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15 People Who Are So Fucking Fucked

Do NOT try to kiss a snake on the lips. Please.

1. This kid:

2. Ironically, this truck driver:

3. This snake-lover:

I cant even imagine how bad this hurt 😳😬😬

4. This girl, who thought it was just dust in the corner:

5. This mom:

i just laughed for 15 minutes straight

6. This girl, who trusted this not-so-washable paint:

See you in court Palmer Paint Products

Ok, just found out that she was joking when she tweeted this, and it washed off later. But can you imagine??

7. This passenger:

Everyone: 2016 could not possibly get worse Me: *dies in a car crash while my Uber driver is literally DJing*

8. This little brother:

9. This movie-goer:

10. This ball boy:

11. This person, who's not alone:

12. This slider:

13. This guy, who tricked his friend:

View this video on YouTube


14. This dude, whose mom was notified by the girl he sent an unsolicited dick pic to:

15. This dentalphobe: