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Blizzard App Makes Keeping In Touch With Your Battle Buddies Easier

It's like texting, but through Blizzard!


Blizzard now fits in the palm of your hand. A new app for iOS and Android phones let you take the social features you love about the desktop version on the go.

Instead of only contacting your World of Warcraft team when you're at your computer, the app lets you chat anywhere you go. You can also keep an eye on what your friends are doing so you know exactly when to hop into the game, and add new friends too.

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The Blizzard app is like any other standard messaging app. It's meant to provide a more centralized way to get in touch with your gaming crews. But it also provides a safer alternative than giving your virtual pals personal contact information.

The app is rolling out now on the App Store and Google Play globally. If it's not already available, check back at a later time as it may take some time to open up in your region.

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