Bones are made of living tissue; they never stop growing. When you're young, your body makes bone quickly. At around age 30, the bone-making process slows down and the body begins to lose bone tissue faster than it can be replaced. Nutrients and good practices are necessary to retain bone health after this point. Avoiding broken bones, a concern shared by all ages, can be prevented by supplements, diet, exercise and a few precautionary measures.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Strengthening Your Child's Bones

  1. Bones grow fastest early in life and in puberty. The bones increase in density until they reach peak bone mass. The denser your child's bones are at peak bone mass, the greater their reserves to protect against osteoporosis later in life.[1]
    • Serve your child at least five portions of fruits and vegetables per day. (Don't exceed more than one 150ml glass of fruit juice.)[2]
    • Maintain a daily diet that includes carbohydrates. Potatoes, pasta, rice and wholegrain bread are examples.[3]
    • Include protein in your child's diet. Meat, fish, nuts, beans, eggs and seeds work well.[4]
    • Offer your child plenty of dairy products such as milk and cheese.[5]
  2. Calcium makes our bones and teeth hard. Ninety-nine percent of the calcium in our bodies is found in teeth and bone. Vitamin D helps us to absorb calcium.[6]
    • Insure that your child is getting the recommended intake of calcium. The recommended daily requirement is 1,000 (mg/daily) four to eight year olds. 1,300 (mg/daily) nine to 13 year olds.
    • Your child should focus on getting his required calcium intake past childhood and into young adulthood, as peak bone mass is not generally reached until age 30.
  3. The required amount of vitamin D is 600 (IU/daily). Sunlight is our main natural source of vitamin D.[7]
    • Short, regular periods of exposure to the sun (without sunscreen) are enough to get most people the vitamin D they need.
    • Children with lighter skin should get 10 – 15 minutes of sunlight per day.[8]
    • Children with darker skin need to spend a little longer in the sun to get the same amount of vitamin D.[9]
    • Never let your child's skin get red or start to burn.
    • Babies under six months should not be exposed to direct sunlight.[10]
Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Taking Measures to Protect Your Child's Bones

  1. Among the most common injuries to children are those involving bikes and skateboards. Most occur from not using proper gear.[11]
    • Protect your child from skateboarding, bike riding, scooter riding and in-line skating injuries with knee and elbow pads and wrist guards (and, of course, helmets).[12] Elbow pads can prevent 82% of elbow injuries, and knee pads can prevent 32% of knee injuries.[13]
    • Choose the proper bike size for your child. A child should be able to straddle the bike with both feet on the ground. If the bike is too large, your child won't be able to comfortably use the brakes.[14]
    • Buy durable in-line skates with proper ankle supports.[15]
  2. From bike riding to jumping on a trampoline, place your child in position to participate safely in physical activities. Whatever the activity, ensure that your child begins slowly and is in control while learning safety rules.
    • Encourage your child to master the proper technique of skateboarding before trying tricks. Practice on level ground. About a third of skateboard injuries happen in the first few weeks of skateboarding.
    • Encourage your child to crouch down whenever they think they might take a skateboard spill so that there will be a shorter distance to fall.[16]
    • Only allow one person per skateboard. This will help prevent more injuries, as having more than one person on a skateboard is dangerous. If all people are not at the same level of balance, the skateboard can flip and serious injury can occur to all persons riding the same skateboard.[17]
    • Begin bike riding on soft surfaces. A closely cut lawn works and will cushion a fall.
    • Beware of trampolines. Experts suggest that trampolines should never be used as play equipment[18] Make a rule that no more than one child can be on a trampoline. Many broken bones are due to children colliding while jumping. Not all injuries are as serious, but can still affect them physically for a period of time. Do not take this risk.[19]
    • Teach your child to ice skate by using a milk crate as a "crutch" for the child. The child holds onto the milk crate and pushes it across the ice while skating.
  3. Each year around 200,000 children are injured in playgrounds in America. Don't assume that because the playground is designed for children, it's safe. Always supervise your child to prevent her from doing anything too dangerous.[20]
    • Stand beneath your child if your child is playing on the monkey bars or slide. Falls from monkey bars and slides are one of the main causes of fractured arms in playgrounds. Always be ready to catch them.[21]
    • Be careful if you are sliding down a slide with your toddler. If the child's foot gets stuck, your weight pressing on the child from behind can cause a broken shin bone.[22]
Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Putting the C and D in a Diet for the Elderly

