

Let me apologize first for not updating this sooner. Oops! I’m sorry 🙂

But I have good news! I’m in remission! I left the clinic (Sierra Integrative Medical Center in Reno, NV) in May 2014. It took a few months for me to recover but I am feeling myself again – my healthy self! I stayed somewhat up to date on Facebook, so I’ll just copy/paste my statuses here in order…

Home Care. Finally got everything in the mail, and about to get organized and set the million alarms on my phone again. Here we go! ‪#‎healing‬‪#‎naturally‬ ‪#‎recovery‬

Sorry I’ve been MIA lately. Just been super busy. I plan to post an update on my blog in the near future though. smile emoticon

Finally started my home care today- here’s my daily schedule- I need more hours in each day. Nurse Joey has to give me my shots cuz I’m a wuss.‪#‎lymedisease‬

The Lethal Lymie June 19, 2014 ·

I’m finally feeling the effects of my homecare regimen. Yay for more energy! Still have some brain fog/concentration issues but that is most likely from my actual brain, not bacteria. While in Reno I found out I have a genetic issue with part of my brain. Need to find out more info on that though, but there is therapy to help that. I’m also seeing a chiropractor for 4 pinched nerves in my neck and back, one of which can cause eye issues and concentration problems. But overall I’m doing good! Still have a ways to go in recovery but I am feeling so much better than before treatment! And I’m happy to report – NO lyme symptoms! Woot Woot! Can’t wait til I’m 100% and I can start being active! I have really missed the gym and lifting weights! Lyme – 0, Kristen – 1

Doing my first liver pack. I could definitely do without the shot of olive oil.‪#‎liverpack‬ ‪#‎detox‬ ‪#‎lymedisease‬

Finally got my other home care kits in. Taking these once a week for a month, then once a month after. ‪#‎homeopathicmedicine‬ ‪#‎simc‬ ‪#‎lymedisease‬

I know I’ve been kind of MIA lately, but I’ve been living life! Feeling better and better as more time goes on. I’ve learned that “recovery” is a real thing. haha! I guess I was thinking I would get home from Reno and be 100%. But nope… it’s taking time for my body to heal after the internal war that’s been going on for the last 3 years. And I will admit, I could have been better with my home care plan. It’s just so tough to fit everything in. On another note, Dr Fong recently tested my adrenal/cortisol and my levels were low so he is sending me two supplements to take for that. So that should give me that extra energy that I’ve been missing! I even had a virus about a week ago that did me in, but surprisingly I bounced back! ‪#‎ihateyoulyme‬‪#‎killedit‬‪#‎healing‬

Yep – still been MIA, I know. But it’s because I’m SYMPTOM FREE! Working like crazy, and actually feeling normal! Yes, it’s possible!!!

Wow I can’t believe it’s been 8 months since I last posted. Yikes! I’m sorry everyone! Here’s a quick update: I’m still in remission! And still symptom free! However, I have been super stressed with heavy workloads and such lately, and that is starting to take a toll. I have a few of my glyoxal shots left over from Sierra Integrative that I just mailed off the other day to get “recharged”. So when those come back I’ll have nurse Joey give me them for a good immune booster! I also am planning a trip down to Tampa sometime in the near future for a dark field. I want to see what my blood is looking like nowadays. All in all – still reporting good results!

Hey everyone! I just wanted to give another update. I am still symptom free! I definitely fell off the Lyme diet wagon, but slowly working my way back into healthy eating. Gluten and sugar free are very important for so many reasons, even if you don’t have Lyme. BUT if you do, just remember that sugar feeds the bacteria, and gluten causes inflammation which Lyme bacteria LOVE! And if you’re like me and always wanting to drop a few pounds, it helps for that too. Also gives you more energy and forces you to eat more raw foods – like fruits, veggies, meats (unless your veggie/vegan), etc.

