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The Way of the Neutron

by Conan Neutron & The Secret Friends

Who Dares? 00:00 / 02:29
  • Streaming + Download

    Pre-order of The Way of the Neutron. You get 12 tracks now (streaming via the free Bandcamp app and also available as a high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more), plus the complete album the moment it’s released.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.
    releases March 20, 2025

      $10 USD  or more


  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Photography by Ed Hunsinger, layout by Ryan Flowers. Gorgeous Gatefold package 140Gram vinyl

    Includes digital pre-order of The Way of the Neutron. You get 12 tracks now (streaming via the free Bandcamp app and also available as a high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more), plus the complete album the moment it’s released.
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.
    digital album releases March 20, 2025
    item ships out on or around May 12, 2025
    edition of 500 
    Purchasable with gift card

      $20 USD or more 


  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    Cardboard CD Wallet Photography by Ed Hunsinger, Layout by Ryan Flower

    Includes digital pre-order of The Way of the Neutron. You get 12 tracks now (streaming via the free Bandcamp app and also available as a high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more), plus the complete album the moment it’s released.
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.
    digital album releases March 20, 2025
    item ships out on or around May 12, 2025
    edition of 500 
    Purchasable with gift card

      $10 USD or more 


  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Photography by Ed Hunsinger, layout by Ryan Flowers. Gorgeous Gatefold package 140Gram vinyl, also includes 10 POSTCARDS of the Way of the Neutron album art, inside and out... including outtakes. Suitable for framing.

    Includes digital pre-order of The Way of the Neutron. You get 12 tracks now (streaming via the free Bandcamp app and also available as a high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more), plus the complete album the moment it’s released.
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.
    digital album releases March 20, 2025
    item ships out on or around May 12, 2025
    edition of 30 
    Purchasable with gift card