  1. Food which contains calcium or vitamin D should be introduced to your diet regularly. Eat foods rich in calcium to aid in strengthening bones. The recommended daily calcium intake for women 51 – 70 is 1200mg. For men 51 – 70 it is 1000mg. For men and women 71 and older it is 1200mg.[23] There are several good sources of calcium that you can add to your diet.
    • Consume plenty of dairy products. Greek yogurt and milk are good sources of calcium.
    • Include sweet potatoes, white potatoes (including the skin), yogurt and bananas in your diet. They are rich in potassium. Studies suggest that potassium might neutralize the acids that remove calcium from the body.
    • Eat lots of leafy vegetables. Dark leafy greens including chard, arugula, collards, spinach and kale are high in calcium.
  2. Studies suggest that most Americans do not meet the lower end of their calcium requirements.[24] Care for osteoporosis includes intake of calcium and vitamin D. Continued use of them is recommended for optimal fracture prevention.[25]
    • The recommended daily allowance of calcium for adults is about 1,000 (mg/daily). The allowance varies according to age.[26]
    • Vitamin D is important because it helps your body to absorb calcium by allowing it to enter your bloodstream. The recommended allowance of Vitamin D is about 600 (IU/daily).[27]
    • Vitamin K reduces fracture rates. It also increases bone mineral density in osteoporotic people.[28]
  3. There are certain things which work against your body absorbing calcium--they function directly opposite to vitamins, like D, which help your body to absorb calcium.
    • Do not go over the recommended daily sodium intake! Sodium affects calcium requirements because it increases the amount of calcium we excrete in urine.[29]
    • Consume less caffeine. Studies have shown that drinking more than two cups per day accelerates bone loss for people who are not getting enough calcium.
    • Monitor alcohol consumption. Like caffeine, it's not necessary to eliminate it from your diet. But excessive consumption of alcohol prevents vitamin D from helping your body to absorb calcium.
    • Refrain from smoking. Another reason to quit! Studies have shown that smoking can prevent the body from absorbing calcium thereby decreasing bone mass.
Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Decreasing Bone Injuries in the Elderly

  1. Regular exercise is a key to bone health. Bone is living tissue and, like muscle, it weakens if not exercised. High-impact or low-impact weight-bearing exercises are effective ways to exercise.[30] Bones become stronger when called upon to bear weight.
    • High-impact weight-bearing exercises are: dancing, high-impact aerobics, hiking, jogging/running, jumping rope and stair climbing.[31]
    • Low-impact weight-bearing exercises include: the elliptical machine, low-impact aerobics, stair-climbing machines, and walking on a treadmill or outside.[32]
    • Resistance exercises are also effective in improving muscle mass and strengthening bone. An example of a resistance exercise is weight training (free weights or weight machines).[33]
    • Staying physically active has the added benefit of helping with your coordination and keeping your reflexes sharp which will lower your risk of falling. If you're fit, you're less likely to lose your balance.[34]
  2. Choose the right shoes to reduce your chances of breaking a bone. Falls are the most common cause of broken bones among the elderly.[35]
    • Wear comfortable shoes with rubber soles. Avoid sneakers with deep treads. Women: refrain from wearing high heels when you can.
    • Select winter boots with rubber soles for added traction.[36]
  3. Broken bones are often caused by in-home falls. A shoe or toy might be out of place, a stairway unlit, a room too dark. Your home should be as safe as possible to decrease your chances of having an accident leading to a broken bone.[37]
    • Use nightlights so that you'll be able to move safely through the house.
    • Keep the house free of items which present a hazard. Shoes can be placed against a wall or in a closet rather than in the middle of the floor. Electric wire and telephone cord can be tucked behind furniture or stapled to baseboards.
    • Use a handrail when climbing the stairs. Install a handrail if you don't have one.
    • When entering a room, be aware of steps and thresholds.[38]
    • Carpets and area rugs should be tacked or fixed to the floor to avoid slipping.[39]
    • Place florescent tape at the top and bottom of your stairs. Be sure your stairs are well lit.[40]
    • Make your bathroom safe. Use a rubber mat in the shower or tub. Install a grab rail for the tub or shower.[41] Taller "comfort height" toilets also make it easier for the elderly to get up and down, reducing falls.
    • Use wall switches for lamps if you don't have an overhead light, so that you don't have to cross a room in the dark to get to your lamp.[42]
    • Keep a flashlight beside your bed.[43]

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  • Avoid activity while under the influence of medications that can cause dizziness or lack of coordination such as muscle relaxants, sedatives or sleeping pills.
  • If you fall try to land on your thighs or bottom.

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About this article

Jonas DeMuro, MD
Medically reviewed by:
Board Certified Critical Care Surgeon
This article was medically reviewed by Jonas DeMuro, MD. Dr. DeMuro is a board certified Pediatric Critical Care Surgeon in New York. He received his MD from Stony Brook University School of Medicine in 1996. He completed his fellowship in Surgical Critical Care at North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System and was a previous American College of Surgeons (ACS) Fellow. This article has been viewed 19,033 times.
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Updated: October 11, 2022
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