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15 Sex Facts Your History Teachers Didn't Want You To Know About

Goat eyelash cock rings? Stone dildos? Our ancestors were seriously filthy.

1. 18th-century empress of Russia Catherine the Great employed "foot ticklers" to turn her on.

2. The first cock rings were made from goat eyelashes.

3. And the first dildos were made of stone.

4. Sexy "petting parties" really took off in the 1920s.

5. And so did hardcore pornography.

6. Victorian doctors used to masturbate their patients.

7. King Edward VII spent a lot of time in a French brothel.

8. You could buy sex guidebooks in 18th-century London.

9. And scandalous sex clubs were all the rage too.

10. By 300AD, Rome had 45 brothels, and they were so popular they had to stay closed until the late afternoon.

11. Romans used special "brothel tokens" to pay for sex.

12. Ancient Roman women would use the sweat scraped from gladiators' skin as an aphrodisiac.

13. Sex poems were very popular in medieval France.

14. Medieval women would cheat on "virginity tests".

15. And impotence trials were a thing in medieval France.