
sin cordura, sin vergüenza

@sin-cordura-blog / sin-cordura-blog.tumblr.com


happy Thursday the 20th

I’d have to wait months or even years for another chance to reblog this, so why the fuck not?

next days you can reblog this on a Thursday the 20th

August 2015

October 2016

April 2017

July 2017

September 2018

December 2018

June 2019

February 2020

August 2020

You know, just in case you wanted to set your queue for the next 6 years




Scorpio has to explain sex jokes to their cancer family members sometimes much to the chagrin of said family members


fyi to yall in quarantine whos grasp on reality is getting a little slippery: isolation, intense boredom, stress and lack of positive routine are absolutely contributing factors to exacerbating psychosis and psychosis-adjacent disorders, even latent ones. im not saying this to fearmonger im saying it so u can recognise it and take steps to handle it especially if it induces your first ever episode.

some warning signs can include

  • starting to believe unusual things that you previously did not believe (e.g. living in a simulation / you or others around you not being real / secretly being in hell or dead / otherworldly beings communicating with you somehow / government conspiracies / everyone around you is out to get you and harboring ill intent)
  • seeing things youre pretty sure arent there (e.g. shadow people, floating lights, stationary objects moving on their own, animals in a house that doesnt have pets)
  • hearing things (e.g. murmured voices, occasional clear and loud voices, faint music, scratching sounds, any without a source)
  • feeling a sense of dread or generalised paranoia, a sense that you are being watched or that something terrible is looming on the horizon but you dont know what
  • having extra trouble putting your thoughts in order and speaking coherently, cannot concentrate, space out to the point of feeling slightly catatonic

those most at risk are anyone with a family history of this vein of mental illness as well as those using certain drugs to get through the tedium of quarantine - if this is you, its best to research whether the substances youre using have documented links to triggering episodes of psychosis in users. weed is included in this, not just psychoactive drugs.

here are some steps you can take to get a handle on the situation if your grasp on reality is slipping like this and you cant access irl mental health resources.

  • have a routine. this is vitally important - you need structure. set an alarm for a specific time every day, even though you have nowhere to be. give yourself a bedtime. eat 2 meals a day, at least, at regular times.
  • leave the house. no, i dont mean Go Out, just be outside for a while every day or two. go for a walk if you can. stand outside your house for 15 minutes paying attention to the cars and the birds and the breeze and the clouds if you cant. really observe your surroundings. get sunlight.
  • on that note - let as much natural light into your house as possible during waking hours. your circadian rhythm needs it.
  • take up some form of hobby that requires physical engagement - whether thats journaling, drawing, making origami, gardening, cooking. the point of this is to ground yourself in your body and the world around you, have an affect on your surroundings, and stimulate your brain.
  • dont dwell on your delusions, hallucinations or distressing trains of thought if you can help it. that isnt to say "snap out of it and just dont have symptoms", but rather accept them without either judging them or overindulging in them. observe them as they happen, accept that they happen, and let it go, if you can. you may not be able to control the experiences, but you can control how you react to them, and the best case scenario is not allowing them to overwhelm your thoughts and your days. this is much easier said than done, especially if the experiences are distressing in nature, but the aim is to sever the feedback loop that causes further stress and thus further bad extrasensory experiences.

this is honestly just a basic surface scratch of advice though bc im by no means an expert, just someone w latent psychosis who used to work in the field for a while. there are tons of resources online by others who have experienced psychosis that can be a huge help if u think you might be at risk due to the stress, boredom and uncertainty of quarantine

Good, actionable advice. My own issues are in the depression and anxiety side of things, but this is also something to watch out for.


Yes yes yes to all of this.

Also -- pro tip if you think you're having visual or auditory hallucinations: use your phone to record what you're seeing/hearing. Then you can review the playback yourself, or send it to a friend who can tell you "Nope, nothing there, you're good."


Some ways to honor Terry Pratchett on his death day, march 12th

  • Strive to understand people you perceive as different from you
  • Tell a truly outrageous pun
  • Eat a bacon sandwich
  • Stand up against an oppressive authority (up to and including punching them)
  • Sing a bawdy song including wizard’s staffs and/or hedgehogs
  • Consider the importance of Angels
  • Demand a free but responsible press
  • Forge a sword out of a meteorite. If you do not have one on hand, store-bought is fine
  • Take responsibility for your actions, be they good or bad or neither
  • Recognize there is injustice in the world, but refuse to accept it
  • Look Up
  • If you have the hattitude, doff a nice-looking chapeau of some kind
  • Make time for the things that matter
  • Live.

I meant to post this ages ago once it had finished healing. This is my one tattoo, my first tattoo. I got it in late 2018, after the election, which the tattoo artist thought was incredibly appropriate.

But for me, it’s more than that. I wanted it in a place I’ve historically self-harmed, someplace I’d see it when falling down that spiral to remind me of how much strength I have underneath it all, but also a place I could easily show it off if I wanted to. So it’s on the inside of my upper arm.

A lot of things in the Newsflesh books were inspiring, encouraging, and validating for me. I’ve listened to the audiobooks dozens of times at this point. And this phrase, repeated so many times throughout the story, feels like a reminder that even at the times we think we’re at our lowest there may still be strength there we can use, if only enough strength to call for help.

I also got my first tattoo in a place where I had historically self-harmed, to stop myself from doing it again.

I am so proud of you.


happy Thursday the 20th

I’d have to wait months or even years for another chance to reblog this, so why the fuck not?

next days you can reblog this on a Thursday the 20th

August 2015

October 2016

April 2017

July 2017

September 2018

December 2018

June 2019

February 2020

August 2020

You know, just in case you wanted to set your queue for the next 6 years




so on the subject of stolen property, i’ve seen various arguments on this point but it is in fact true that inheriting something from a relative, when you know full well that it was stolen, does not make it yours.

this clearly goes doubly so for powerful magical artifacts, and especially for artifacts which are strongly implied to contain part of their creator’s soul!

you can talk about consequences - maybe the artifact in question has benefits for you, maybe you’re not convinced its rightful owners would use it responsibly - but talking about the consequences doesn’t erase the fact that whatever benefits you think you’re getting are achieved through wrongful means.

which is why i, too, think Frodo should have given the One Ring back to Sauron. thief.


Hahahahaha here comes the law student nerd ready to complicate your wonderful post, op.

(Really this is just pretext for me to study for my property final in a week, so thanks yeah)

Because according to the principles of common property law, the matter of who actually owns title to the One Ring becomes really complicated really fast.

Buckle up babes for the pedantic law lecture no one asked for.

(more under the cut)

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