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6 Tips For Expanding Your Startup Internationally

Updated Oct 26, 2016, 11:01am EDT
This article is more than 7 years old.

No matter where your startup is based or how big your local market, there’s a whole world out there with billions of potential clients and users. Expanding your startup internationally may be just the growth strategy you need to take your company to the next level.

But expanding internationally comes with enormous challenges – language barriers, cultural differences, global logistics, marketing nuances, remote staffing hurdles, and more. Here are six tips that can lessen some of these global growing pains and help your startup achieve multinational success.

1. Be Strategic in Your Market Choice

As we grew our company, Roomi, there were certain things we weren’t willing to compromise on, such as top quality customer support and service. We specifically looked to launch in areas with the talent and culture to support these and our other core values. Be strategic about your market choice. Do this by asking yourself the right questions, e.g., Where do you have great contacts? Is there a built-in user base? Is there enough local talent? Can I use this market as a launching pad for other local markets? We chose New Delhi, India for our first office outside of North America because it is one of the most populous cities in the world with a dynamic rental culture and pool of talent – perfect for our business. It also gave us a foothold in India to expand to the rest of the country and Southeast Asia.

2. You Don’t Need a Full-time Team (To Begin With)

Managing teams with both real and cultural oceans between them is never simple. Getting everyone on the same page requires a huge investment of time and resources. Taking on an office abroad can also put intense strain on what you’ve already built at home, so don’t do it until you’re really ready. When our company was first getting off the ground, we operated with the help of independent contractors for almost a year. This gave us time to figure out what gaps we needed to fill and what full-time roles would ultimately be required. It also taught us how to manage remote employees and work together across time zones—great training for having a global presence. We found that we could launch in many new markets remotely, without “feet on the street,” utilizing paid media, social campaigns, SEO and PR. In short, we were able to achieve broader coverage without an actual physical presence… until we really needed it.

3. Lawyer Up

Like it or not, getting a good lawyer is crucial to laying down the right structure for expanding abroad. The process can be difficult and slow, with seemingly endless paperwork, so get yourself a good attorney who knows the ins and outs of the market you are expanding to. You’ll also need good local legal representation in your new country to ensure a smooth launch, so be sure to get that lined up ahead of time.

4. Boots on the Ground

Yes, you can get a lot done remotely, but at some point you also have to be there. Meet your local lawyers and potential employees face to face, be there to buy furniture for the new office, and celebrate your office’s grand opening. Share your company’s story, mission and vision with your new team in a way only you can… in person.

5. Global Presence, Local Relevance

Maintaining company culture across geographies is one of the toughest challenges you’ll encounter – and also one of the most important to address head on. A company’s DNA is what holds it together, especially when your startup gets dispersed around the world. Communication is key, so try to hire people who bring strong communication skills in addition to functional expertise. Don’t just focus on being understood, also focus on understanding, by placing a premium on insights into local markets. For example, in our industry – real estate – markets vary greatly from country to country. In India, it is common to rent a room in a larger family home, and there are existing broker systems to find such rooms – that’s something we needed to know and deeply understand in order to succeed.

6. Let it Go

Give yourself plenty of time to nurture and empower your new team. Yes, you’ll want to teach and test them before handing over the reins – after all, they’re your new face in this part of the world – but resist the urge be a “helicopter CEO.”  Let them make mistakes, and learn from them.

By branching out abroad, your startup is likely to experience growing pains, but by integrating the tips above, it just may go places you never imagined.