As for at home treatments, I haven’t been doing anything unsure emoticon On occasion I will take Argentyn 23 if I feel a cold or sinus crud coming on, but overall I feel as though my immune system is doing great! I am still having low thyroid and hormone issues, but dealing with those and working on getting my energy back!

Ok, well that’s all for today. I hope whoever is reading this is having a great day! If you’re battling Lyme, please stay strong! I know it’s easy to get down in the dumps, and become depressed and feel as though you have no way out, but there is hope! There are treatments out there that work – I’m living proof! But don’t ignore your symptoms. Your body will always tell you what’s up! 🙂

I’m here to chat if you need advice for treatment (SIMC is the or if you need a shoulder to cry on. STAY STRONG FELLOW LYMIES! Kill ’em!!! xoxo

Still in remission!! Take that Lyme!!!

My last and final week of treatment at Sierra Integrative Medical Center!

Week 4/4 of Treatment!

Monday 5/5: Happy Cinco de Mayo!

  • Detox IV
  • Detox Shot (arm)
  • 1 hour lunch break before Push
  • Glyoxal shot (butt)
  • Push #15 – dosage “.21″. Reaction: Extremem pain, neuro pain, no shakes, fever 102.5, and an emotional wreck. Got a toradol injection for the pain.

Tuesday 5/6

  • Lymphatic drainage session
  • Detox IV
  • Detox Shot (arm)
  • No Push today because my nerves and anxiety wouldn’t let me get in the right frame of mind. Doc said I probably still had some of the Push lingering from Monday night.
  • H2O2 IV treatment (pure Hydrogen Peroxide – not the kind under your bathroom sink)
  • Glyoxal shot (butt)

Wednesday 5/7: Happy Birthday Dad!!! 

  • Fasting blood draw for weekly labs
  • Darkfield blood analysis. NO SPIROCHETES!!! Woohoo!!!! Here is my before and after. The top picture is from 8/5/13. I had thin cell walls, spirochetes swimming all over, cysts everywhere, allergies, yeast. It wasn’t pretty. Then you see the bottom picture from 5/7/14. Thick cell walls (which means spirochetes can’t burrow their way into the cells to reproduce!!), no spirochetes, no cysts, no yeast, and I still have some allergies but that could be from the environment. Overall, a HUGE improvement!!! I couldn’t be happier! I graduated, yay!!!

photo (3)

  • Detox IV
  • Detox Shot (arm)
  • Appointment with Dr Fong. We went over what my home care will be. All my new supplements and of course all the shots that I’m oh so excited about. Can you sense sarcasm? haha
  • Glyoxal shot (butt)
  • Push #16 – dosage “.26″ Went up another .05 today. After about an hour and a half I only had some mild chills and body aches. I was hoping for the shakes because if I do, than the reaction is over must quicker and the pain doesn’t linger into the next day. I decided to go walk, hop, jump, and move around the clinic in hopes of inducing shakes, but nope. My body and immune system wasn’t having it. All I got was pain. And yet again, I was an emotional wreck so about 2 hours in, I got a shot of toradol. As frustrated as I was, this told me that my immune system was stronger! It took that high dose of “Push” and squashed it like a bug! 

Thursday 5/8:

  • Lymphatic drainage session
  • Chiropractic evaluation and adjustment
  • Lactaid Ringer IV (fluids)
  • Vitamin C IV treatment
    photo 1

Friday 5/9: MY LAST DAY!!!

  • Lymphatic drainage session
  • Major Autohemotherapy treatment (IV fluids, blood ozone, H2O2 IV)
    photo 2


And I’m done here!!! Lots of home care to do but I’m super motivated! I can’t wait to get back and be normal again. Plan to purchase a juicer and drastically change my diet. Yay healthy!

xo ~ Kristen

Week 3 of treatment at Sierra Integrative Medical Center


Monday 4/28:

  • Detox IV
  • Detox Shot (arm)
  • PEMF treatment on my knees for pain, and abdomen to help with detox
  • 1 hour lunch break before Push
  • Glyoxal shot (butt)
  • Push #10 – dosage “.07” which was the same as Friday. Reaction: no shakes, bad neuro pain, body aches/pain, headache and fever up to 103.0, had toradol injection for the pain.

