This article was co-authored by Safir Ali. Safir Ali is the Co-Founder and CEO of Hamper Dry Cleaning and Laundry, a startup in Houston, Texas reinventing the laundry industry. With over six years of experience launching and operating Hamper, Safir specializes in innovative ways to simplify dry cleaning using the experience from his family's business. Safir holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management from Texas A&M University. Hamper offers 24/7 on-demand dry cleaning and laundry through delivery and kiosk services. Hamper has been featured on the Houston Rockets, Station Houston, the Houston Business Journal, BBVA, Yahoo Finance, and Innovation Map.
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A down comforter can be a warm and cozy addition to your bed. To keep your down comforter fluffy and clean, you'll want to wash it from time-to-time. With routine cleanings, you can keep your comforter looking brand-new.
Prepping and Caring for the Comforter
Keep an eye on your comforter. The fabric may become worn with heavy or prolonged use. Stains, rips, mold, and other undesirable conditions may arise without you noticing. Look for loose feathers: down comforters are traditionally stuffed with the fluffy undercoating of geese, ducks, and other soft birds,[1] and a flurry of flying feathers is a telltale sign that the fabric has torn. Repair tears with a needle and a thread that matches the comforter. Spot-clean any stains as soon as they appear.
Professionally clean your comforter only every few years. It is usually unnecessary to clean a down comforter more often than this – and under normal circumstances, you should not take it to a dry-cleaner much more than once a year. The exception: if the fabric becomes extremely soiled, it might be worth your while to have it professionally cleaned for the sake of your peace of mind.[2]
- Be aware: some retailers claim that if you wash too often or too heavily, you can harm the interior down fluff that keeps your comforter warm. Improper washing can strip the down of its natural oils and make it less effective. Furthermore, the comforter may shrink in the wash.[3]
Remove your down comforter from the bed. Whether you are washing the comforter or just rolling for lint, it is best not to clean the comforter while it's still on top of your sheets and mattress. Bring it to a clean, dry place with water-resistant floors: a laundry room, a bathroom, or a patio.
Think about using a duvet cover. This over-blanket or "comforter shell" covers up your comforter and keeps it clean. You can buy duvets to fit various comforter sizes. Duvets usually zip shut around the comforter for the sake of protection. When you notice dirt or stains, you can easily remove the duvet cover and clean it without having to worrying about the comforter.
Use a large, front-loading washing machine. Down comforters tend to be bulky, and a small machine will not likely do the job. If you have a top-loading machine at home, it probably has an "agitator" in the center of the washing chamber, which can rip or otherwise stress the fabric of the comforter. If you don't have a large, front-loading machine at home, consider taking the comforter to a local laundromat. Laundromats tend to have heavy-duty front-loading machines available.[4]
- Your comforter should not be jam-packed into the chamber. Try to find a washing machine that is large enough to fit your comforter with a bit of extra air space. This will help the water and detergent reach every part of the fabric, not just the sections that wind up on the outside of a bundle.
- If you aren't sure, check the owner's manual for your washing machine. It should list the maximum comforter size that you can safely wash.[5] If you don't have the owner's manual, run a web search for "[your washing machine make and model] owner's manual".
Wash gently. When you load your comforter into the machine, add a mild laundry detergent. Use warm water and a delicate cycle; hot or cold water can damage the down.[6] Try to submerge the comforter as completely as possible into the water.
- If your comforter is white, feel free to add bleach. It's usually safe to add bleach even if the label discourages it.[7]
- Consider letting the washing machine run for a minute or two before you load the comforter. This allows the detergent to blend with the water, ensuring a more even wash. This is especially important with such a bulky item – otherwise, the soap might not reach every corner![8]
Use the rinse cycle twice. Make sure that all of the detergent has washed out before you pull the comforter from the wash. It's better to be safe than sorry. Before the comforter hits the spin cycle, pull it out and squeeze some of the water out of it by hand. This might make the waterlogged fabric lighter and more likely to spin well.
Unload the comforter. Once the wash cycle is complete, remove your down comforter from the washing machine. Your comforter should look flatter, smoother, and less bulky than usual.
- If your comforter is white, it may look discolored when you pull it from the wash. Don't worry: it is temporary. The discoloration stems from the wet down fluff, and the clean white hue should return as the comforter dries.
