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Why You Should Serve White Wine With Your Cheese Plate

If you’re not sure what type of wine you should serve alongside that fantastic looking cheese plate from your local deli, reach for your favorite bottle of white. Here’s why.

While researching flavor combinations and tasting experiences at the Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation (CGSA – Centre for Taste and Feeding Behavior), sensory scientist Mara Galmarini found that red wine is hit or miss when it comes to cheese pairings—never in between. As Galmarini explains to The Salt, white wine lowers the risk of creating an unpleasant pairing. If you’re serving several different types of cheese, like a cheese plate, it’s better to serve white wine. Ed Behr of the Art of Eating newsletter agrees, noting that most red wines are “completely unrefreshing.” And refreshing—with a touch of dry sweetness—is what you want when cheese is playing a major part of your meal. So, when in doubt, go with a white wine.

Pairing Wine And Cheese? Science Says White May Be A Better Choice Than Red | NPR’s The Salt

Photo by IntercontinentalHongKong.