Tuesday 4/29

  • Detox IV
  • Detox Shot (arm)
  • 1 hour lunch break before Push
  • Glyoxal shot (butt)
  • Push #11 – dosage “.12”. Dr Fong wanted me to go up more (.05 instead of .01)  since I hadn’t been shaking. Reaction: chills, body aches and pain, neuro pain, fever up to 102.0. Ended up getting a mag rider (magnesium IV) and toradol injections because my leg pain was awful.

Wednesday 4/30:

  • Fasting blood draw for labs
  • Colonic – off site at another medical clinic. That was quite the experience. :/ I am focusing on detoxing since my body isn’t cleaning itself out like it should. Adding in more fiber and supplements to keep me regular. 
  • PEMF treatment on my knees
  • Detox IV
  • Detox Shot (arm)
  • 1 hour lunch break before Push
  • Glyoxal shot (butt)
  • Push #12 – dosage “.17” Went up another .05 today. Got hooked up to a mag rider as soon as I got into bed. This way it would already be in my system and I wouldn’t have to stay at the clinic as long waiting for it to finish. I can’t seem to find my record of what my reaction was and I cannot remember. I know it was rough, and I did have a toradol injection to stop the fever and pain. 

Thursday 5/1:

  • EEG (Electroencephalogram). Had this test done to see what is going on with my brain. I have a lot of cognitive lyme symptoms like short term memory loss, brain fog, concentration issues, etc. This test had a few things show up, and the way they described to me what was going on was insane. I’ve always had issues reading, ever since high school. I would get really intense headaches, my eyes would jump all over the page, I couldn’t retain what I was reading, or my mind would wonder and think of other things. Turns out I have an area of my brain that’s not working properly which is the cause of all that. It was crazy to me, because I never mentioned this to them since I had been dealing with that way before my Lyme flared up. And I thought that was always something to do with my eyes – not my brain. I’ve also had problems with headaches, jaw pain, and grinding my teeth. Turns out that showed up too. I will look into this further when I get home, and hopefully will be covered by insurance.
    photo (2)
    “Lookin’ good!”
  • Detox IV
  • Detox Shot (arm)
  • Appointment with Dr Fong. This went well. He reiterated that he wants me to be shaking at the beginning of my Push reactions, and to not be afraid of going up more than .01 or .02 in my dosage. He ordered for me to add in Apple Fiber with Apple Pectin each day to work on my regularity, as well as rectal ozone to kill any bad guys up in there. (I know all of this info is just so exciting- but I’m just keepin’ in real. lol) I also had another tube of blood drawn to check my thyroid levels since I haven’t been on my thyroid or adrenal meds since arriving here. 
  • Glyoxal shot (butt)
  • Push #13 – dosage “.20”. Reaction was extreme aches/pain, hard shakes for a good 30 minutes, bad neuro pain, fever up to 102.5. I skipped the mag rider to see how much it actually helped me. Each of those IV’s is around $100 and I am really trying to be frugal with my remaining funds. I did however get the injection of toradol to stop the pain after a couple hours. It was probably the roughest reaction I’ve had so far. I got up to go to the bathroom and almost fell because my knees and legs hurt so bad. Resulting in my first wheelchair experience.

Friday 5/2:

  • Darkfield analysis. I will post the video of this later on. It didn’t look as good as I hoped but I still have a week left.
  • PEMF treatment on my knees
  • Detox IV
  • Detox Shot (arm)
  • 1 hour lunch break before Push
  • Glyoxal shot (butt)
  • Push #14 – dosage “.20”. I stayed the same as yesterday. Reaction was extreme aches/pain, neuro pain, extreme shakes for 30-35 minutes, fever up to 102.6. I ended up riding out the pain and did not have to get the toradol. Hopefully that means my immune system is really getting stronger! 

