With a starting price of £35,245, you could argue that the 2017 Mustang Convertible is excellent value for money.

Then again, it really depends on the types of cars you’re generally used to, because according to Carwow’s Mat Watson, the Mustang can be a genuine turn off when it comes to cabin quality and RHD ergonomics.

While he does enjoy the design, both outside and in, he still has a real issue with the cheap materials in the cabin which for some people could offset the car’s sporty character. In terms of practicality, he uses the term “alright” but again comes away rather disappointed with the Mustang Convertible’s rear headroom and legroom, which is shockingly bad for a car this big.

On the road, you’re likely to enjoy having the wind in your hair, however you’d really need to ditch the small EcoBoost unit in favor of the V8 – just to get some excitement in there.

And that pretty much sums up the car for him. It’s not as fun to drive as the Coupe and the build quality is way off anything German that can also put its roof down – like a BMW 4-Series Convertible, which even costs about the same.