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A man is lifted away, while shouting, by a police officer
Radical activist candidate Avery Ng is taken away by a police officer outside a polling station. Photograph: Kin Cheung/AP
Radical activist candidate Avery Ng is taken away by a police officer outside a polling station. Photograph: Kin Cheung/AP

Hong Kong goes to polls amid anger over China's tightening grip

This article is more than 8 years old

Election is territory’s first since 2014 pro-democracy rallies and comes as activists call for independence from Beijing

Young Hong Kong independence activists calling for a complete break from China have stood for the first time in city-wide legislative elections, the biggest polls since mass pro-democracy protests in 2014. They were fighting for seats in the legislative council (LegCo) on Sunday as concerns grow that Beijing is tightening its grip on the semi-autonomous city.

Before the vote, some polls forecast victories for the young independence activists, but that could split the vote for the pro-democracy camp – and end up playing into the hands of pro-Beijing parties.

Early indications were that a record 2.2 million people voted in the elections. Queues remained outside some polling stations until 2.30am (7.30pm BST) – four hours later than the scheduled cut-off time – as almost 60% of the city’s 3.7 million voters turned out. That compares with 53% in the last LegCo elections in 2012.

Most established pro-democracy politicians do not support the notion of independence and may lose seats to voters who now favour more radical new groups. If the democrats lose just four seats overall, they will forfeit the one-third voting bloc they need to veto bills, stacking the already skewed legislature even more in favour of Beijing.

Fears that Hong Kong’s freedoms were disappearing were raised after five city booksellers known for stocking provocative titles about Beijing politicians disappeared, resurfacing in detention on the mainland. That fuelled the fire of the “localist” movement, which is seeking distance from China after the failure of the 2014 rallies to win political reform.

Now some young campaigners are demanding outright independence, while others seek the chance for Hong Kong to determine its own future in a referendum. The more strident independence activists – criticised by Beijing and Hong Kong authorities for acting illegally – were banned by the government from running in Sunday’s election, a move that sparked anger.

Polls showed some of the handful of pro-independence candidates might win seats, and political analyst Joseph Cheng said he expected new faces in the legislature. “This election is very much characterised by an inter-generational change of politicians and political leaders,” he said.

One 30-year-old voter who gave her name as Sandy said she favoured independence. “This is a very critical time … we are here to ensure a voice can still be heard,” she said.

Counting got under way after 3am local time, and the results as of 5.30am suggested victory for at least some of the young “localist” activists pushing for more distance or independence from Beijing. Nathan Law, a former student leader of the 2014 Umbrella Revolution rallies, whose new party Demosisto wants a referendum for Hongkongers on whether to stay part of China, was on course to take a seat.

Hong Kong was handed back to China by Britain in 1997 under a “one country, two systems” agreement intended to protect its freedoms and partial autonomy for 50 years. However, many young campaigners believe that deal has failed.

While victory for anti-China activists would be a major coup, many still feel they are chasing an impossible cause. Student voter Wilson Vai, 21, said he supported the pro-democracy camp but felt that calling for independence was going too far. “It is too idealistic and unrealistic,” he said.

Even if localists did win seats, with their numbers still small they would not tip the balance in a system where it is almost impossible for the anti-Beijing camp ever to gain a majority.

While 40 of LegCo’s 70 members are directly elected by the public, 30 are selected by small voting blocs from special interest groups representing a range of businesses and social sectors. Those seats go predominantly to pro-Beijing candidates.

Hong Kong’s unpopular leader, Leung Chun-ying, who is seen by critics as a Beijing stooge, described the elections as democratic as he cast his vote. Several political opponents protested outside the polling station, with one – activist Avery Ng – throwing a tuna sandwich towards Leung – saying it symbolised the fact that elderly people cannot afford to eat breakfast in a city where the wealth gap is widening.

Entrenched divisions have led to a LegCo often hamstrung by filibustering and point-scoring. With soaring flat prices and low salaries causing serious concern, many frustrated residents say it is time to put politics aside and focus on struggling communities.

“I just hope that people can sit down and talk without going radical,” said a 72-year-old voter named Yau.

The count begins soon after polls close and results are expected early on Monday.

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