assorted ramblings of a fangirl old enough to know better. Etsy shop

9th October 2016

Photoset reblogged from Figments with 241,005 notes






A reminder: Women can be every bit as horrible, creepy and misogynistic as any sad loner stalker dude on Reddit can be.  

Christ. I have male friends. They’d never even think or say out loud such horrific, monstrous things. Not once.

Misogyny is not limited to gender, you understand.  


God, this is horrifying.

holy internalized sexism batman

Usually, I am against the argument of internalized sexism because usually it is used for a woman who argues with mainstream feminism but THIS is utterly disgusting and horrible and internalized sexism.

“Married a whole woman” 

It is 2k16. 

What the fuck.

Tagged: jesus fucking christinternalised sexismsexism

  1. maybeth-a-letter reblogged this from vaspider
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  3. miss-nadias said: @onceinabloodmoon you don’t even know what faith she practices if she is even religious. Sometimes people are just bad because they choose to be, not because of their religion.
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