Everyone has their favorite blanket for cuddling up on the couch on a chilly day, but few actually make their own customized blankets. Sew or knit your own personalized blanket or make keepsake blankets to give as gifts to friends and family that they'll cherish forever. Choose a style of blanket from the options below and start crafting your way to a cozy creation.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Make a Fleece Tie Blanket

  1. You will probably want between 1.5 and 3 yards of each fleece. You can choose any color or pattern you desire.
    • You can mix and match patterns and solids by using a single color on one side of the blanket and a patterned print on the other. In this case you will need one piece of each style you plan to use.
  2. Lay your first piece of fleece with the rougher side facing up and then lay the second yard of fleece on top, soft side facing up. Make sure that the rough sides of the fleece are facing one another and that the fuzzy sides are facing outward.
  3. Use the lines on your template to ensure a straight cut.
  4. Place it in one corner of the blanket and cut the fleece around it so that a square is cut out of the corner. Repeat for the remaining three sides of the fleece.
  5. Take your tape measure and lay it across the fleece from the top of one right angle to the other so that there is a 4-inch strip of fleece below the tape measure. Pin the tape measure down so that it doesn't move.
  6. Usually 1-inch strips are used. Only cut to just below the tape measure line.
  7. You should now have fringes along all sides of the fleece.
  8. Complete for each fringe on the blanket.
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Knit a Blanket

  1. Familiarize yourself with knitting, casting on and casting off if you do not know how to perform these tasks.
  2. These cast on loops will serve as the foundation for your knitting squares.
  3. Pull the loop tight on the needle.
    • If you are using size 7, 8, 9 or 10 needles, cast-on about 150 stitches to make a medium-sized blanket. If using a size 11, 12 or 13 needle, cast on between 70 to 80 stitches. For even larger needles, cast on between 60 and 70 stitches.
  4. Begin to knit your blanket using a garter stitch. Knit squares to the size that you want and then knit the squares together to build your blanket.
  5. Use any type of wool or yarn that you choose.
  6. First create long rows of squares and then assemble the rows together.
  7. Cast off your stitches by pushing the left needle into the stitch you knitted first, pulling it over the second stitch, and finally completely off the needle.
  8. Tie the end of the yarn into a knot and push it back through a stitch with your needle.
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Crochet a Blanket

  1. You will need 3-4 skeins of yarn for a lap blanket and 6-8 skeins for a larger throw blanket.
    • Crochet hooks range in size from B to S, with S being the largest. The bigger the hook, the larger the stitch.
  2. Decide whether you want to make a single crochet or a double crochet blanket. The single crochet is the easier of the two, so beginners should learn the single crochet before attempting the double crochet.
  3. Slide a slipknot onto the crochet hook, wrap the yarn around the hook from the back to the front and draw a new loop through the knot.
  4. Start behind the hook and come over the hook and then draw it underneath.
    • For a double crochet, insert the hook under the fourth loop from the hook. Yarn over the hook and pull it through the center of the chain. Then yarn over the hook and draw the yarn through the first two loops from the hook. Repeat for the last two loops on the hook.
  5. Work from left to right.
  6. You can switch colors whenever you get to the end of a row before flipping your work if you like.
  7. Cut the leftover yarn down to about six inches and thread it through your needle, pulling it through the last loop on your crochet hook. Incorporate any loose ends into the blanket with small stitches before trimming the ends.
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Make a Quilt

  1. You can either create a template using graph paper or find a free template online. You can use as many different patterns/colors of fabric as you like to make your quilt.
  2. Use a rotary cutter and a self-healing mat to achieve squares as precise as possible.
  3. Use a sewing machine to sew the squares into your desired pattern.
  4. Sew the three layers together with a simple stitch in each corner of the quilt. You will remove this stitch later.
    • Fusible batting needs to be ironed to the other two layers, but regular batting does not.
  5. Follow the seams in the quilt block and keep a 1/4-inch seam allowance between your stitching and the seam.
  6. You should be able to easily cut out the stitches using scissors.
  7. Sew long strips of fabric to the outside border of the quilt to create a more complex, polished pattern.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    What is the size of the blankets?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    A standard queen size California mattress is 60" by 80", and a standard American king size mattress is 74" inches by 82" inches. A twin California mattress is 75" by 39" inches. You would add inches to the blanket, depending on how much overhang you like.
  • Question
    Why do I need a sewing machine, couldn't I just knit a blanket?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can always knit a blanket. This article was simple explaining the easiest method.
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  • Bigger crochet hooks will give you bigger stitches, meaning wider holes in your blanket. For a warmer, tight-knit blanket, use a smaller crochet hook.
  • When quilting, a quilting frame can be very useful for keeping your squares in place.
  • Choose the right size knitting needles to match the type of yarn you are using.
Show More Tips

Things You'll Need

  • Fabric or yarn
  • Tape measure
  • Pencil or pen
  • Sewing machine
  • Crochet needle
  • Thread
  • Scissors

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 18 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 131,474 times.
27 votes - 73%
Co-authors: 18
Updated: May 6, 2021
Views: 131,474
Article SummaryX

To make a blanket that doesn't require any knitting, sewing, or quilting experience, try a fleece tie blanket. Get 2 pieces of fleece and lay 1 piece out flat with the rough side up and the other piece on top, soft side up. Use a 4 by 4 inch square template made of paper to cut square shapes out of all 4 corners of the fleece. Cut 1 inch strips along all 4 sides to create a fringe. Then, tie the fringes in double knots all the way around to connect the 2 pieces and complete your blanket! For tips on how to knit or crochet a blanket, or even how to make a quilt, read on!

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