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Circle/Flyhigh Works discuss their strong Switch support, more planned

by rawmeatcowboy
29 September 2017
GN Version 5.0

A portion of a Nintendo Life interview with Chris Chau, CEO of CIRCLE Entertainment and foreign (outside Japan) business director of Flyhigh Works...

It's exciting to see the range of titles you have brought to TGS - right up to games still in development.

Of course we are planning on new titles and It's been really positive developing new titles, but it takes a lot of time, so Flyhigh Works are also publishing some games in Japan that were released on the Wii, such as World of Goo, but Nintendo Switch exclusives such as Kamiko are also very important, even though it's a smaller title. We like this platform, we are fans of it and Nintendo games in general, this gives us passion to continue our work.
