This is P-22, the majestic mountain lion that last year claimed a large Los Angeles park near the Hollywood sign as his own.

That he had somehow managed to take up residence in a major park stunned city residents.
Primarily preying on mule deer, P-22 beat the odds just getting to the park, having to sprint across busy freeways that have claimed the lives of less lucky mountain lions before.
Then in March, experts discovered that P-22 had become very sick.

Blood tests revealed the gaunt cat was afflicted with mange, a parasitic skin disease that causes skin lesions and deterioration of the coat. His blood tested positive for anti-coagulant rodenticide, commonly known as rat poison, which experts tied to his condition.
The mountain lion had likely become exposed by eating prey that had earlier ingested the poison, working its way up the food chain until reaching P-22, where it accumulates and can become lethal.
Biologists aided P-22 with a topical treatment for the potentially deadly mange, but they couldn't be sure whether he'd make it.
That is, until remote cameras recently caught up with P-22, and look!

The mountain lion returned to feed over four nights.