Saturday 5/3:

I was planning on going in today but I have just been in a funk, and completely drained, so I decided to take the whole weekend off to relax.

Have a great weekend everyone!

xo Kristen

Two weeks down, two to go!

I survived the first two weeks here at Sierra Integrative Medical Center in Reno, NV. It was rough, and took some adjusting but I made it. Here’s what happened:



Monday 4/14:

  • Fasting blood draw for labs
  • Detox IV – takes about an hour
  • Detox Shot (in arm) – they give this during the detox IV
  • 1 hr lunch break: Mom and I went to Whole Foods, yum!
  • Glyoxal Shot (in butt – ouchie!)
  • Push IV injection “Shake and Bake” #1 (out of 20). My dosage today was very small, called “the dip”. It is called the dip because they literally dip the needle into the solution. It took about 1.5 – 2 hrs for me to start feeling it. I got a mild headache and body aches. After 2 hours, Mom and I left the clinic and went back to the apartment. Once I got into my pj’s and settled in, it came on a little stronger. The body aches became more intense and I felt a little dizzy with a temperature of 99.9. That was about it though.

Tuesday 4/15:

  • Chemical Skin Test – When I had my very first tests and labs done in August, I had 5 chemicals/metals show up: Lead, Aluminum, Xylitol, Dibromochloropropane, Heptachlor. In order for my body to heal properly I have to rid it of all the toxicity. I will have 5 different desensitization shots for each item that I have in my body. To make sure I can handle these shots, they have a 3 step process. First they check each medicine with the Biomeridian machine. Then the skin test where they inject it just under the skin to check for a reaction. The third is a shot I give myself at home for each toxin. Once I complete this with no reaction (hopefully), then they will prescribe me a shot for each to do for the next couple months. Oh joy. 
  • Detox IV
  • Detox Shot (arm)
  • 1 hour lunch break before Push
  • Glyoxal shot (butt)
  • Push #2 – dosage .01 which is one dosage up from the dip. This reaction took about an hour and fifteen minutes to kick in. It started with whole body aches, then the chills and freezing cold with mild body shakes, and then the fever set in which got up to 102.2. It was not fun, but I could handle it.

Wednesday 4/16:

  • Detox IV
  • Detox Shot (arm)
  • 1 hour lunch break before Push
  • Glyoxal shot (butt)
  • Push #3 – dosage .02 which is one dosage up from yesterday. This reaction took about an hour to kick in. It started with whole body aches, then the chills and freezing cold with some really crazy body shakes. The body pain that came from these was almost unbearable. I couldn’t get comfortable, my jaw hurt from my teeth chattering, and the pain in my lower back was awful. I didn’t think I was going to make it. The shakes lasted about 30-45 minutes and then the fever came which reached 103.2. After 3 hours of the reaction, Charlie the most awesomest nurse ever!!!! gave me some Toradol (I think – haha #lymebrain) which stopped the Push reaction and gave me some relief.

Thursday 4/17:

  • Darkfield analysis
  • Homecare Class – During this class they taught us how to give ourselves shots and how to create our weekly homecare shot. It’s kind of like a vaccine using drops of our own blood. I couldn’t explain it if I tried. My brain is being overloaded. 😉
  • Detox IV
  • Detox Shot (arm)
  • 1 hour lunch break before Push
  • 10 minute meeting with Dr Fong
  • At this point it was around 5:30 and I just wasn’t comfortable doing a Push and having my reaction at home, because of the reaction I had the night before, and I didn’t want to keep Charlie at the clinic late. So I took the night to relax.

Friday 4/18:

  • Detox IV
  • Detox Shot (arm)
  • 1 hour lunch break before Push
  • Glyoxal shot (butt)
  • Push #4 – dosage .02 which was the same as Wednesday. I thought that since I had such a big reaction on Wednesday that I would have a decent one today since I had a break yesterday. But I was wrong. I had a mild headache and that was about it. It’s tough trying to gauge what dose to take because you don’t want to waste a day without having a reaction. You want to have shakes and a fever because that is what wakes up the immune system and sends it hunting for bad guys, as well as strengthening it. 

