Android Question Custom Dialogs on Samsung tables S2 10"


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Hi to all. I am experiencing a very bad situation with new Samsung tablets S2 10". I developed programs with previous Samsung Galaxy tablets, with no problem. With these new tablets, when I display a CustomDialog, if i touch the screen in any position outer of Dialog surface, the dialog gets a Cancel response and closes. This didn't happen on older Galaxy Tab 2 7" tablets. Of course this behavior forbids the use of CustomDialog on these tablets and it is not little thing. I hope to miss something, otherwise things run very bad.. Anyone can confirm this problem? I attach a test program clearly showing what happens. Thanks in advance.


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B4X founder
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This is the standard behavior of dialogs.

I recommend you to avoid using CustomDialog. It is better to use a regular panel in front of the other views. You will have more control over the behavior.

You can do something like:
Do While cd.Show("TEST Dialog","Positive","Cancel","Negative",Null) = DialogResponse.CANCEL
(Remove the Cancel button)
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