      $30 USD or more 


Who Dares? 02:29
When will be the knock out? I don't know. Stomping or creeping up on... tiptoes. Well, I survive and I will thrive and there can be no doubt that we will scream and shout it out who dares? Who dares? Who dares? Who dares? I'm the one who dares. Didn’t come here to lose Didn’t come here to play Building up some hurt bombs Getting stronger everyday One step at a time... move up One round at a time... move up One punch at a time... move up One round at a time... get up Who dares? Who dares? Who dares? I'm the one who dares.
Life can change in a blink of an eye Sharks keep moving and so do I Keep on driving until the wheels fall off... forge my own damn mountain for every trough six seasons, a movie and a couple spin-offs If I had a cocktail it'd be a molotov water's wet, and sharks keep moving water's wet, and sharks keep moving water's wet, and sharks keep moving Sharks keep moving and so do I Cometh the hour and come the man cursed with a sense of grandeur and a master plan Got more actions planned than a Senate subcommittee How you gonna keep the kids on the farm after they've seen the big city? water's wet, and sharks keep moving water's wet, and sharks keep moving water's wet, and sharks keep moving Sharks keep moving, sharks keep moving Life can change in a blink of an eye Sharks keep moving and so do I Sharks keep moving Sharks keep moving Sharks keep moving Sharks keep moving and so do I You're gonna need a bigger boat thought we would sink, surprise! We float. Staring right into the abyss You come at the king you best not miss Life can change in a blink of an eye Sharks keep moving and so do I
I might not be the villain you think you know. Circumstances may seem appropro There seems to be some confusion here Dreaming is useless when you're around. There's no shadow without the afterglow. A villain of circumstance things might not be the way they seem at first glance A villain of circumstance things might not be the way they seem at first glance Overcome signal to noise ratio. Circumstances may seem appropro Not the villain you wanted, but maybe the villain you need Full of braggadocio A villain of circumstance things might not be the way they seem at first glance A villain of circumstance things might not be the way they seem at first glance
You seem to have… misunderstood this problem You seem to have misapplied the diagnosis of this problem Exit! Exit interview! Exit interview... exit! exit interview... exit I’m out and I’m gone. Not holding back anything, all candor in full swing and No punches pulled this time. There’ll be no mistaking which ones mine This place is about to fall apart, let me outline how it started, there is a problem its not mine. You crossed one too many lines. Exit! Exit interview! Exit interview... exit! exit interview... exit I’m out and I’m gone. This place is a sinking ship, a gun with an empty clip Every exit is an entrance to someplace else.
Cause i’m here on officials business And it’s business time I’m here on official business And the business is all mine My time is mine and so is my business Draw some lines, draw some distinctions But so what? What does this yet serve us? if this labor is denied it’s true purpose. Chorus Lava in my veins, magma in my heart Going for the big fish, gonna do my part Some live in cities, some live in towns Heavy is the head, that wears the crown Cause i’m here on officials business And it’s business time I’m here on official business And the business is all mine My time is mine My time is mine and so is my business No one is an island, fewer still are an isthmus Of that I am sure, of that i’m attached to Don’t stay in a place that doesn’t see yr value post chorus : Draw some distinctions, draw some lines Draw a conclusion, sign…on the dotted line Draw yourself into a corner, the blame you can assign Draw up this official business, because it is business time But so what? Official business Official business
Relentless! 04:37
Never cruel, never cowardly Never stop, never cease Never yield, never give way This is our technique Let’s climb the next mountain Let’s explore the next land Relentless relentless Look for the path, and find the path Relentless relentless Let’s explore the next land Who ay who ay Cancel my subscription, I’m done with your issues Throw me to to the wolves and I’ll come back Leading the pack, Relentless Relentless, relentless Cars are made to run, not made to stop. Relentless, relentless Cars are made to run, not made to stop. Who ay who ay Cancel my subscription, I’m done with your issues Throw me to to the wolves and I’ll come back Leading the pack, Relentless Relentless, relentless Cars are made to run, not made to stop. Relentless, relentless Cars are made to run, not made to stop. Who ay who ay
Another threadbare day Worn out in threadbare ways One would hope there would have to be more One more stolen hour, no fear, no need to cower We were wolves, once before You claim it’s fantasy All pervasive mediocrity You think it folly, but it’s going down again tonight A Dream of flight! A Dream of flight! A Dream of flight! Wonder through tired eyes, opportunity arise to be something much more Perhaps you can’t change the world, but let the flag unfurl It’s just your standard door You claim it’s fantasy All pervasive mediocrity You say you’re hungry, well I’m just about starving tonight A Dream of flight! A Dream of flight! A Dream of flight! I have delusions, but I’m not delusional that way The way, it was before. I’ll think it through, but probably not right now. Get off your knees, and soar. You claim it’s fantasy All pervasive mediocrity Dreams can be a burden, but they certainly aren’t tonight A Dream of flight! A Dream of flight! A Dream of flight!
Don’t ruin it by approving it I’ve been here for years and I’m doing it You can’t just introduce a gun And expect to escape the attention of everyone Don’t ruin it, by approving it These things take time and I’m doing it “I love it when a plan comes together.” He grinned “You sonovabitch, yeah I’m in.” You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you take You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you take You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you take Spent all these years trying to remember how to forget. Seems like the harder I work, the luckier I get You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you take You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you take Don’t ruin it by approving it These things lose focus and i’m ensuring it Like a finger pointing at the moon Don’t focus on the finger, it’ll be gone soon Don’t ruin it by approving it It happens every day and I’m enduring it. Everything is nonsense, until it isn’t. When someone says “I’ve got this”, chances are they probably don’t. You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you take You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you take You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you take Spent all these years trying to remember how to forget. Seems like the harder I work, the luckier I get You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you take You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you take
Unbought, unbowed. Taking it on the chin. Integrity wins again. Never was, also-rans and has beens Integrity wins again. Wolves wearing the finest sheepskins Integrity wins again. Multitudes contained within Integrity wins again Scream inside your heart, stoke the fire inside. (Integrity wins, Integrity wins) Keep moving forward, don’t always know why. (Integrity wins, Integrity wins) Walk past the car crash, turn a blind eye (Integrity wins, Integrity wins) Too dumb to quit, too tough to die intellectual property therin Integrity wins again. Better than a kick in the shins Integrity wins again. I’ve heard Jesus Christ died for somebody’s sins Integrity wins again. Be aware when you… see a verifical fin Integrity wins again. Scream inside your heart, stoke the fire inside. (Integrity wins, Integrity wins) Keep moving forward, don’t always know why. (Integrity wins, Integrity wins) Walk past the car crash, turn a blind eye (Integrity wins, Integrity wins) Too dumb to quit, too tough to die Certain values and qualities underpin Integrity wins again. Moisturize if you want luminous skin Integrity wins again. The birthday party spent time in Berlin Integrity wins again Clara Barton played a mean therenin Integrity wins again
Let’s go, let’s risk it Pull the ship over the hill Let’s go, let’s risk it Pull the ship over the hill I am running out of fantasy 70 % chance of catastrophe a collective murder, overwhelming Harmony Pull the ship over the hill for all to see These are the burden of dreams These are the burden of dreams These are the burden of dreams These are the burden of dreams Let’s go, let’s risk it Pull the ship over the hill Let’s go, let’s risk it Pull the ship over the hill Cursed while being here, you see. Unfinished country I love it against my better judgement I love it against my better judgement Shattered burdens, shattered dreams Pull the ship over the hill for all to see These are the burden of dreams These are the burden of dreams These are the burden of dreams These are the burden of dreams
What do you know? And what would you say? I would say no. So quickly, mind made up so closed. I get so low I wlll endeavor now to bring the damage I get so low I get so lonely, but not when I am alone I am a haunted man, I was born into this I’m worse than evil, I’m an idealist. Get up, let’s get it done. Would you like to enlist? I am a bulletproof tiger you can't fuck with this. Watch from below As we escape from gravity Don't tell, but show Head up so high, carry yourself like a champion Lucky enough to find a life you live, have the courage to live it then watch it grow I'm the one nobody expected too much from. We are a wanted band, we write nothing but hits We don’t quit, or let down, you get the gist Get up, let’s get it done. Now would you like to enlist? We are bulletproof tigers, you can't fuck with this. If you shoot me in a dream, you better wake up and apologize, better recognize. If you shoot me in a dream, you better wake up and apologize, better recognize. I was born into this, I was born into this, I was born into this, I was born into this. I am a haunted man, I was born into this I’m worse than evil, I’m an idealist. Get up, let’s get it done. Would you like to enlist? I am a bulletproof tiger you can't fuck with this.
The Way 06:12
There's barely luck , and there's no fate. Fall down seven times and get up eight. Don’t be hard hearted or cruel, but don’t take no guff Don't let them go until they've had enough. Take time for yourself, but don't be lazy They think you're weird, make them think you're crazy I scream to the skies and listen to what they say The way of the neutron is the only way The way of the neutron is not swift or easy You'll be playing 3-dimensional chess while they're fucking around with parchesi Do the work, but don't forget to have fun. It always seems impossible until, until it’s done. When a nucleus splits, it causes nucleur fission I’m a mother loving dandelion, I thrive under adverse conditions I’ve buried my enemies, ive buried my friends. We’ll still be rocking, after, after it all ends —- A tiny seed, buried in the dark trying to fight it’s way into the light. And it is going to try The axe forgets but the tree does not Biding time, it is a full time job. This is the way. When you sing, I believe you might Get off your knees and stand upright Get off your knees and soar You’re not a mouse, you were born into a cage The key, is there if you engage Before the final reel


