Business Intelligence

Analyze and update billions of data points for real-time intelligence.

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"On average, apps experienced +13.3% increase in MAU and +15.0% time spent/user after installing Mapbox SDK"

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Custom visualizations

Control every element of your data visualization from color, to size, to layer order.

Fast maps from billions of points

Quickly render billions of data points, routes, and admin boundaries without slowing down your workflow.

Cross-platform access

Display and analyze your data in beautiful maps across web, mobile, and offline.

Developer-friendly, client-side APIs

Use our fast and secure APIs to quickly change data while keeping it on your servers.

Custom visualizations

Control every element of your data visualization from color, to size, to layer order.

Fast maps from billions of points

Quickly render billions of data points, routes, and admin boundaries without slowing down your workflow.

Cross-platform access

Display and analyze your data in beautiful maps across web, mobile, and offline.

Developer-friendly, client-side APIs

Use our fast and secure APIs to quickly change data while keeping it on your servers.

Build high-performance maps for real-time location analysis

Tableau helps anyone see and understand their data, with maps, boundaries, and geocoding powered by Mapbox. Tableau chose Mapbox to give all users accurate and locale-aware places and boundaries worldwide, as well as high-performance maps that enable powerful analytics at scale, easy customization, and fast data exploration.

Prepare and analyze data of any scale

Mapbox macros in Alteryx add precise, global location data directly into the Alteryx Designer. Users can discover, prepare, and analyze location data of any scale to help them automate tasks, perform data engineering, and deploy analytic models to their collaborators. Macros are available for Mapbox Search, Mapbox Isochrones, Mapbox Spatial Lookup, and Mapbox Boundary Lookup.

Create interactive map visualizations in Power BI dashboards

Create powerful custom map visualizations all in Power BI with the Mapbox Visual plugin. The Mapbox Visual adds vector heatmaps, graduated circle maps, and cluster aggregation to Microsoft PowerBI. Download the plugin and get started with this tutorial.

Enhance data discovery with Mapbox Boundaries

MicroStrategy integrated Mapbox GL JS vector tile maps and Mapbox Boundaries when they needed to serve a growing global customer base with an increasing volume of location data. The integration increased the volume of location data they could display from tens to hundreds of thousands of rows of data.

Recommended base map

Mapbox Light is subtle, full-featured map designed to provide geographic context while highlighting the data on your analytics dashboard, data visualization, or data overlay.

  • Specialized color systems
  • Mapbox Streets data
  • Optimized styling

"Tableau’s new vector based maps offer greater detail and a smoother browsing experience than image-based mapping products. This means when customers zoom or pan, Tableau scales the map accordingly vs. loading images, no longer breaking customers from the flow of their analysis. Mapbox’s leading technology also provides new background mapping layers to add context — including subway and train stations, building footprints, terrain, and water labels — to geospatial data."

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