General John Kelly, a man whose own face appears to have been chiseled out of bedrock, isn't exactly one for displaying human emotion.
Still, Trump's Chief of Staff couldn't contain all of his feelings at the president's jaw-dropping presser yesterday. Observers couldn't help but notice the General's posture and all around incredibly depressed demeanor.
Part of this is likely projection: so many of us want to believe that there are people in the Trump administration who think that Nazis are, you know, bad. Kelly did nod his head when Trump said he didn't want to lay any blame before he knew the facts. He is, despite all this horror, not taking action and instead remaining on as his Chief of Staff.
But then ...
(Watch with your volume on.)
Twitter offered their own insights into the General's behavior:
None of us know what Kelly is thinking, probably not even Kelly himself.
Topics Donald Trump