If you find yourself blinking a lot, you might have dry eyes. This condition occurs when you don't produce enough tears to properly lubricate your eyes—and it can be quite uncomfortable! Fortunately, you can easily treat dry eyes with eye drops and a few other simple techniques. If you're prone to dry eyes, there are also a few things you can do to keep them from bothering you as much.

Here are 11 proven ways to alleviate dry eyes.


Use artificial tears when your eyes feel dry.

  1. You can buy artificial tears at any pharmacy, grocery store, or other location that sells personal care products—they're such a common product, you can often even find them at convenience stores. While artificial tears don't necessarily treat the underlying cause of your dry eyes, they do provide relief from the symptoms.[1]
    • Follow the directions on the package when using artificial tears. If you find that you're using them frequently, you might want to see an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) to find out if there's something better you can use.
    • Use eye drops before engaging in visually demanding activities to help prevent dry eyes. Blink often to help spread the moisture evenly across your eyes.
    • If you use artificial tears more than 4 times a day, look for "non-preserved" artificial tears. Preservatives might dry out your eyes even more.[2]

Take frequent breaks during eye-intensive work.

  1. Blink frequently and move your eyes around a lot to keep them active[3] . If you're staring at the same thing for too long, your eyes will likely get dry. In a situation where you need to focus and concentrate on a specific point or area, make a conscious effort to blink as much as possible to keep your eyes lubricated.
    • If you spend most of your workday staring at a computer screen, set up your workstation so that your computer is at eye level and take "eye breaks" every 15 minutes or so to stare off into the middle distance.

Protect your eyes from dry air and irritants.

  1. Fill a cup with cool, filtered water, then put the cup over your eye to gently rinse it out. If you have allergies or live in an area prone to pollution, doing this up to twice a day can ease the irritation.[4]
    • Smoke, smog, pollen, and excessive dryness can interfere with your eyes' ability to stay moist. Pay attention to the environment around you and stay away from excessively dry environments whenever possible.[5]
    • When in a car, direct the air vents away from your face to avoid the air blowing directly into your eyes.

Change the brand or fit of your contacts if you wear them.

  1. Talk to your eye doctor about how long you wear a set of contacts and how often you replace them. Generally, the longer you leave a set of contacts in, the more problems you'll have. Older contacts also tend to cause more irritation, even when they're properly cleaned.[8]
    • Disposable contacts tend to be the lightest and easiest to use. You also don't have to worry about cleaning them since you throw them out with each use.
    • You might also try wearing your contacts for a shorter period during the day. For example, if you usually wear your contacts all day at work, you might try taking them out at lunch and wearing glasses for the rest of the day.

Eat more omega-3 fatty acids.


Stay well-hydrated and well-rested.

  1. The National Eye Institute recommends 8 to 10 glasses of water a day and 7-8 hours of sleep each night for healthy tear production. You might not notice an immediate difference, but with time your eyes will feel better if you make these changes.[12]
    • Try to maintain a regular pattern of going to sleep at around the same time in the evening and waking up around the same time in the morning. This will help balance your internal rhythms so you get better quality sleep.

Visit an eye doctor to determine the cause.

  1. If you only have dry eyes occasionally, you might have no problem using artificial tears now and then when necessary and going on about your day. But if you have to deal with it basically every day, have an eye doctor check it out.
    • They'll ask you lots of questions about your daily activities and environment to try to figure out what might be causing your dry eyes. They'll also look for physical causes, like inflammation of the tear ducts, that could be the culprit.
    • Age can also be a factor[13] . Activities and environments that didn't bother you when you were younger can start to affect you more when you're in your 40s and 50s. Menopause can also cause dry eyes[14] .
    • Tell your eye doctor about any medications you're currently taking. Certain medications, including anti-hypertension drugs and birth control, can cause dry eyes.[15]

Try medicated eye drops if artificial tears don't work.

  1. If your tear ducts become inflamed, they might not produce enough tears to properly lubricate your eyes. Your eye doctor can prescribe medicated eye drops to reduce this inflammation, although they might take some time to work. Here are some types they might prescribe:[16]
    • Cyclosporine A eye drops: used twice a day to reduce inflammation; they might take 1-4 months to reduce symptoms. Your doctor might also prescribe corticosteroid drops for you to use 2 weeks before these to speed up the treatment process.
    • Lifitegrast: also used twice a day. You might see results in as little as 2 weeks. This is a relatively new drug in a new class of medication to relieve dry eyes.

Discuss surgical options with your eye doctor.