The Weekend, finally!
Saturday 4/19:
 Mom and I took a drive up the mountain to Lake Tahoe. It was absolutely beautiful!

Going up…

photo 2IMG_9376And back down the other side… IMG_9380


Lake Tahoe in the distanceIMG_9383 Cali!photo 3Little friends

Lake Tahoe in all her gloryIMG_9386

Mom in all her glory 🙂IMG_9389 IMG_9390And back up!IMG_9395 IMG_9399

IMG_9402 IMG_9408

And back to Reno we go! Our home away from home


Sunday 4/20: Happy Easter! Mom and I found a nice church close by and went to mass. I was feeling extremely exhausted from the day before so we went back to the apartment and I took a nice long nap into the night!


Monday 4/21:

  • Detox IV
  • Detox Shot (arm)
  • 1 hour lunch break before Push
  • Glyoxal shot (butt)
  • Push #5 – dosage .02 which was the same as Friday. After two hours I had no reaction, so I asked for a second dose of .02 – putting me up to a dosage of .04. An hour later came the aches and pain, shakes and fever (which I forgot to record).

Tuesday 4/22: Happy Earth Day!

  • Fasting blood draw for weekly labs
  • Detox IV
  • Detox Shot (arm)
  • Lymphatic drainage session. I had a lot of sore spots which meant my lymph was highly congested and not working like it should. Detox is key during this whole process and the lymph is a huge part of that.
  • 1 hour lunch break before Push
  • Glyoxal shot (butt)
  • Push #6 – dosage .05. Reaction was aches/pain, no shakes, fever up to 102.6. The pain was pretty extreme so I got my first mag rider (Magnesium IV) and an injection of toradol at the 4 hour mark. My pain starts all over my body, then slowly moves down to my legs and joints. Hips, knees especially and ankles.

Wednesday 4/23:

  • Ionic foot bath. This was pretty nasty, I won’t go into details. hahah
  • Detox IV
  • Detox Shot (arm)
  • 1 hour lunch break before Push
  • Glyoxal shot (butt)
  • Push #7 – dosage .06. Reaction was aches/pain, shakes for 30 minutes, fever up to 102.6. Ended up getting another injection of toradol.

Thursday 4/24:

  • Detox IV
  • Detox Shot (arm)
  • 1 hour lunch break before Push
  • Glyoxal shot (butt)
  • Push #8 – dosage .07. Reaction was extreme aches/pain, mild shakes for 20-30 minutes, fever up to 102.6. Got a mag rider and an injection of toradol.

Friday 4/25:

  • Detox IV
  • Detox Shot (arm)
  • 1 hour lunch break before Push
    Got a surprise today from the best hubby ever… ❤
  • Glyoxal shot (butt)
  • Push #9 – dosage .07. Reaction was extreme aches/pain at first so I got hooked up to a mag rider right away, no shakes, fever up to 102.3.

Saturday 4/26:

  • Detox Shot (arm)
  • Chemical desensitizing shots for the above mentioned chemicals/toxins that are in my body.
  • Detox IV
  • 1 hour lunch break before butt shot
  • Glyoxal shot (butt)
  • No Push today – giving my legs and body a rest for the weekend because they are killing me! Especially my knees. I must have a lot of little lyme buggers in there and they are not happy. But I am! #dielyme

🙂 Happy weekend everyone!

Treatment starts in 3 days!!!

