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Watch the Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer here

Everyone's excited for today's Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer.

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Update: The trailer is above. Marvel at it; Bison, cattle, canoes, stagecoaches, steam trains, chickens, oil fields and cowboys. Holy s**t, son.

Original story: Rockstar officially unveiled Red Dead Redemption 2 just two days ago. By unveiled, we mean confirmed it exists and that it's coming out fall 2017.

The announcement gave us a single poster, and the promise of a new a trailer that's going to drop today at 1am EST/ 8am PT/ 11am ET/ 4pm BST/ 5pm CEST. Speculation around the story featuring seven protagonists has been on for a while, and the official poster only helped in this case.

Are we getting a video game version of the Magnificent Seven through the Housers filter? Time will tell.

Rockstar also didn't drop any hints as to what type of trailer it's going to be. The developer rarely uses CG trailers, so we're probably getting an in-engine overview that may not reveal much.

We'll have the trailer here as soon as it's live.

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