This Is Us: If You Like the Show, You'll Love the Soundtrack


We've fallen deeply, truly, and madly in love with This Is Us. The characters are relatable, the acting is on point, and the twists just keep coming. One of the best things about NBC's show, however, is how seamlessly it integrates music from both eras in which it takes place. The first half of season one has included great songs, and we've compiled them here for you. Fair warning that just hearing the music might make you cry, but if you're willing to take your chances, it's worth it.

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"Death With Dignity" by Sufjan Stevens

Plays in the pilot episode.

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"Watch Me" by Labi Siffre

Plays in the pilot episode.

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"Romeo and Juliet" by Dire Straits

Plays in episode two, "The Big Three."

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"Can't Find My Way Home" by Blind Faith

Plays in episode two, "The Big Three."

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"Blues Run the Game" by Jackson C. Frank

Plays in episode three, "Kyle."

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"Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper

Kate sings this in episode three, "Kyle."

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"Keep on Loving You" by REO Speedwagon

Plays in episode four, "The Pool."

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"Spiritesque" by Wages

Plays in episode four, "The Pool."

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"Willin'" by Little Feet

Plays in episode five, "The Game Plan."

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"If I Ever Was a Child" by Wilco

Plays in episode six, "Career Days."

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"Dream It Up" by Sydney Wayser

Plays in episode six, "Career Days."

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"The Wind" by Cat Stevens

Plays in episode seven, "The Best Washing Machine in the World."

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"Straighten Up & Fly Right" by Nat King Cole

Plays in episode seven, "The Best Washing Machine in the World."

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"Where Else" by Mile Me Deaf

Plays in episode seven, "The Best Washing Machine in the World."

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"Bottle" by Broken Anchor & Brad Gordon

Plays in episode eight, "Pilgrim Rick."

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"You Can Call Me Al" by Paul Simon

Plays in episode eight, "Pilgrim Rick."

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"Time of No Reply" by Nick Drake

Plays in episode eight, "Pilgrim Rick."

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"If Only" by Maria Taylor

Plays in episode nine, "The Trip."

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"Only at Christmas Time" by Sufjan Stevens

Plays in episode ten, "Last Christmas."

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"The Little Drummer Boy" by Sufjan Stevens

Plays in episode ten, "Last Christmas."

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