· #procrastination #time management #productivity #habits
  • Notice what is going in your mind/what craving you are having when you are having difficulty starting or getting distracted
  • Grow a new habit on top of an old one. Two ways:
    • Change your environment
    • Track the habit you want to create onto an existing behaviour. If do (x), then do (y)
    • Secret to making habits: you are more likely to agree to do less than more! So start smal
    • Use exercise for a mini nootropic effect
      • Exercise leads to better bloodflow and gets more energy and oxygen to the brain, this leads to increased performance and better willpower
      • Or sometimes, you feel that your need to want to finish the task is even greater than the need to exercise      
      •  Practice some mindfulness. For instance, scrolling through wedding pics on fb of an ex classmate you’ve not spoken to in 10 years? Ask yourself: “I don’t even know this person, why am I looking at their wedding pics?” and then close fb
    • Take a break and let your subconscious do the work
      • Isolate yourself in a quiet room where you are not distracted by the computer, tv, phone, work etc. This is why lots of great thoughts come to you in the shower! It could be a walk or relaxing in a chair – something slow and quiet
      • However warm showers make you release dopamine and increased dopamine flows lead to better creativity
    • Use the flow state cycle
      • Feel totally absorbed with the task at hand

    *Don’t take breaks by checking your phones and watching TV, it actually affects our brain waves and this prevents creativity/ideas from occurring

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    1. abstractedcollective posted this