  1. If nothing else provides you relief, surgery might hold the answer[17] . Sometimes, doctors recommend surgery that permanently closes the ducts that drain tears into your nose. This allows the tears to remain around your eye. Doctors typically have you use medicated drops for at least 6 months and only recommend surgery if the drops don't improve your condition.
    • Your doctor might also try temporary plugs, which close the tear drains in your lower eyelids. If the temporary plugs give you relief, your doctor can insert permanent plugs. This procedure is a lot simpler than surgery.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I hydrate my eyes?
    Rajesh Khanna, MD
    Rajesh Khanna, MD
    Board Certified Ophthalmologist
    Dr. Rajesh Khanna is a board certified Ophthalmologist and the Founder of Khanna Vision Institute in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Khanna specializes in Lasik, cataract, and refractive eye surgery as well as treatments for presbyopia and keratoconus. Dr. Khanna completed his first Ophthalmology Residency in Mumbai and his second Ophthalmology Residency at SUNY Downstate in New York City. He went on to complete a fellowship training in corneal and refractive surgery from the University of Cincinnati in Ohio and a Neurophthalmology fellowship from Kingsbrook Jewish Hospital in New York City. Dr. Khanna is also a voluntary member of the UCLA faculty and is an Internationally recognized top Lasik, presbyopic implants in the eye (PIE), and Refractive vision care specialist. He is board certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology and is a certified Master of Surgery by the University of Bombay.
    Rajesh Khanna, MD
    Board Certified Ophthalmologist
    Expert Answer
    Use a humidifier to add moisture to dry indoor air, especially if you live in a dry climate.
  • Question
    How long does dry eyes take to go away after wearing Halloween contacts?
    Erik Kramer, DO, MPH
    Erik Kramer, DO, MPH
    Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
    Dr. Erik Kramer is a Board-Certified Primary Care Physician at the University of Colorado. With over 15 years of experience, his clinical interests include obesity and weight management, diabetes care, and preventive care, as well as embracing a holistic approach to primary care. He received his Doctorate in Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) from the Touro University Nevada College of Osteopathic Medicine and completed his residency at Central Maine Medical Center. Dr. Kramer is a Diplomate of the American Board of Obesity Medicine.
    Erik Kramer, DO, MPH
    Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
    Expert Answer
    It can take 1-2 weeks to resolve, but if it's persistent, consider seeing an eye doctor to evaluate your eye for any injury to the cornea or eye itself or infection. This is a risk for any contact lens wearer and good eye care/lens cleaning is very important.
  • Question
    What could be causing my dry eyes?
    Rajesh Khanna, MD
    Rajesh Khanna, MD
    Board Certified Ophthalmologist
    Dr. Rajesh Khanna is a board certified Ophthalmologist and the Founder of Khanna Vision Institute in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Khanna specializes in Lasik, cataract, and refractive eye surgery as well as treatments for presbyopia and keratoconus. Dr. Khanna completed his first Ophthalmology Residency in Mumbai and his second Ophthalmology Residency at SUNY Downstate in New York City. He went on to complete a fellowship training in corneal and refractive surgery from the University of Cincinnati in Ohio and a Neurophthalmology fellowship from Kingsbrook Jewish Hospital in New York City. Dr. Khanna is also a voluntary member of the UCLA faculty and is an Internationally recognized top Lasik, presbyopic implants in the eye (PIE), and Refractive vision care specialist. He is board certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology and is a certified Master of Surgery by the University of Bombay.
    Rajesh Khanna, MD
    Board Certified Ophthalmologist
    Expert Answer
    If you live somewhere that's very dry, the climate is often the cause of dry eyes. Also, if you participate in outdoor activities, be sure you're wearing sunglasses, as that could contribute. Other causes could include allergies, contact lenses, menopause, and certain medications.
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  • Smoking can also lead to dry eyes. If you smoke, talk to your doctor and make a plan to quit smoking. You'll enjoy many other health benefits apart from treating your dry eyes.[18]


  • If you have chronic dry eye, talk to your doctor. It might be a symptom of an underlying health condition, such as diabetes, arthritis, or thyroid disease.[19]

About this article

Rajesh Khanna, MD
Medically reviewed by:
Board Certified Ophthalmologist
This article was medically reviewed by Rajesh Khanna, MD and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD. Dr. Rajesh Khanna is a board certified Ophthalmologist and the Founder of Khanna Vision Institute in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Khanna specializes in Lasik, cataract, and refractive eye surgery as well as treatments for presbyopia and keratoconus. Dr. Khanna completed his first Ophthalmology Residency in Mumbai and his second Ophthalmology Residency at SUNY Downstate in New York City. He went on to complete a fellowship training in corneal and refractive surgery from the University of Cincinnati in Ohio and a Neurophthalmology fellowship from Kingsbrook Jewish Hospital in New York City. Dr. Khanna is also a voluntary member of the UCLA faculty and is an Internationally recognized top Lasik, presbyopic implants in the eye (PIE), and Refractive vision care specialist. He is board certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology and is a certified Master of Surgery by the University of Bombay. This article has been viewed 457,566 times.
3 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 44
Updated: May 4, 2023
Views: 457,566
Article SummaryX

If your eyes are feeling dry, try using artificial eye drops up to 4 times a day. Hold the bottle above your eye, and use your other hand to hold your eyelid open. Take a deep breath to relax, and squeeze the bottle until 1-2 drops fall onto your eyelid. Try not to blink, as that can push the drops out of your eyes. If that doesn’t help, ask your doctor about prescription eye drops or an ointment instead. Read on for tips from our Medical co-author on how to prevent dry eyes!

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