Well I made it. I am settled into our furnished apartment here in Reno, NV. I arrived Thursday afternoon and have been doing a lot of sleeping (travel takes a lot out of me), went shopping for all the necessities, and today it is Saturday and I will be picking my mom up from the airport. Luckily she is able to work from here for the whole month and make sure I’m well taken care of, like most moms would do! ❤

Today we are going to Whole Foods and get stocked up on groceries. I haven’t been following any kind of diet the last month or so and I can definitely feel the difference. I am going to be on Gluten-free and sugar-free, and then slowly over time work my way into dairy-free. I can’t give up cheese 100% just yet. :/ The reason us Lymies need to be on a diet like this is because it helps speed up our healing time. Gluten and dairy cause inflammation in the body. When you have chronic inflammation in your body that’s when it becomes bad. Sugar-free diet is very important too. Sugar suppresses your immune system, and feeds bacteria and fungus… which is that last thing we need.

Tomorrow I am going to mentally get ready for what I’m about to put myself through! Here is my schedule that I know of for my first week:

– Fasting Blood Draw @ 8:30am
– IV ingredient check (to make sure I don’t react badly)
– Start treatment protocol from Dr Fong
Phos IV (Liver Detox) – takes 1-2 hours
Liver Detox Shot (in arm)  – get this during the Phos IV
     Oxidation Catalyst Shot (in butt) “butt shot” – imagine a GIANT wasp sting
     Mitochondrial Push Via IV ” shake and bake” – this is the major Lyme Killer! I will most likely stay at the clinic for this one, just in case my reaction is bad. But I think normally right after I get this, I can go back to the apartment and react there. 

The rest of the week I will have…
– Chemical Desensitization (Tuesday)
– Skin Test (Tuesday)
– Check food allergies (Tuesday)
– Treatment protocol from Dr Fong – listed above (daily)
– Darkfield Microscopy (Thursday)
– Appt with Dr Fong (Thursday)

Once I arrive Monday, Ella, the very nice and helpful patient coordinator will give me my schedule. Once I have that, I will post here again with my schedule, more details about each part of my treatment, and updates on how I’m doing. 🙂

I post more regularly on :
Instagram @kris10ann218
Facebook Page “The Lethal Lymie
My hashtags #lymekillintime #operationkilllyme #thelethallymie

I hope everyone out there is having a good, healthy day!





Reno is in my near future….

Well I haven’t been on here in a while since I’ve been utilizing Facebook. But I’m back! Friday night I applied for CareCredit, which is like a credit card but when you apply you input the clinic or doctor you plan to use it for. I applied and was approved for a large chunk of what I need to get back to Sierra Integrative Medical Center in Reno, NV. I recently went and checked out their facility in person back in August 2013, and I know this is where I need to be for my ultimate healing. I truly believe this is where I will reach remission.

Now I know, it’s not guaranteed, and it is expensive, but I am literally losing my mind. My symptoms are getting worse and worse, and I feel like it is affecting my brain and nervous system the most now. Which is so scary. I’ve never had memory problems, and now I can’t remember anything. I forget things I’m supposed to do, I forget whole conversations, I even forget meeting new people. I would normally just deal with it, like I do all my other symptoms, but it has been affecting my job so I can’t just sit around and let myself get worse.

I did not want to acquire more debt, and I thought that one day I would save enough cash to get back out to SIMC, but I feel like if I wait any longer, I won’t be myself. I won’t be able to function like a normal human being, and I don’t want that burden to be put on Joe, my husband, or anyone else. I have to do this for me and my livelihood.

I have been researching lodging, travel, treatment pricing, etc and this is what I have come up with if I make the trek out in May…

$11,000    Treatment (4 weeks)
      $400    Airfare (Awesome!)
   $1,000   Lodging/ furnished apartment (1 month)
   $1,000   Rental Car (1 month)
   $1,075   Monthly bills that will need to be paid on my month off work
      $500   Groceries/ Gas (1 month)
$14,975    TOTAL
With my CareCredit, plus what I have saved I will need around $4,450 additional.

So, if you or anyone you know needs a photographer for anything, please send them my way!

