17 celebs who were born rich before they became famous

Enzo Pineda, Maine Mendoza, and Matteo Guidicelli have one thing in common: they all hail from families that are well-off.
Published Oct 10, 2016
Enzo Pineda, Maine Mendoza, Matteo Guidicelli were born into rich families.

Why do celebrities enter showbiz?

To some, it's a dream profession.

They go to auditions, attend go-see, and do not mind starting as extra. They always say acting in front of the camera gives them a natural high.

To some, it's a means to make life more comfortable.

They join the long lines to try their luck at reality-search shows. They find ways to get discovered by a talent scout or a manager or a network or a film outfit.

To some, it was a twist of fate that brought them to the industry.

They are stars who were born into rich families, and their parents probably didn't expect them to become artista. They live in mansions and resort-like houses.

This list is about them, and it features 17 celebrities who, with or without their showbiz careers, will do just fine.

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Enzo Pineda, Maine Mendoza, Matteo Guidicelli were born into rich families.
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