1. Who Dares?
2. Sharks Keep Moving
3. A Villain of Circumstance
4. Exit Interview
5. Official Business
6. Relentless!
7. A Dream of Flight
8. Chekhov’s Grift
9. Integrity Wins Again
10. Bulletproof Tiger
11. The Burden of Dreams
12. The Way

all songs (C) Conan Neutron & the Secret Friends

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Produced and Engineered by Toshi Kasai
Mastered at Chicago Mastering Service by Bob Weston


All Photography by Ed Hunsinger
Album art and direction by:...  more


releases March 20, 2025

Conan Neutron & the Secret Friends are::
Vocals / Guitar: Conan Neutron
Bass: Tony Ash
Drums: Dale Crover

Vibraslap(s): Dale Crover
Cello: Kate Wakefield (Integrity Wins Again, the Way)
Additional Vocals: Kate Wakefield (A Villain of Circumstance, Integrity Wins Again, The Way)
Dale Crover (Who Dares?, Integrity Wins Again, The Way)
Mindee Jorgensen (The Burden of Dreams)




Conan Neutron & The Secret Friends Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Conan Neutron, Tony Ash and Dale Crover play big weird rock music for smart asses and malcontents.. Featuring members of Replicator, MELVINS, Trophy Wives. Coliseum, and more. Live lineups have a revolving cast of players.


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