Or if you know anyone that get discounts with rental car places or apartment complexes in Reno, that would be awesome too! 😉


I still have some “KILLING LYME”/ “Team Coconut – Lyme Disease Awareness” shirts available. Mostly size M, L, and XL. $20 each plus shipping if not in the Memphis area. I also have “LYME DISEASE SUCKS” lime green bracelets for sale for $5 each plus shipping. Please let me know if you would like one!


August Update

I have been doing a lot of research the last couple days, and I was able to chat with my fellow lymie friend Lauren yesterday, who gave me a lot of new info. My next big plan of attack is diet, detox and building up my immune system! I have already been gluten free for quite some time, but I am now also vegetarian, and working myself into being vegan, all organic, and GMO-free. I will tell you what though, this diet is not cheap! It’s so crazy how the natural and unprocessed stuff is more expensive these days. Absolutely ridiculous!

Anyway… In addition to diet, I will be doing heavy detoxing. In the mornings I will drink lemon water in place of my coffee (sigh), and then at night I will take a hot detox bath with Epsom salt, essential oils and apple cider vinegar.  One goal with these baths is to raise my body temperature high enough so I can kill the bacteria. These nasty little guys can’t survive in this setting, so bring on the heat!

In the future I will be purchasing a misacting juicer, a Rife machine and an infrared sauna. Those are all large purchases, so I’m focusing on one thing at a time. 🙂

My main goal right now is to stay positive, keep my head up, and be selfish. If I don’t accept this and let go of any resentment, then I will never completely heal. This journey is not only physical but extremely emotional. I have learned so many things about myself and other people around me that I never would have noticed if I wasn’t put in this position. All I know is that I am one strong ass chick and I need to act like it!


Hoping for the good days while dealing with the bad…

Today has been a tough day for me.  Really the last few days have been… well if I’m being completely honest this whole year has been tough.  My Lyme symptoms are slowly getting worse. I can’t afford all of my supplements if I still want to pay all my bills.  My stress levels are growing.  The infamous rock and a hard place, and I’m right in the middle of them.  After my week long trip out to Reno, I am extremely hopeful that I can get the treatment I need at Sierra Integrative.


However the large hurdle I have to overcome is the money.  My frustration towards the CDC and government is growing and growing.  I honestly believe Lyme Disease is an epidemic and there are hundreds of thousands of people out there with this awful disease. Most people don’t even know they have it. I guess I am lucky in that aspect. I could feel this bad and not know what was wrong with me, like a lot of people out there.


I finally uploaded some pictures that I took while in Reno. I never adjusted to the time difference, so I was able to enjoy the sunrise each morning. I never thought I would say this, but I highly enjoyed that.


My view from the hotel was beautiful.


I even met these little guys one morning.

Later in the week, my treatments ended earlier in the day so I took a little scenic drive. IMG_8672






Introducing “The Lethal Lymie”!

While at my first week of treatment at Sierra Integrative this month, I was able to meet two of my lymie friends in person.  I originally came across Lauren, the Lyme Pixie’s InstaGram account back in March of this year, and soon after I met Kim the Lyme Lady online, who is currently going through treatment.  They gave me some more in depth information about the clinic, and were a great support system for me before and during my trip out to Reno.

On Thursday of that week, Lauren made the trip over to meet Kim and I in person.  It was such an inspiring and hopeful feeling having her there because she is now Lyme FREE!  Lauren was telling us that while going through treatment, she created this super hero persona – “The Lyme Pixie”. This helped her get through each day and stay strong. The past two and half years have been a huge battle for me, physically and emotionally, and I struggle each day to find the strength to continue fighting. For this reason, I decided to create my own super hero – “The Lethal Lymie”! I had already named my journey “Operation Kill Lyme” so I thought “The Lethal Lymie” was very appropriate!!!

So now it’s time to put the weaknesses away, and KILL SOME LYME!!!!!!!!!!!!
photo (9)

Lyme Warriors: Lyme Pixie ~ Lethal Lymie ~ Lyme Lady