Consider air-drying the comforter. This will take longer than an electrical drying machine, but it is less likely to shrink or damage the fabric. Be patient. Down is notoriously slow to dry. Lay the comforter out in a clean, sunny area, and give it time to dry.
- Avoid line-drying a down comforter. The fabric can develop mildew if it's left hanging in the breeze.
- Consider using air-drying as a prep or precursor to machine-drying. Mitigate the risk of mildew by fluffing and drying the comforter in the dryer afterward.
Use a dryer on a low heat setting. If you do use a drying machine, avoid setting the cycle to a high heat. White comforters can safely dry at a higher heat than can colorful comforters – but they still run the risk of shrinking. Stick to a low setting unless you are extremely pressed for time.
- Toss dryer balls, a canvas sneaker shoe with no laces, or sock-covered tennis balls into the dryer along with the comforter. Any of these items can help break up the feather clumps as it dries. This should fluff the comforter, and it might speed the process.[9]
Check and fluff periodically. Whether you choose to air-dry or to machine dry, make sure to keep an eye on your down comforter to make sure that the process is going smoothly. Check that the fabric is drying evenly through, and not just in patches. Fluff and distribute the down by kneading and shaking the comforter.[10]
- Hold up the comforter periodically and feel for clumps of down. Clumps mean that the still damp and will need longer in the dryer.
Wait until dry. Once the comforter is completely dry, fluff it out and place it back on your bed. The whole drying process could take anywhere from 4 to 12 hours, depending on the method and heat setting that you use. Be patient. Make sure that you have plenty of time to let the comforter settle. Once the comforter is dry, it's ready to use.
Expert Q&A
QuestionHow often should I wash my down comforter?James SearsJames Sears leads the customer happiness team at Neatly, a group of cleaning gurus based in Los Angeles and Orange County, California. James and the team have nine years of experience and offer green cleaning, interior and exterior window washing, and general apartment cleaning services. He provides transformative cleaning experiences by reducing clutter and renewing your home environment. James is a Trustee Scholar at the University of Southern California.
House Cleaning ProfessionalI recommend you read the tag before you clean the down comforter. Most manufacturers recommend only washing down comforters every 3-5 years; washing more than this can harm the down feather's oils. In between washes, try freshening your comforter naturally by hanging it outside to air-out on a sunny day. You can also sprinkle baking soda over the comforter and let it sit overnight. -
QuestionWill a fabric softener hurt my comforter?Community AnswerYes, it will, at least in my experience. The feathers will stick together in hard balls.
QuestionHow do I replace the cover on a goose down comforter?Community AnswerUse a duvet cover. Just make sure it completely closes all the way around so you don't lose any feathers.
Before storing your down comforter away, make sure that it is completely dry. If it is damp, it may mildew. Store it in a cool, well-ventilated closet or cupboard.Thanks
Take care not to clean a down comforter too often. Overworking can break down the feathers. Alternatives to washing your down comforter so often include purchasing a dry-clean kit for your dryer and using a duvet cover to protect the bedding.Thanks
- If you are cleaning a down comforter at home, be sure your washer and dryer can handle the capacity. If your comforter is too big for either, you could ruin your washer and dryer or the comforter.Thanks
Things You'll Need
- Mild laundry detergent
- Bleach (if applicable)
- Dryer balls, canvas sneaker, or tennis balls
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About this article
To clean your down comforter at home, start by machine washing it with warm water on a delicate setting. When it's finished washing, run it through a rinse cycle twice to make sure all the detergent is out of it. Then, take your comforter out of the machine and hang it somewhere to air dry. If you want to use a dryer, set it to low heat so your comforter doesn't shrink. For tips on making your down comforter more fluffy, keep reading!
Reader Success Stories
"Informative, easy to understand, and very useful. This article dispelled my impression that all goose down comforters had to be dry cleaned. I also learned that a front loading washing machine is best versus a top loading. I wouldn't have thought about the agitator ''clogging up the works.'' After reading this, the comforter will be cleaned at the local laundromat that has large machines. The tips about using the rinse cycle twice and hand twisting before drying were helpful. Staying away from line drying was also a good tip because my first instinct would have been to do just that! "..." more