 9, 2016


— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) November 9, 2016


— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) November 9, 2016


— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) November 9, 2016

America just elected a man who said to "grab em by the pussy" over the first female president. This is really sad.

— Keegan Allen (@KeeganAllen) November 9, 2016

I want to quit life.

— Rashida Jones (@iamrashidajones) November 9, 2016

Hold your loved ones close tonight. Let 'em feel it. Get some sleep. Back at it tomorrow. Love has a longer wick than hate & fear.

— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) November 9, 2016

The billionaire Republican businessman is close to winning the race and world markets are crashing.
He's all yours, America.
He's all yours

— ABFoundation (@ABFalecbaldwin) November 9, 2016

1- I think the thing to focus on now is our families. To love those that were put in our lives to care for. Also our respective health,

— ABFoundation (@ABFalecbaldwin) November 9, 2016

2- work and faith. The American political system is broken. Walk away from it for a while. As Coriolanus says, "There is a world elsewhere."

— ABFoundation (@ABFalecbaldwin) November 9, 2016

Really, people? ANYONE can be President? ANYONE? ANY-ONE?

— shonda rhimes (@shondarhimes) November 9, 2016

As a female, since Trump started running for office, I've noticed an increase of sexuality assaulting°rading tweets towards me wonder why

— Sarah Hyland (@Sarah_Hyland) November 9, 2016

I will not kneel. I will continue to fight for equality. I will spread love. I will be a warrior of education & kindness. I will NOT kneel.

— Sarah Hyland (@Sarah_Hyland) November 9, 2016

Wow. She conceded. Wow.

— Rob Lowe (@RobLowe) November 9, 2016

My son has special needs... how do I explain to him that the man who mocked a disabled reporter is now running our country #numb

— Sherri Shepherd (@SherriEShepherd) November 9, 2016

Some didn't like Bush. Some didn't like Obama. But this is different. Forget dislike. Many are genuinely fearful now. This is new.

— Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) November 9, 2016

— Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) November 9, 2016

A climate-denying, anti-equality, anti-reproductive rights establishment has been installed, so yes, we're allowed our online meltdowns.

— Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) November 9, 2016

I'm taking tonight to grieve for minorities, women, immigrants, muslims & the LGBTQ community but tomorrow I'm waking up ready to fight.

— Jesse Tyler Ferguson (@jessetyler) November 9, 2016

The positive element from all this is that we can no longer pretend that we are free of racism & sexism. The question is, what do we do now?

— Jessica Chastain (@jes_chastain) November 9, 2016

How do we explain this to future generations of women? And minorities?#weshouldbeashamedofourselves

— Will Arnett™ (@arnettwill) November 9, 2016

Woke up feeling like I'd had a nightmare. Then started crying again. Mantra: I am not alone, we are not alone.

— Anna Kendrick (@AnnaKendrick47) November 9, 2016

OLIVIA POPE is trending. But Olivia Pope is not real. Whats real is the need for love today. LOVE yourself. Take CARE of you & your loved 1s

— kerry washington (@kerrywashington) November 9, 2016

I am scared. I will fight. Trump will not crush my spirit. Hope fuels the fire in my belly to seek the change I want to see in this country

— Gabrielle Union (@itsgabrielleu) November 9, 2016

My condolences to the President and First Lady. We will keep aiming high. We may not have you honored you this time, but we will honor you.

— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) November 9, 2016

I don't even know what to say.

— Matt McGorry (@MattMcGorry) November 9, 2016

Donald Trump has given me, who is 94, the deep desire & will to live to 98 so I can vote for whoever runs against him.

— carl reiner (@carlreiner) November 9, 2016

We Had One Job.

— Questlove Gomez (@questlove) November 9, 2016

A true American Horror Story

— Cheyenne Jackson (@cheyennejackson) November 9, 2016

I'm an American citizen First. Last. Always.

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) November 9, 2016

We all need to give President-Elect Trump a chance. Support the good. Lobby against what we disagree on. No one is bigger than us all

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) November 9, 2016

One Nation. Under God. Indivisible. With Liberty and Justice for All.

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) November 9, 2016